Appendix 5
SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS FOR “AS-CONSTRUCTED” DRAINAGE DRAWINGS (a) a) The “As-Constructed” drawings shall be submitted in CAD and PDF format. The “As-Constructed” drawings shall be endorsed
by a Professional Engineer and, where applicable, also by a Registered Surveyor. b) The “As-Constructed” drawings shall be prepared in SVY21 coordinates. Note of survey such as date of survey, datum, coordinate system
accuracies and tolerances, as stipulated in
• Standard and Specifications for D Topographic Surveying (Mapping) in Singapore
• Standard and Specifications for Utility Survey in Singapore c) The “As-Constructed” drawings shall show the following details i) Alignment and width of the drainage reserve. ii) Size and type of the constructed drain within the drainage reserve. iii) Longitudinal
section showing the gradient, invert and cope level of the constructed drain. iv)
Cross-section of the constructed drain in relation to the drainage reserve/lot boundary/retaining wall/boundary fence. i) Locations, sizes and types of all drain connections. ii) Piling records for drains and structures within the drainage reserve and roadside drains including entrance culverts. The piling records shall include the extent of piling, sizes, types, lengths and spacing of the piles. Reasons shall be stated if no piling is carried out. iii) Details of structures within drainage
reserve such as bridge, crossing over drain, pedestrian crossing including the geographic coordinates. iv) Geographic coordinates (X and Y coordinates) of drainage appurtenances (e.g. gratings,
drop inlet chambers, scupper mouth, scupper drain, railings etc) v) Structures (including piling records)
beside drainage reserve, as and when required by the Board. d) The “As-Constructed” drawings for structural detention and retention features (including drains that are used fully/partially for detention) shall show the following details i) Site plan indicating the type, dimension and volume of the constructed structural detention and retention features in the development site ii) Longitudinal section showing the gradient, invert and cope level of the constructed structural detention
and retention features(iii)
Cross-section of the constructed detention tank(s)/drains showing the pumping facilities & swan neck pipe (if applicable, the effective depth of the structural detention and retention features including the connection points to the internal and public drainage system