TV Journalism & Programme Formats42DramaIn the case of a developing situation, the news must dwell on new developments and constantly provide updates.
In addition, the reporter
must always be accurate, impartial and objective. These three values are the bedrock of journalistic ethics.
AccuracyThe news must be as completely true and exact as possible.
ImpartialityThe news must give equal coverage to various sides and points of view in a situation.
ObjectivityThe reporter must always stand apart from the situation he is reporting. He must be only an observer, and must never become part of the situation or try to influence its action.
6.7. JOURNALISTIC BEATSA beat maybe defined as the specific area of news that a reporter is assigned to cover. Beats are generally classified into Hard news beats and Soft news beats.
Hard NewsPolitics,
Foreign Affairs, Economics, Business and Crime makeup hard news.
Soft NewsSports, Entertainment, Fashion,
Lifestyle, Culture and Human Interest makeup soft news.
Edited with the trial version of Foxit Advanced PDF EditorTo remove this notice, TV Journalism & Programme Formats43The main difference between hard and soft news is that while hard news is about events and decisions that affect society, soft news is about events and trends which reflect prevailing social conditions.
6.8. Three basic things fora good reporter:The first thing is curiosity about the world. If you don't
wonder about how things work, why things are the way they are or want to find the answers to the world's questions big and small, this probably isn't for you.
Second is knowledge and understanding. To start, if you're
a student, and you want to be a reporter, don't major in broadcasting or communications. You can learn all the presentation aspects in your internship. Take journalism classes, but have a solid foundation.
Major in history, political science, economics. whatever...
something that will give you a good start into understanding how your world works.
Third is a commitment to fairness and accuracy. Working as a TV reporter, when done well, means so much more than as Jonathan mentioned the right look and the latest techniques. It is about taking
sometimes complex issues, making them easy for viewers to understand and putting the facts of the story into meaningful context.
The people depend on reporters for reliable information and without a solid foundation and deep understanding of the issues the audience, in many cases, is being cheated. There needs to be a good balance between the journalism and the presentation. It is also the truth that a solid journalist who looks uncomfortable and stumbles through stories with a bad voice won't make it in this part of the business.
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