Personal pronoun. The following words are called personal pronouns because they indicate people Ii you, he, she, it, we, and they. Each of them has a separate entry that explains the rules and nuances of their use, gives examples of poor and good usage, and refers to other entries with important information. See also pronouns, case, number, and agreement. Ph.D. The abbreviation for the academic doctoral degree is PhD When names include the abbreviation (which follows the name and is set o by commas, they do not need any other honori c (such as Dr, Mr, Ms, etc They honored Sally Fay,
PhD, and her achievements in executive education. Ms. Fay could not accept the award in person.” Phrase. Phrases are groups of words that do not have subjects, verbs, or objects or subject complements but stand in place of or add meaning to those elements of sentences. Phrases can function as various