The silent massacre

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Silent-Massacre by Max H. Williams
Taking Our Country Back
As a longtime victim of electronic and mind control assault, I am now also a dissident
American. My attackers sometimes tell me telepathically that I am an extremist and un-
American. I reply that I am now indeed extremist and that if THEY are Americans, I am now most definitely UN-American. For the last time in this article, I repeat that electronic assault and mind control CANNOT be carried out without high-up government knowledge of, cooperation with, and protection of the attackers.
Certain members of the national executive branch of the government have to pull the REA strings. Government leaders who sponsor this type of sick socio-politico operative can never

succeed. Instead, they create many dissidents and malcontents who will eventually weaken this government and force its collapse. If targets have violated the law, let them be formally accused and be able to defend themselves before their accusers. That is the American way -- or it used to be before George W. Bush.
The Declaration of Independence rests on the principles of “unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness,” It further enjoins that “whenever any
Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it . . . .” No target of electronic and mind control assault possesses a meaningful life, and he most certainly finds it difficult to pursue liberty and happiness. Targets of REA who cannot find protection under any of the three levels of government -- national, state, and local -- have every right to seek the end of that non-responsive and non-protective government.
The so-called Patriot Act of 2001 took away most of the individual rights of Americans. (Don’t you love the names given to those laws that usurp our freedom?) We are supposedly fighting
“extremists” in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Somalia, and other countries who supposedly want to take away those freedoms. Guess what. The American Government has beaten them to it.
Every target—and every citizen--I know probably would rather take his chances with terrorists than to surrender his personal rights and submit to relentless and continuous electronic and mind control torture. Protection from terrorists, the pretended purpose of the Patriot Act, cannot be compared with the preservation of our American rights. Voting out the self-serving leadership and replacing them with others equally unaccountable to the American people cannot be the solution to the current problem. Every administration represents only a regime change with the status quo remaining static.
During my targeting, the attackers have been pushing me increasingly farther to the left.
Perhaps their aim was to make me increasingly anti-government so that I would do something irrational. Perhaps their plan was that I go crazy, run out with an AK-47, and murder people, perhaps those whom the attackers had convinced me through subliminal messages were part of the plot. That will not happen. Knowing that, their next move is probably to try to have me committed to a mental hospital, to arrest me on charges of domestic terrorism, or perhaps murder me and make it look like a suicide, a home invasion, or a street robbery.
Regardless of the consequences, I shall continue my objective of bringing down the powerbrokers, along with their cronies and foot servants, and seeing them punished, establishing a government in which citizens’ full rights are restored, setting up clinics and instituting systems for “deprogramming” targets, and eliminating the possibility of American citizens EVER becoming victims again of electronic stalking and mind control.
Conspiracies can be defeated. My personal goal is to bring down the Federal Government, which no longer represents the interests of the American people, and re-establish our
Constitutional rights under another government or another form of government. I will work day and night to bring that about. If good fortune smiles upon me, I have probably another quarter of a century left to accomplish that, working with others of like minds.

This paper is long. Let me summarize in few words the above material. A target is targeted for life; sometimes that is many years. Only governments and their power brokers (using taxpayer money) have the power, finances, manpower, and other resources required to invent, employ, and sustain in total secrecy the devices and methods used for electronic assault and mind control and continue those efforts against targets sometimes for decades.
It appears that the objective of the powerbrokers who control the USA is to have the capability to monitor the entire population. Many of those monitored will be singled out as targets of perpetual electronic and mind control assault. Others will be monitored at random or on an as-needed basis. Countries such as the United States, Israel, Russia, probably China, and others have long experimented with directed energy weapons and mind control.
Conspiratorial-type talk is making the circles now concerning the government’s aim to cause a domestic conflict that will give them an excuse to intervene militarily. The military is supposed to have orders to herd much of the population into concentration camps on or near military posts and bases. That Homeland Security has established concentration camps in various parts of the country is now confirmed. What happens to those people incarcerated can only be guessed at. Congress recently (December 3, 2011) passed a bill that would allow the executive branch the power to imprison any American that it deemed an enemy without ever bringing him to trial. In other words, Congress is capitulating to the executive branch and legalizing a virtual dictatorship.
Only the government and the power brokers who control the government can direct the intelligence community and law enforcement on every level of government either to engage in
REA or refuse to investigate it – perhaps both. OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE SHOUTS
THAT REA MUST NECESSARILY INVOLVE THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT and very probably government on the state and local levels.
Secrets of the atomic bomb, space craft, stealth air planes, and other cutting-edge, high-tech objects remained very closely guarded for years; yet, eventually those secrets leaked out.
Much attention is being focused on electronic and mind control assault and a massive amount of information is being disseminated concerning its origin. Some of that information is probably right on target; other “planted” misinformation probably only confuses the issue. The point is that one day, probably in the very near future, the secrets of electronic torture and mind control by remote will also be revealed.
In the meantime, productive and intelligent American citizens daily fall victim of electronic and mind control assault. Their lives are ruined, and many of them lose their lives to that silent death or commit suicide. Most of those victims have already lost all faith in their government to protect them and have even lost their belief in democracy. I invite readers to study the cases of victims of electronic torture and mind control in the United States and then argue that those victims would be worse off under Chinese Communist, Iranian, or Russian rule than under so-called American democracy. If such electronic torture and mind control can take place in the cradle of democracy, why should targets support that democracy?
The irony of the high-tech knowledge used by the U. S. Government for electronic stalking and mind control on its citizens is not lost on informed American citizens. According to an
April 2010 CNN survey, four out of five Americans distrust their government. While the evil

practice of REA is being conducted on this country's citizens, the U. S.'s ranking with other industrialized countries in production output, literacy, mortality, and education drops increasingly lower.
At the same time, the U. S. is engaged in endless military actions without declarations of war, its unemployment rate has surged above a ten per cent average, much of its industry has shut down permanently, its deficit is frightening, its banking institution has collapsed and remains in shambles, millions of Americans have lost their homes, disparity between rich and poor widens, crime continues to increase, unemployment and welfare rolls continue to expand, and Congress has sunk to the lowest no-confidence status ever registered in our history.
Sooner or later the powerbrokers must assert complete control over the citizenry to maintain the status quo. That appears to be in 2010 the direction in which the leaders of the United
States of America are heading. The powerbrokers, using their high-tech remote capabilities and a legal system that run counter to the Constitution, are probably close to their goal of achieving complete control.
If the Government of the United States of America is not involved in electronic stalking and mind control, it should be acutely concerned about that activity, for almost all targets blame the government for their targeting. The United States of America is sinking into an abyss of high-tech crime, much of it generated and protected by the very forces sworn to uphold the law. Even when the forces behind this crime are exposed – and they will be – it is very likely that they will not be brought to justice. Thus, nothing will change for targeted individuals. The technology is already out there for anyone powerful enough to acquire and utilize it.
[This paper is based on my own experiences, a very long and lucid memory, my journal entries, in-depth and ongoing research, logic and reasoning, and correspondence with hundreds of other targets. The opinions formed from those sources are my own. Should you wish to contact me, my email address is


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