The silent massacre

Capabilities of the Attackers

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Silent-Massacre by Max H. Williams
Capabilities of the Attackers
The only fact that we know for certain about electronic assault and mind control relates to the symptoms, or the effects on the victim. Targeted individuals are well aware of the capabilities of the assailants, but for those readers who may be reading about electronic stalking and mind control for the first time, I describe below fifteen capabilities of the attackers.

(1) Inflict a myriad of torture techniques on the body. Many of those effects may perhaps be done through the use of silent directed sound and various PC software used over the voice-to-brain communication. Others may be psychological or aided by psychological suggestions through the attackers’ subliminal voices into the target’s brain (more about the voices later). Those effects include the following.
-- sensation of pin pricks in the eyes, shoulders, face, feet, elbows, and other areas. The pin prick can be instantaneous or can be prolonged. In my case, the attackers have long caused an enduring pin prick on the rear of my neck. At first I thought that the sensation was an irritation on the neck caused by shirt labels; however, when it kept hurting in the absence of labels, I knew that it was only one of the attackers’ bag of tricks.
In addition, the sensation was not in the same location as the shirt labels. They can also cause the entire lower legs to feel like they are being struck by pins. In recent months, they have pin pricked the depths of my auditory canal in my right ear, causing me to shiver violently. They have also frequently pricked underneath the toenail on my right foot, causing the toenail to recede for a quarter of an inch between it and the skin, much like laser is used for ingrown toenails.
-- intense pressure on the bridge of the nose.
-- restless legs. A sensation begins in the small of the back and extends into the extremities, causing the “restless legs” syndrome. I can feel that sensation coming on as the attackers apply their vibrations to my body. Sometimes when that happens, the legs will jerk involuntarily.
-- electrical jolts. These affect the entire body and feel much like the shock that one gets from touching a low voltage electrical fence. I suspect that the jolts work along with previous hypnotic instructions to the target. For example, when a target feels the jolts, he is supposed to open his mind to the attackers.
-- tremors, or vibrations. These can affect the whole body or be focused on specific parts of the body. They can range from very mild to violent. (I believe that the jolts and vibrations may partially be pre-hypnotic suggestions causing the target to think that he feels jolts and vibrations whenever the attackers whisper the code word. In other words, those physical effects may instead be psychological effects resulting in physical reactions.
I have asked other people to touch my legs and body when they were vibrating, and they felt nothing.)
-- zapping in/on the head. These sound much like sparks from a welder’s torch or like children’s sparklers used as fireworks on holidays.
-- a “heaviness” in the chest that makes one feel somewhat tired.
-- clicking in the left ear. (In my case, it is always in the left ear, never in the right one.)
-- severe cramping, mainly in the calves of the legs.
-- numbness in the limbs from the base of the spinal column to the toes.
-- coughing (I can feel an unnatural scratching in the inside of my throat), and sneezing
(likewise, I can feel an artificial tickling in the inside of my nostrils and on a particular area of my throat. Apparently, the attackers have mapped out the various areas of the throat that produce those symptoms.)
-- induced erections, by vibrating very lightly the inside of the urethra and the groin. Those erections usually occur while the attackers whisper the names of friends and relatives, very obviously attempting to cause the target psychologically to associate the sexual sensation with those people.
-- stomach aches and pains, indigestion, nausea, and dizziness.

