Exchange, Move and Act. We have discussed each of these units and given you the appropriate examples. The importance of this is that you should be able to analyze a classroom interaction using the method we have outlined in this Unit.
6.0 Tutor-marked Assignment Imagine you are to teach a class for about 40 minutes. Construct a classroom discourse that has 10 of the classes of act discussed in this unit.
7.0 References/Further Reading Olateju, MA)
Patterns of Interaction in the Science and Humanities ESL PhD Classrooms. Thesis, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife Sinclair, J. and Coulthard, M. (1975)
Towards an Analysis of Discourse, the English Used by Teachers and Pupils. Oxford OUP.
Rand Salami, F. (2007) Discourse Acts in Antenatal Clinic Literacy Classroom in South-Western Nigeria
Linguistik Online, 2/2007 (25-40)