INSTRUCTIONS DURING COLLECTION OF SCRAP AFTER APPROVED BID 1. Any vehicle which is deployed for collection of scrap at our plant should full fill the following terms and conditions otherwise vehicle entry will be restricted at Main Gate. If Vehicle entry delayed due to your negligence and not full filling the following vehicle safety requirements, we will not be responsible. 2. Buyers shall deploy roadworthy good condition vehicle having fitness certificate. Driver should have valid license with vehicles valid documents. 4. Vehicles reverse horn should be in working condition. 5. Back light should be in working condition. 6. All side indicators should be in working condition. 7. It should have both side rear view mirrors. 8. Its wiper should be in working condition. 9. Driver must use seat belt and should have first aid box. Vehicle should be equipped with fire extinguisher. Lifting equipment hired by customer should have load test certificate. 12. Buyer has to ensure that all his labours who will be engaged by you for scrap loading, must have Work Men Compensation Policy (insurance, Medical Fitness Certificate, safety training to be attended at plant , and should have proper (PPE) Personal protective equipment.