4-2 North Atlantic Guidance Material
Edition b) the adequacy of operational procedures c) the adequacy of maintenance arrangements and d) the adequacy of operations and maintenance training programmes.
4.2.3 The amount of flying required to complete an evaluation will vary depending upon the type of installation and the experience of the manufacturer or other Operators with the equipment and the results which have been obtained.
4.2.4 The process of operational approval of anew system, after its
airworthiness certification, will generally consist of the following phases a) manufacturers' trials and trials on-board the aircraft in the regional environment concerned, with the basic requirement being met by an existing approved system. Previous valid evaluation programme data maybe used b) confirmatory flights by the flight standards organisation
of the State of Registry, after establishing that the overall standards of accuracy and reliability appear acceptable to ensure that adequate operating drills/procedures and training facilities have been developed leading to conditional approval for use in the environment and c) close monitoring of operational use in the designated environment to ensure that the initially approved level of performance is being maintained.
4.2.5 If the performance of a system falls significantly below the requirement during operational use, the State of Registry will need to consider whether remedial action in terms of improvement to the equipment or
flight-deck drills is possible, or whether the aircraft may need to be temporarily excluded from the airspace. This latter consideration is of significant importance, as the only alternative might be to increase the separation
values currently applied, thus creating a considerable economic burden for other Operators.
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