Multimedia properties media dialog
volume control applet produced. If the cable is broken or questionable, try anew set of speakers. Also see that the master volume control on the soundboard is turned upmost (or all) of the way. If problems continue, a resource conflict might be occurring between the soundboard and another device in the system. Examine the IRQ, DMA, and IO settings of each device in the system. Be sure that no two devices are using the same resources. You might like to use the PC Configuration Format the end of this book to record your settings. If problems persist,
and no conflict is present, try another soundboard. Symptom 41-3. CD audio will not play through the sound card This problem can occur under both DOS and Windows. First, be sure that the soundboard is actually capable of playing CD audio (older boards might not be compatible. If the sound card is playing sound files, but is not playing CD audio, check several things. First, open the PC and be sure that the CD-audio cable (a thin, wire cable) is attached from the CD-ROM drive to the soundboard. If this cable is broken,
disconnected, or absent, CD audio will not be passed to the soundboard. If the cable is intact, be sure that the CD audio player is configured properly for the soundboard you are using, and check the startup files to see that any drivers and environment variables needed by CONFIG.SYS and
AUTOEXEC.BAT are available. If CD audio
fails to play under Windows, be sure that an
MCI (Multimedia Control Interface) CD Audio driver is included in the
Drivers dialog box under Windows
Control panel. Symptom 41-4.
An error, such as No interrupt vector available appears The DOS interrupt vectors used by the soundboards setup drivers (usually INT h to BFh) are being used by one or more other drivers in the system. As a consequence, there is a software conflict. Try disabling other drivers in the system one at a time until you seethe conflict disappear. Once you have isolated the offending drivers, you can leave them disabled, or (if possible) alter their command-line settings so that they no longer conflict with the soundboards software. Symptom 41-5. It has no MIDI output Be sure that the file you are trying to play is a valid MIDI file (usually with a MID extension. Inmost cases, you will find that the
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