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RESOURCE ALLOCATIONS focus on ensuring that every
learner has adequate support, spaces, resources, and tools to meet their needs and best support their learning experiences. The focus on each learner’s progress along competency domains drives more resources to those learners who have stalled in their progress in particular competency areas or those who have started behind their peers. Financial resources will be applied and integrated in ways that support the whole child, ensuring that each child has access to and receives
the necessary educational, social, emotional, and health supports and services, regardless of economic circumstances.
We affirm that
education is a public good and, therefore, exists as a public responsibility that society has to each of its members. Given its vital importance, both public and private investment in education are essential and will be used to move the system into the learner-centered paradigm.
In addition to experimentation with
these core system components, we recognize the need to innovate and create systems of funding, governance, and quality assurance
consistent with the vision, as well as the need to develop supportive public policies. The chart below juxtaposes some of the model components of the current paradigm with those of the learner-centered one.
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