COI Report – Part VII
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425 989. Accordingly, we recommend that IHiS must reformulate its policy to require the conduct of cybersecurity risk assessments on CII and mission-critical systems at critical junctures a) at least annually
bin respect of new systems, during the design of the solution and before commissioning and c) whenever there are major changes to the systems.
43.1.2 A written cybersecurity risk management framework must be established 990. The HITSPS does not set out a proper cybersecurity risk management framework. The CCoP requires CII owners to establish a written cybersecurity risk management framework, which shall include a) roles and responsibilities
in managing cybersecurity risk, including reporting lines and accountabilities; b) identification and prioritisation of CII assets c) organisation’s cybersecurity risk appetite, as well as thresholds or limits for residual risk d) cybersecurity risk assessment methodology and e) treatment and monitoring of cybersecurity risk.
991. We recommend that a comprehensive written cybersecurity risk management framework covering at least the above areas should be established. We elaborate on our recommendations in respect of some of these areas.