Appendix 5
(e) The “As-Constructed” drawings for ABC Waters design features should include the following details i) Site plan for ABC Waters design features
with surrounding ground levels, invert level of the features,
top levels, dimensions and invert levels for overflow sumps etc. ii)
Cross-section/profiles of the features with levels and dimensions iii) Locations, levels and
dimensions of overflow sumps, check dam, flushing pipes and other ancillary (as applicable. iv) Longitudinal profiles (for swales)
showing the gradient, invert and cope levels v) Geographic coordinates (X and Y coordinates) of all ABC features and accompanying appurtenances (e.g. railings, decks, seating,
gabion walls, lightings, play equipment etc)
(f) Records of piles installed shall be submitted in Excel sheet format in accordance
with the forms stipulated in BCA, Building Control & Management, Record Structural Plan and Test Records.