TV Journalism & Programme Formats60and the PCR, and above all, appearing confident and in control. It is therefore a combination of coordination and presentation. There are mainly two kinds of anchoring, namely news anchoring and programme anchoring. Of these,
programme anchoring is more challenging as it is more creative and the anchor cannot always fallback upon a script.
The making of a programme starts in the mind of the Producer, who conceptualizes and designs the show and then writes a Proposal. The Proposal includes details like the Concept,
Structure, Treatment, Research and Budget. The proposal is then formally presented to the management of the news channel, which approves it or suggests modifications. After the due modifications are made
and the proposal is approved, the programme is ready to be made.
QUESTIONS FOR PRACTICE1. What is the role of TV in journalism. What points do you keep in mind while formulating question fora TV
3. What is meant by packaging fora TV channel. State the characteristics of TV reporting. Cite the steps involved in production of a programmed fora TV channel. What are the essentials of writing for visuals. Enumerate the attributes of a good anchor. Write a note on the news function of TV. Name the basic camera short for TV programme.
10.What are the attributes of TV journalist?
11.States are the steps involved in packaging a story for TV channels.
12.What are the difference between TV reporting and TV interview?
13.What is the role of a TV producer in marking a TV programme?
14.Which skills should a TV producer have to control and guide his production staff?
15.Who are the members of a TV production term How important it’s to script questions fora live show?
16.Write a script for shot television news visual.
17.Discuss the techniques of news presentation on TV.
18.How would you package a programme fora channel to ensure greater view ship?
19.What points are to be kept in mind while planning an interview on TV?
20.How is anchoring of news different from anchoring a show on TV?
Edited with the trial version of Foxit Advanced PDF EditorTo remove this notice, TV Journalism & Programme Formats61SUGGESTED READING1. Broadcasting in India by G.C.
Awasthy Allied Publishers, ND. Broadcasting by KR. Mullick Sterling Publications
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