5-2 North Atlantic Guidance Material
Edition call reports (times, positions, etc)
made to ATC; d) all information used in the actual navigation of the flight including a record of waypoint numbers allocated to specific waypoints, plus
their associated ETAs and ATAs; e) comments on any problems (including that to do with navigation) relating to the conduct of the flight, plus information about any significant discrepancies between INS/IRS
displays, other equipment abnormalities and any discrepancies relating to ATC clearances or information passed to the aircraft following ground radar observations f) sufficient information on accuracy checks to permit an overall assessment of performance. Records of terminal (i.e. residual) errors and of checks made against navigation facilities immediately prior to entering oceanic airspace and g) details of any manual updates made to IRS/INS units.
5.2.3 It is also important that for any forms which are used make it easy to examine key factors. Therefore,
documentation might include, for each flight, a question calling for crew assistance in this regard e.g. "Did a track error of 25 NM or more occur on this flight Yes/No."
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