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Title: Stability Constants of Metal-ion Complexes Part A: Inorganic Ligands

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Title: Stability Constants of Metal-ion Complexes Part A: Inorganic Ligands

Pergamon Press, Oxford, New York, Toronto, Sydney, Paris and Frankfurt

Högfeldt, E. (1982), Stability Constants of Metal-ion Complexes Part A: Inorganic Ligands, Pergamon Press, Oxford, New York, Toronto, Sydney, Paris and Frankfurt.

Title: Starch-Stärke

Full Journal Title: Starch-Stärke

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ISSN: 0038-9056


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Subject Categories:

: Impact Factor

? Wing, R.E. (1996), Starch citrate: Preparation and ion exchange properties. Starch-Stärke, 48 (7-8), 275-279.

Full Text: 1996\Sta-Sta48, 275.pdf

Abstract: Starch was allowed to react thermochemically (oven versus drum drying-oven) with citric acid to potentially yield biodegradable products possessing high ion exchange capacity. Reaction variables studied were: starch type (amylose content 0-70%), pH (0.5-8.5), sodium level (0-3 moles), citric acid level (0.1-0.5 moles), reaction time, temperature (110-140°C) and sodium dihydrogen phosphate catalysis. Reaction efficiencies approaching 100% were achieved, while minimizing crosslinking and maximizing carboxyl content. Carboxyl content was determined and copper binding capacity at pH 4.5 was evaluated.

Keywords: Heavy-Metal Ions, Citric-Acid, Formaldehyde, Performance, Residues, Removal, Binding, Cotton

Title: Starke

Full Journal Title: Starke

ISO Abbreviated Title: Starke

JCR Abbreviated Title: Starke



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Subject Categories:

: Impact Factor

Notes: IIsotherm

? Nair, P.R.M., Patel, K.C. and Patel, R.D. (1976), Adsorption of amylose triacetate on porous adsorbents. Starke, 28 (8), 267-270.

Full Text: 1960-80\Starke28, 267.pdf

Abstract: Adsorption studies of amylose triacetate from its chloroform solutions on porous adsorbents viz. calcium silicate, aluminium silicate, and cellulose powder have been carried out at 35°±0.05°C. The adsorption follows first order kinetics. The adsorption data have been analysed according to the Langmuir and Simha-Frisch-Eirich isotherms. Viscosity measurements of supernatant polymer solutions as a function of adsorption time indicate the preferential adsorption of low molecular weight material.

Keywords: Adsorption

Title: Statistical Science

Full Journal Title: Statistical Science

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Publisher Address:

Subject Categories:

: Impact Factor

? Stigler, S.M. (1994), Citation patterns in the journals of statistics and probability. Statistical Science, 9 (1), 94-108.

Full Text: 1994\Sta Sci9, 94.pdf

Abstract: This is a study of the use of citation data to investigate the role statistics journals play in communication within that field and between statistics and other fields. The study looks at citations as import-export statistics reflecting intellectual influence. The principal findings include: there is little variability in both the number and diversity of imports, but great variability in both the number and diversity of exports and hence in the balance of trade, there is a tendency for influence to flow from theory to applications to a much greater extent than in the reverse direction, there is little communication between statistics and probability journals. The export scores model is introduced and employed to map a set of journals’ bilateral intellectual influences onto a one-dimensional scale, and the Cox effect is identified as a phenomenon that can occur when a disciplinary paper attracts a large degree of attention from outside its discipline.

Keywords: Applications, Bibliometrics, Bradley-Terry Model, Citation, Citations, Diversity, Field, GINI Index, Herfindahl Index, Journals, Models, Quasi-Symmetry, Science, Simpsons Index, Statistics, Theory

Title: Statistics in Medicine

Full Journal Title: Statistics in Medicine

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Publisher Address:

Subject Categories:

: Impact Factor

? Campbell, M.J. and Julious, S.A. (1994), Statistics in medicine - Citations of papers in the 1st 10 years. Statistics in Medicine, 13 (1), 3-10.

Full Text: 1994\Sta Med13, 3.pdf

Abstract: All papers from Volume 1 of Statistics in Medicine were followed up in the Science Citation Index. There were 6.7 citations per paper in medical journals as opposed to 1.5 citations per paper in statistical journals, and overall there were 8.7 citations per paper. The average citation rate was lower than that of the first issue of Biometrics, published in the same year, but this was partly because of a greater proportion of zero-cited papers. Citations from medical journals increased annually, until about 5 years after publication, after which they remained steady. Volumes 2-6 of Statistics in Medicine and Volumes 29-33 of Biometrics, for the years 1983-87, were followed up for statistical, medical source of the citations. Citations for Volumes 2-4 of Statistics in Medicine were relatively low, but picked up by Volume 5. Biometrics had more citations from statistical sources than from medical, by contrast to Statistics in Medicine which had far more citations from medical sources than from statistical.

Keywords: Citation, Citations, Journals, Papers, Publication, Regression, Science Citation Index, Statistical

Title: Statistics & Probability Letters

Full Journal Title: Statistics & Probability Letters

ISO Abbreviated Title:

JCR Abbreviated Title:



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Publisher Address:

Subject Categories:

: Impact Factor

Wimmer, G. and Altmann, G. (2001), A new type of partial-sums distributions. Statistics & Probability Letters, 52 (4), 359-364.

Full Text: S\Sta Pro Let52, 359.pdf

Abstract: Generalizing Brookes theoretical explorations of the Bradford law (J. DOC. 33 (1977) 180) and searching for law-like hypotheses (J. Quant. Linguistics 6 (1999) 188) in linguistics and musicology led to a new type of partial-sums distributions. Some properties of this class of distributions are investigated.

Keywords: Discrete Probability Distributions, Partial-Sums Distributions

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