-- gas on the stomach and in the intestines.
-- sodomizing and virtual rape, using some unknown force to probe the anal cavity and the vagina (perhaps directed sound waves, which cause a strong vibration and throbbing sensation that can focus on a particular very small area, usually on the anus). It could also be purely psychological suggestion.
-- lethargy and listlessness. I suspect that many people suffering from Chronic Fatigue
Syndrome are actually victims of REA. CFS was not identified until the 1980s.
-- tinnitus. I had never suffered from tinnitus before the electronic stalking began. It hit me the day the stalking became overt, and I have had that condition ever since then.
The tone of the ear ringing changes often in a very noticeable manner,
sometimes reaching a very high pitch.
-- inability to urinate or frequent urination. I had two prostate procedures in 2001, although the prostate was not enlarged, because I had the urge to urinate but could not do so. Now
I know that it was the work of the attackers who use the REA techniques, for since the attackers became overt in 2005, they have continued making the bladder often seem full.
Now I can hear them saying subliminally to my subconscious, “Don’t piss.” It now has absolutely no effect.
-- constipation. Likewise, I often used to have a problem defecating. Since I have developed an ability to “hear” the attackers’ whispers, I hear them repeating, “Don’t shit.” The brain learns over a period of time to react to their commands. However, knowing now what causes the constipation, I am no longer affected by it. I now defecate without any problem.
In this case, knowledge is freedom.
-- sleep deprivation. All of this leads to sleep deprivation, which then becomes a symptom itself. This is designed to weaken the victim’s body as well as his mind and cause him to have motor, household, and other accidents. In addition, it makes the victim more vulnerable to mind control. Conversely, the attackers’ device can also make targets incredibly sleepy and actually cause his eyes to close involuntarily. There also appears to be a particular form of vibration that will “wire” the target to keep him awake at night.
-- the sensation of crawling insects on the face and neck.
-- intense itching. This can be any place on the body. They often will make it seem like a mosquito bite or a fire ant bite. The itching is normally on the hands or the feet.
-- twitching of the fingers. The attackers not only want to annoy you but also convince you that you are developing Parkinson’s disease.
-- partial loss of sight. The attackers do something to the eyes that make them feel as if a grain of sand is underneath the eyelid. They also cause pin pricks in the eyes. I have lost much sight in my left eye as a result. I do not wear glasses to read or to drive. Until a few months ago, I could read the TV captions clearly. Now I have to be very close to the TV set to see the captions and I often have double vision and blurred vision, especially in the left eye. In addition, the lips and mouths of speakers on TV are not in sync with their words. I also recently discovered while watching Wheel of Fortune on TV that the movements of objects on TV are likewise not in sync. When the participants in that program spun the wheel, the result on my TV (or in my vision) was about two clicks of the
Wheel of Fortune off what they should have been.
-- Destabilization of hand-to-eye coordination, causing targets to strike their hands against objects, misstep, bump against objects, stumble, and misjudge their distances.
-- inability to open left eye in the morning. The attackers often do something to my left eye during the night. In the morning when I wake up, I can hardly open the left eye.
-- twitching eye lid, usually the left eye. The attackers cause this because of my taunting

them, telling them that certain actions and things are amazing and adding “but then anything is amazing to the pervs. Just being able to open both eyes at the same time is utterly amazing to them.”
-- throbbing in the head. This has something to do with “mining” the brain or it is part of the psychological conditioning to make the target believe that he must reveal his thoughts.
-- aches and pains in various parts of the body. I am very physically active; thus, the attackers attempt to cripple my knees and my right arm and hand (I am right handed) to keep me from being able to work. They can also cause arthritic-type pain in the hands, pains in the lower back, and extreme pain in the legs by striking the sciatic nerve.
-- unnatural salivation. The pervs’ device can cause me to salivate at night while I
sleep as well as during the day when I am active. For no reason, spittle will sometimes seep from the corner of my mouth. I can feel the sensation when it issues from my gums.
-- conversely, dry mouth.
-- tingling vibration focused on the outside of the right side of the nostril (it can, of course, focus on any location). As a result of the vibrations (or perhaps lasering) on that area, a small brown bump has appeared at that location. That bump remains very sensitive and often runs and forms a scab. It was later found to be cancerous.
-- involuntary physical movements. For example, when I type my emails and computer documents, the pervs’ software, which constantly pummels my brain, causes me to reverse certain consonants and vowels, slowing down considerably my typing speed.
Other targets have suffered serious falls, when the devices caused their knees to buckle.
The attackers’ device can also cause the arms and legs to flail and jerk involuntarily. I have awoken while sleeping when one of my arms flailed into the head board.
Occasionally, when I nod on the sofa, the attackers cause one of my legs to jerk involuntarily.
-- heart flutters and irregular palpitations. In particular, the attackers cause the heart to beat at a far greater than normal rate, or at least they lend the perception that it is beating rapidly through psychological or perhaps post-hypnotic suggestions. The attackers want the target to believe that his heart is overworking and that he may suffer a heart attack, stroke, or chronic heart problems.
-- extreme sensitivity to light. Now, I must wear sunglasses at all times whenever I’m outside because of my eyes’ sensitivity to glare.
-- pressure on the bladder, causing the victim to want to urinate very often. Because of that sensation, I underwent two painful and costly prostate procedures with a urologist before I knew the real cause of the problem. The pervs still apply pressure on the bladder; however, now that I know that it is their evil work, it does not bother me.
-- sores in various areas. The attackers continually vibrate (or laser) the outside of my right nostril, which remains continually sensitive. That area scabs over, loses its scab, and then scabs over again. A brown mole-like bump appeared at that point, which became an indentation. The attackers have telepathically referred to it as the “mark of the beast” or
“mark of the lamb.” A spot has also developed on my chin, where I often feel the tingling and stinging of their lasering.
-- high and sudden temperature rises in the body. Those may be psychologically induced, as
I have heard the attackers remark “123 degrees.” That term may be post-hypnotic code, causing my mind to imagine that my body will reach 123 degrees. The feet and lower legs, in particular, are normally very warm.
– stopped-up ear canals. A hearing specialist whom I once visited told me that my hearing

