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Title: Shengwu Duoyangxing

Full Journal Title: Shengwu Duoyangxing

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? Chen, J., Zhang, B., Ma, K. and Jiang, Z. (2009), Bibliometric analysis of status quo of conservation biology in China. Shengwu Duoyangxing, 17 (4), 423-429.

Full Text: 2009\She Duo17, 423.pdf

Abstract: The research in conservation biology started in 1990 and is currently in a stage of rapid development in China. To understand the status quo of conservation biology in China, we used the term “conservation biology” as the keyword to search and collect Chinese and English literatures in conservation biology which were written by Chinese researchers in ISI Web of Knowledge and Chinese Journals Full-Text Database. These publications were analyzed with methods of bibliometrics, on the distribution of the publication year, the author and organization distribution, the journal distribution, the research funds, the research regions and the objects. The results indicate that core research groups working in the field of conservation biology in China have been already formed, although the distribution of research groups was scattered over institutions and universities. Dispersion and concentration coexisted in the journal distribution of Chinese and English publications - a majority of publications was clumped in a small number of journals, while a minority was scattered in a large number of journals. In China, there is only one professional journal publishing papers on conservation biology[long dash]Biodiversity Science. Thus it is reasonable to launch an English conservation biology journal in the country. Research funds for conservation biology have a wide array of sources. An important part of the papers in Chinese was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and provincial foundations, while those in English were supported either by National Natural Science Foundation of China or international funds. Field studies in conservation biology were mainly conducted in the regions of high biodiversities in south and southwest China. Plants, mammals and birds were the main objects of those studies. In the studies on single species, 90% were studies on endangered species. Studies on bio-inventory and genetic diversity represented a significant proportion of publications, while little was published about the strategies and practices of conservation.

Keywords: Analysis, Bibliometric, Bibliometric Analysis, Bibliometrics, Biology, Birds, China, Chinese, Concentration, Conservation, Conservation Biology, Country, Development, Distribution, Diversity, Endangered Species, Field, Genetic, Genetic Diversity, Institutions, International, ISI, Journal, Journals, Mammals, Methods, Organization, Papers, Practices, Publication, Publications, Publishing, Rapid Development, Research, Science, Small, Sources, Species, Term, Universities

Title: SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Full Journal Title: SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

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: Impact Factor

? Mikelić, A. and Bruining, H. (2008), Analysis of model equations for stress-enhanced diffusion in coal layers. Part I: Existence of a weak solution. SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 40 (4), 1671-1691.

Full Text: 2008\SIAM J Mat Ana40, 1671.pdf

Abstract: This paper is motivated by the study of the sorption processes in the coal. They are modeled by a nonlinear degenerate pseudoparabolic equation for stress-enhanced diffusion of carbon dioxide (CO2) in coal, partial derivative(t)phi = partial derivative(x) {D(phi) partial derivative(x)phi+D(phi)phi/B partial derivative(x) (e(-m phi)partial derivative(t)phi)}, where B, m are positive constants and the diffusion coefficient D(phi) has a small value when the CO2 volume fraction phi is 0 <= phi < phi(c), representative of coal in the glass state and orders of magnitude higher value for phi > phi(c), when coal is in the rubber-like state. These types of equations arise in a number of cases when nonequilibrium thermodynamics or extended nonequilibrium thermodynamics is used to compute the flux. For this equation, existence of the travelling wave-type solutions was extensively studied. Nevertheless, the existence seems to be known only for a sufficiently short time. We use the corresponding entropy functional in order to get existence, for any time interval, of an appropriate weak solution with square integrable first derivatives and satisfying uniform L-infinity-bounds. Due to the degeneracy, we obtain square integrability of the mixed second order derivative only in the region where the concentration phi is strictly positive. In obtaining the existence result it was crucial to have the regularized entropy as unknown for the approximate problem and not the original unknown (the concentration).

Keywords: Capillary-Pressure, Carbon, Carbon Dioxide, CO2, Coal, Concentration, Darcy Flow Model, Degenerate Pseudoparabolic Equation, Diffusion, Diffusion Coefficient, Entropy, Entropy Methods, First, Glass, Interval, Macromolecular Structure, Model, Penetrants, Polymers, Porous-Media, Pressure Saturation Relation, Regularization, Second Order, Second-Order, Small, Solution, Solutions, Sorption, State, Stress-Enhanced Diffusion, Thermodynamics, Transport, Value, Volume

Title: SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing

Full Journal Title: SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing

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ISSN: 0196-5204


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Publisher Address:

Subject Categories:

: Impact Factor

Notes: highly cited

? Wold, S., Ruhe, A., Wold, H. and Dunn, W.J. (1984), The collinearity problem in linear-regression - the partial least-squares (pls) approach to generalized inverses. SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing, 5 (3), 735-743.

Full Text: 1984\Sia J Sci Sta Com5, 735.pdf

Abstract: The use of partial least squares (PLS) for handling collinearities among the independent variables $X$ in multiple regression is discussed. Consecutive estimates $({\text{rank }}1,2,\cdots)$ are obtained using the residuals from previous rank as a new dependent variable $y$. The PLS method is equivalent to the conjugate gradient method used in Numerical Analysis for related problems.To estimate the ‘optimal’ rank, cross validation is used. Jackknife estimates of the standard errors are thereby obtained with no extra computation.The PLS method is compared with ridge regression and principal components regression on a chemical example of modelling the relation between the measured biological activity and variables describing the chemical structure of a set of substituted phenethylamines.

Keywords: Collinearity, Linear Regression, Conjugate Gradients, Principal Components, Cross Validation, Chemometrics

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