Page | 27 quotient of the division of the accumulator’s content by 10.
Lets try another example, 420. The accumulator again contains 2121 initially. The amount of shift to the left is 2 so we move all digits of the accumulator’s content to the left two places and add a zero to the right for everyplace we shift we get 2100. The first 2 digits are truncated because the accumulator is only four positions in length. Shifting 1 place to the left is like multiplying the accumulator’s content by 10.
5 OUT Outputs the content of the specified memory block. For example, 501 means output
the content of memory block 01.
STO Stores the content of the accumulator in the specified memory block. For example, 601 means store the content of the accumulator into memory block 01.
7 SUB Subtracts the content of the specified memory block from the content of the accumulator. For example, 701 means subtract the content of memory block 01 from the content of the accumulator.
JMP Jumps to the specified memory block unconditionally. For example, 825 means set the program counter to 25, go to memory block 25, and execute the command stored in it.
9 HRS Halts or ends the program. We always use 900.
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