canals were “sucked-in.” I now know that that is induced by the attackers' device(s). That condition hinders my hearing and allows the attackers' programmed material that I hear to have greater effect.
-- pressure (causing numbness) on bridge of nose, the kidneys, and the prostate.
-- intense itching on the scalp. This is sometimes preceded or followed by pin pricks on the scalp.
-- constriction in the esophagus and hiatal hernia.
-- “faux” heart beat that occurs on the back opposite the heart or on the head. This is purely neurological, as I can tell my mind that there is absolutely no connection between my real heart beat and the beat that feels like it is a heart beat. It immediately stops. That throb- like faux heart beat occurs as I sit watching TV or using the computer.
-- electrical-like buzz in the groin and on the right hip. This vibration is different from the body vibration and appears to be designed to stimulate the penis and vagina to cause sexual reactions.
-- artificial heating of the body. Microwaves are supposed to cause the body to heat.
-- acute pain on hands and feet. In the latter, attackers like to concentrate on the callused part of the sole, usually the part near the smallest toe.
-- tops of feet, including the toes, feel rigid and numb.
A target recently (2011) informed me that the attackers infect the hair follicles in her head by entering her home in her absence and sprinkling some type of powder in the rooms. The powder reacts with her hair. The roots become infected, and the only way that she can relieve the pain is by plucking out the infected hairs That effect is very unusual.
My physical symptoms include most of those listed above. Other targeted individuals have experienced other symptoms, perhaps in addition to some of those I have listed. For example, many other victims develop psoriasis, fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel syndrome, and other physical ailments. It is only logical that if scientists know what causes diseases, they can cause those diseases. For example, by playing with a target’s immune system, they can cause psoriasis and by learning to manipulate muscles and muscle tissue, they can cause fibromyalgia. Scientists must know what causes a disease to find a cure for that disease.
Thus, they can also perform the reverse, causing the disease. Non-targets will have difficulty in believing that those scientists exist whose purposes are less than noble. Targets know that they exist.
Gastric problems are one of the favorites of the attackers, for they are seemingly easy to promote. By vibrating the bowels and also whispering to the victims’ brains, attackers can cause frequent bowel movements. Making victims defecate often is psychological as well as physical. That action humiliates victims and keeps them from leaving home, further isolating them. Conversely, attackers can also constipate victims using similar physical and neurological means. Constipation makes victims feel bad in general and also makes them more prone to anxiety and listlessness.
My attackers often cause a pain near my right hand on the other side of my arm from my wrist bone. I can only believe that they seek to cause carpal tunnel syndrome, which they believe will interfere with my writing. However, now I am acutely aware of their aims, their tactics, and many of their methods, so I can successfully ameliorate those pains through my own form of mind control.

Most, if not all, of the symptoms and ailments listed above, can be delivered by remote through an assortment of software used by a computer that connects to involuntarily implanted microchips. The computer software is aided by the unheard subliminal voices of the attackers, which themselves may be rendered through the same software. The specialized software coupled with the synthetic telepathy subject victims to incredulous electronic and neurological torture.
The physical symptoms named above are a very deliberate and important part of the attackers’ protocol. The objective is to make the target continually aware of his seemingly hopeless situation. That in turn causes sleep deprivation and anxiety. The feeling of hopelessness, sleep deprivation, and anxiety lay the groundwork for mind control, the ultimate aim.
Many targets seek to escape those physical symptoms and their neurological attacks by relocating to another site, even to a different country. As far as I know, no target has ever succeeded in escaping those REA activities. Moreover, those effects, including the V2K, occur whenever targets are in airplanes or when they are far underground. That fact implies that at least some portion of the REA attacks is made via satellite and that there must be some way to contact the subject, i.e., implant.
The electronic jolts and vibrations also affect domesticated animals. My attackers can beam their frequencies (or whatever it might be) in broad waves that cover very wide areas, including my yard and the adjoining pasture. My dog, which is an outside pet, is much affected by the electronic assault methods despite her being in excellent health and getting regular checkups by the veterinarian. She often trembles violently and appears frightened. At times, she pants heavily, gulping for air, and almost collapses.
She very often also shakes her head as if she is trying to get something out of or off her head.
I have taken her to the vet twice for that symptom, and he diagnosed her both times with an ear infection and prescribed her medicine. Despite that, after almost three years, she still shakes her head. My cat, on the other hand, does not seem to be affected by the electronic effects. Gender could not be a factor, as they are both spayed females.
Jolts and Vibrations
Almost every victim of electronic stalking and mind control mentions electrical-like jolts, or shocks, and vibrations when discussing his symptoms. The jolts and vibrations not only cause targets discomfort and remind the targets that they are being monitored but they also serve a neurological purpose. It took me a very long time to learn that those sensations are essential elements of mind control. Here are some of my thoughts about them.
Jolts – This effect is felt physically; however, it may also be aided by psychological suggestion. This sensation may work along with “post hypnotic” suggestions planted in the target’s subconscious through the attackers’ subliminal voices to prepare the victim’s mind for interrogation and programming. The target’s subconscious has been previously advised by the attackers that when they feel the jolts, they will open their minds and thoughts to the attackers. Thence, the attackers are able to exploit more easily the target’s mind.

