this exercise, you will classify illness in children with signs of fever and,
if present, signs suggesting measles. First, you will study an example. Then you will begin the exercise. Read the example case study that begins on this page. Also study how the doctor classified this child's illness. When all the participants are ready, there will be a group discussion about this example.
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EXAMPLE: Pawan is 10 months old. He weighs 8.2 kg. His temperature is C. His mother says he has a rash and cough. The doctor checked Pawan for general danger signs.
Pawan was able to drink, was not vomiting, did not have convulsions and was not lethargic or unconscious. The doctor next asked about Pawan’s cough. The mother said Pawan had been coughing for
5 days. He counted 43 breaths per minute. He did not see chest indrawing. He did not hear stridor when Pawan was calm. Pawan did not have diarrhoea. Next the doctor asked about Pawan's fever. The malaria risk is high. The mother said Pawan has felt hot for 2 days. Pawan did not have a stiff neck. He has had
a runny nose with this illness, his mother said. Pawan has a rash covering his whole body. Pawan's eyes were red. The doctor checked the child for complications of measles. There were no mouth ulcers. There was no pus draining from the eye and no clouding of the cornea. Here is how the doctor recorded Pawan’s case information and signs of illness.