Constructing Expertise: Surmounting Performance Plateaus by Tasks, by Tools, and by Techniques

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Appendix A Game features
Counts, percentages and mean values for features are calculated across all episodes corresponding to each level.
Basic Information:
EpisodeCount: Number of episodes corresponding to each level of gameplay.
Pile-Specific Information:
CreatedOverhangs_Percent: The percentage of episodes where new overhangs were created.
ClearedOverhangs_Percent: The number of episodes where existing overhangs were cleared expressed as a percentage of the number of episodes where new overhangs were created for the current level.
CreatedWells_Percent: The percentage of episodes where new wells were created.
ClearedWells_Percent: The number of episodes where existing wells were cleared expressed as a percentage of the number of episodes where new wells were created for the current level.
WellDepth_mean: The mean depth of all wells across all episodes in the level.
<X>_DepthWells [Ex:3_DepthWells]: The average count of ’X’-depth wells present in each episode across a level. X can take values 2-4.
Gt4_DepthWells: The average count of wells with depths greater than 4 present in each episode fora level.
CreatedPits_Percent: The percentage of episodes where new pits were created.

W. D. Gray, S. Banerjee / Topics in Cognitive Science 13 (2021)
ClearedPits_Percent: The number of episodes where existing pits were cleared expressed as a percentage of the number of episodes where new pits were created for the current level.
PitSize_mean: The average size of all pits across all episodes fora level.
Spire_Percent: Percentage of total episodes in which a central spire was present.
MaxPileHeight: The average height of the peak of the pile, averaged across all episodes in each level.
RightWell_Score: A custom score for the right well based on well depth and maximum pile-height at each episode, averaged across levels.
PileScore: A custom scoring function for the pile orderliness averaged across all episodes in each level. The score at each episode is derived from a combination of the depth of the rightmost well, pile peak height, shape of the top of the pile, and distribution of overhangs and pits.
Action-specific information:
RespLatency_mean: The meantime it took (milliseconds) across all episodes (in a level)
to click the first button.
DropDuration_mean: The meantime (milliseconds) across all episodes (in a level) for how long the zoid was dropped by the player.
DecisionLatency_mean: The meantime it took (milliseconds) across all episodes (in a level) to place the zoid in its final orientation and horizontal position. Calculated by subtracting the response latency from the time of the final rotation/translation, for each episode.
DecisionLatencyPercent_mean: The mean value of decision latency expressed as a percentage of the total time available for each episode in a level.
ExtraRotations_mean: The mean number of extra rotations (varies by zoid-type; Ex for static zoids any rotation is an extra rotation) made unidirectionally across all episodes (in a level) to get the zoid to its final orientation.
ExtraRotations_nonzeroPercent: The percentage of episodes that had extra rotations.
DominantRotation_DirectionPercent: The percentage of rotations made in the dominant direction (the direction in which greater number of rotations were made, based on the all rotations made at each level of gameplay. Ex if 75 rotations were made in one direction and 25 in the other, then the feature value would be 75.
CorrectedRotations_mean: The mean number of rotations made in the opposite direction to fix too many rotations made in one direction across all episodes, to get the zoid to its final orientation.
CorrectedRotations_nonzeroPercent: The percentage of episodes that had corrected rotations.
CorrectedTranslation_mean: The mean number of translation made in the opposite direction to fix too many translations made in one direction across all episodes (in a level, to get the zoid to its final position.
CorrectedTranslation_nonzeroPercent: The percentage of episodes that had corrected translations.
<ZoidType>_responseLatency: The response latency for each zoid type averaged for the data. ’ZoidType’ can be ’StaticZoid’, ’FlippingZoid’ or ’RotatingZoid’.

W. D. Gray, S. Banerjee / Topics in Cognitive Science 13 (2021)
<X>_LineClearPercentage Ex 4_LineClearPercentage]: The number of ’X’
line clears expressed as a percentage of total number of all line clears fora game level. ’X’
can take values 1-4.

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