National open university of nigeria school of arts and social sciences

desktop for the home and possibly the office. You also need a laptop

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ENG223 Discourse Analysis
desktop for the home and possibly the office. You also need a laptop to
help you work anywhere you find yourself. And of course, our mobile
phones are needed for communication without boundary.

Self-assessment Exercises

Identify and discuss the lexical cohesive devices used in Scene One of The Trials of
Brother Jero by Wole Soyinka.
3.6 Meronymy

Meronymy is the technical name coined by Raquiya Hasan to refer to a Part-whole relationship. In this kind of relationship, a lexical item represents the part and the other or others represent the whole. Just like Hyponymy, it is a relationship of inclusion. However, while Hyponymy involves general items and specific ones, Meronymy involves whole items and part ones. Below are some examples of Part- whole relationship.
Car – dashboard, fender, rear light, bonnet, boot, tyre, radiator, throttle

Computer – monitor, CPU, keyboard, mouse,

House – living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, toilet, pantry, balcony

Tree – trunk, leaves, branch, stem

Book – preface, foreword, chapter, index, cover, contents

83 Examples of lexical cohesion, using meronymy in texts
13.15. My driver took the car out yesterday. After his return, I discovered that
the bumper had been dented and the mirror at the passenger’s side had

13.16. When I checked the computer supplied by the company yesterday, Iii discovered that the mouse was missing. The keyboard was also
defective, because it is very stiff. However, the monitor met our

13.17. The house is quite a big one. Each of the bedrooms has its toilet and

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