4.7 Database of State MNPS and RVSM Approvals 4.7.1 In order to adequately monitor NAT MNPS Airspace, State aviation authorities shall maintain a database of all MNPS and RVSM approvals that they have granted for operations within MNPS Airspace. In addition, data on RVSM approved airframes is input into a central database, maintained by the NAT CMA (see below. The CMA database facilitates the tactical monitoring of aircraft approval status and the exclusion of non-approved users. 4.8 Notification of issue of NAT RVSM approval 4.8.1 It is an ICAO requirement that States issuing NAT RVSM approvals should notify the CMA of each approval. The established procedure to facilitate the transfer of RVSM approvals data from State databases to the NAT CMA database, involves each State informing the NAT CMA of any new approvals, by completing a CMA Form F and transmitting it by the most expeditious method available. Additionally, any permanent withdrawal of approval for any reason should be notified using the CMA Form F. Both forms and notes to aid their completion are at Appendix C.