Some complications are due to bacterial infections. Others are due to the measles virus which causes damage to the respiratory and intestinal tracts. Vitamin A deficiency contributes to some of the complications such as corneal ulcer. Any vitamin A deficiency is made worse by the measles infection. Measles complications can lead to severe disease and death. All children with SEVERE COMPLICATED MEASLES should receive urgent treatment. Treat the child with first dose of vitamin A. Also give the first dose of injectable chloramphenicol (if not possible give oral amoxycillin) before referring the child. If there is clouding of the cornea, or pus draining from the eye, apply tetracycline ointment. If it is not treated, corneal clouding can result in blindness. Ask the mother if the clouding has been present for sometime. Find out if it was assessed and treated at the hospital. If it was, you do not need to refer the child again for this eye sign.
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