PI Point Configuration 28 Analog Report N90 point type 12 This is one of the point types for writing from the PI Server to the Bailey Net / Infi90. Bailey analog values should be either Float or Int type points in the PI Server. Bailey real points are in the range -E to E. If the PI point's value is a system digital state code (such
as SHUTDOWN or OVER RANGE, the output is set to bad quality and the value 0 is sent to Bailey. If the PI point is defined as a digital point type, the interface sends the digital state offset as an analog value to Bailey.
Digital Report N90 point type 13 This is another point type for writing from the PI System to Bailey. A digital output
can be configured as Float, Int, or Digital point in the PI Server. A bad quality status is sent to Bailey when the snapshot value is a system digital state value. Also, for digital points, the interface sends a bad quality status if the snapshot value is out of the range of the point's digital state set.
For PI Float points, a status of 1 is sent to Bailey if the PI value is greater than 0. A status of
0 is sent fora valueless than or equal to 0.
For PI Int points, the status byte is set equal to the integer value. For PI Digital points, the status byte is set to the digital state offset.
Module Status N90 point type 14 Define a module status as a digital point in the PI Server. Only the module mode (bits 7-6 of the first status byte) is saved by the interface. The four states of the Module status are Configure Failed Error Execute Set the PI digital point's digital state set to a digital state set that
contains the following states Share with your friends: