Bhimani, Horngren, Datar and Rajan,
Management and Cost Accounting, 5
Edition, Instructor’s Manual
© Pearson Education Limited 2012
c As a last resort, Overloon may want to consider dropping particular accounts. For example, if ES will not agree to a fee increase but has machines
continually breaking down, Overloon may well decide that it is time not to bid on anymore work for this customer.
3 Major problems inaccurately estimating
the operating costs of each customer are
a Basic underlying records may not be accurate. For example, some technicians
include travel time, break time, etc, in their time records to create an appearance of high-work effort.
b Not all costs are easily assignable to individual customers. For example, how is the cost of a trip to pickup parts for three customers assigned
among individual customers c Many of Overloon’s costs are not related to specific customers. For example, advertising by Overloon is aimed at a general market rather than being targeted to a specific potential customer.
© Pearson Education Limited 2012
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