used railroads and streetcars as an example of the negative effects of poor service:
Nearly every railroad in America is in financialdifficulty. Who does not remember the day when if a citizeninquired at the ticket office about the time of departure of atrain, he was abruptly referred to the bulletin board insteadof being politely given the information?The streetcar companies have experienced a “changeof times also. There was a time not so very long ago whenstreet car conductors took pride in giving argument topassengers. Many of the streetcar tracks have been removedand passengers ride on a bus, whose driver is the last wordin politeness Allover the country, streetcar tracks arerusting from abandonment or have been taken up. Whereverstreet cars are still in operation, passengers may now ridewithout argument, and one may even hail the car in themiddle of the block, and the motorman will OBLIGINGLYpick him up.HOW TIMES HAVE CHANGED That is just the point Iam trying to emphasize. TIMES HAVE CHANGED!Moreover, the change is reflected not merely in railroadoffices and on streetcars, but in other walks of life as well.The “public-be-damned” policy is now pass. It has beensupplanted by the “we-are-obligingly-at-your-service, sir”policy.9
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