Vibrations – Vibrations may be partially psychological or, if not, be augmented psychologically. Usually a jolt precedes the vibrations. I believe that the target may have already been conditioned by hypnotic pre-suggestion to believe that following the jolts, he will feel vibrations. Likewise, he has been further conditioned, or sensitized, that once he feels the vibrations, he is supposed to open up his mind and thoughts to the attackers.
In addition, the vibrations sap the energy from a target’s body. It is well known that microwaves are capable of rendering a person lethargic to the point of being unable to exert the least amount of work. Indeed, those microwave vibrations can make a target so weak that he can hardly stand and walk.
The vibrations signal the target’s brain that he will submit to the attackers’ voices. Then, those voices instruct him how he is supposed to react. For example, while vibrating a target, the attackers will often tell the target that he will go to sleep. While he is sleeping, the attackers interrogate him, probably with the fMRI. They also tell the victim that when he wakes, he will have no memory of the interrogation.
Vibrations are not simply conducted at random but are deliberately aimed at specific parts of the human body at varying intensities to accomplish specific purposes. Stomach vibrations, for example, cause much discomfort and gas on the stomach. That lends itself to attackers’ causing anxiety and disquiet in the target. Vibrations in the groin area cause sexual arousals or make that area vulnerable to sexual arousals caused by other interventions. The vibrations can focus on the penis or the vagina, causing a tickling sensation. Those around the heart, combined with pin pricks by the attackers in that location, help to reinforce the target’s idea that he is experiencing a heart attack. Vibrations in the duodenum cause gastric disturbances and indigestion, which likewise help induce anxiety in the victim. Once again, the vibrations alone do not cause those effects. The attackers’ verbal instructions during the vibrations determine how a target reacts to the vibrations.
Very importantly, prolonged vibrations on the torso can cause constipation and can even cause blockage of bowel movements. The attackers will normally vibrate that area while the target sleeps. The vibrations harden the stool. That plus the inaudible voices to the target’s subconscious telling him that he will be unable to have a bowel movement can send the target to the emergency room to have the compaction removed physically. Taking stool softener gel caps after each meal lessens the possibility of extreme constipation.
I have noted that the vibrations also vary in intensity, in duration, and in the way they are applied. This suggests that different vibrations have different functions. The length, location(s), and intensity of the vibrations probably contribute to the attackers’ desired effects.
Although it may be possible to deliver the jolts and vibrations from a long distance by satellite, they can also be directed from a far shorter distance. When I first experienced the vibrations, I was in a hotel room. I could hear the occupants in the adjoining room laughing and giggling; thus, I presume that they were behind the vibrations, perhaps using some type of handheld device. They were about twenty feet from me, and the vibrations were extremely intense.
Regardless of the origin of and the method behind the jolts and vibrations, they have a powerful psychological effect, causing the victim anxiety. Targets should keep in mind that one of the main objectives of the attackers is either to drive him insane or to convince others

that he is insane. The attackers’ ability to produce extreme anxiety in their victims causes the latter to seek out psychiatrists. The resulting psychiatric attention effectively ends the target’s credibility concerning mind control.
None of the attackers’ actions is solely to harass you physically. Every symptom that a target feels, smells, sees, tastes, or hears takes him closer to mind control, the ultimate objective in causing the victim to self-destruct. Knowing that fact can help a target defend himself against the attackers’ objective.
The jolts and vibrations serve several purposes: (1) to remind the victim that he is targeted and monitored ceaselessly; (2) to disturb his rest and sleep, resulting in sleep deprivation, one of the attackers’ principal tools; (3) to cause apprehension and continual uneasiness, contributing to anxiety; (4) to condition, or sensitize, the target to cooperate with the attackers.
The latter will normally consist of interrogations, data gathering, and subliminal commands by the attackers.
Targets can use their minds to counter the purposes of the jolts and vibrations. After all, their targeting is aimed at their minds. First of all, they should realize that the jolts and vibrations themselves are not normally lethal. The exception is when they act in consonance with the attackers’ subliminal voices suggesting that the target is suffering a heart attack and other harmful conditions. Knowing that, targets can instruct their minds that when they feel the jolts and vibrations, those minds will not cooperate with the attackers’ intentions. Moreover, they can instruct their minds that they will not succumb to the negative suggestions of the attackers. Targets can learn to use their own brand of psychology to thwart the neurological assault of the attackers.

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