4.2.3 CLASSIFY DYSENTERY There is only one classification for dysentery Classify a child with diarrhoea and blood in the stool as having DYSENTERY. Treatment Treat the child's dehydration. Also give ciprofloxacin for Shigella because - Shigella cause about 60% of dysentery cases seen in clinics. - Shigella cause nearly all cases of life-threatening dysentery. Finding the actual cause of the dysentery requires a stool culture. It can take at least 2 days to obtain the laboratory test results. Note: A child with diarrhoea may have one or more classifications for diarrhoea. Record any diarrhoea classifications the child has in the Classify column on the Recording Form. For example, this child was classified as having NO DEHYDRATION and DYSENTERY. Here is how the doctor recorded his classifications: • Blood in the stool. DYSENTERY Give ciprofloxacin for 3 dayse. Give zinc supplements daily for 14 days. Followup in 2 days DOES THE CHILD HAVE DIARRHOEA ? Yes No____ • For how long ? 2 Days • Look at the child’s general condition. Is the child Lethargic or unconscious • Is there any blood in the stool ? Restless and irritable • Look for sunken eyes. • Offer the child fluid. Is the child Notable to drink or drinking poorly Drinking eagerly, thirsty • Pinch the skin of the abdomen. Does it go back Very slowly (longer than 2 seconds Slowly?
20 *** EXERCISE D In this exercise, you will practice classifying a child with diarrhoea. Read the following case study. Record the child's signs and classify them on the Recording Form. Refer to your chart.