Appendix l . B
229 Face Validity This takes into account two factors (1) The comparison candidate is in a similar line of business at the time
of selection into the study, and
(2) the comparison candidate is less successful than the good-to-great company at the time of into the study. Thus, face validity and conservative test work together Conservative test ensures that the comparison company was stronger than the good-to-great company at the year of the good-to-great company's transition, and weaker than the good-to-great company at the time of selection into the study. We scored each comparison candidate on each of the above six criteria on a scale of
1 to
= The comparison candidate fits the criteria extremely well-there are no issues or qualifiers.
= The comparison candidate fits the criteria reasonably well-there are minor issues or qualifiers that keep it from getting a
= The comparison candidate fits the criteria poorly-there are major issues and concerns.
= The comparison candidate fails the criteria. The following table shows the comparison candidates for each good-to- great company with their average score across the six criteria. The comparison candidate selected as the direct comparison appears at the top of each list. Pfizer
Warner-Lambert Upjohn
Richardson-Merrill GD.
Co Sterling Drugs Schering-Plough
Bristol-Meyers Norwich