NUCLEAR WASTE STORAGE FACILITIES ARE NOT POPULAR WITH THE PUBLIC James Flynn and Paul Slovic 1995 (senior researcher with Decision Research,president of Decision research and prof of psychology at the University of Oregon, "YUCCA MOUNTAIN A CRISIS FOR POLICY Prospects for America's High-Level Nuclear Waste Program" Annual Rev. Energy Environ. 1995. 20:83-118 At the same time, this program had the unfortunate effect of linking the civilian nuclear industry's HLNW problems with the nuclear weapons complex, just when revelations of past practices at the weapons complex became sensational stories in the news media. These stories included reports of hazardous conditions at places such as Hanford, Washington, Fernald, Ohio, Rocky Hats, Colorado, and Savannah, Georgia. News accounts of accidental and deliberate releases of radioactivity from these weapons sites during the Cold War were broadcast widely. These stories damaged the reputation of DOE and its claims to provide expert management of radioactive processes and wastes (20).
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