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Title: Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie-Frankfurt

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Title: Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie-Frankfurt

Full Journal Title: Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie-Frankfurt

ISO Abbreviated Title:

JCR Abbreviated Title: Z Phys Chem-Frankfurt

ISSN: 0044-3336

Issues/Year: 12

Journal Country/Territory:



Publisher Address:

Subject Categories:

Impact Factor

? Plieth, W.J. (1969), Kinetics of electrochemical reactions in adsorption layers on metal-electrolyte phase boundaries. Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie-Frankfurt, 67 (4-6), 178-??.

? Bockris, J.O.M. and Habib, M.A. (1975), Comparison of single and multiple imaging approaches to ionic adsorption-isotherm. Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie-Frankfurt, 98 (1-6), 43-60.

? Drachsel, W. and Becker, K.A. (1977), Adsorption of gaseous benzene in H-mordenite. 1. New model isotherm for zeolitic adsorption. Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie-Frankfurt, 106 (1-2), 33-44.

? Riedhammer, T.M., Melnicki, L.S. and Bruckenstein, S. (1978), Isotherm and electrosorption valency for underpotential deposits of silver on gold. Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie-Frankfurt, 111 (2), 177-192.

Title: Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie (Leipzig)

Title: Journal for Physical Chemistry (English) (Z. Phys. Chem.)

Full Journal Title: Zeitschrift fur Physikalische Chemie

ISO Abbreviated Title:

JCR Abbreviated Title:

ISSN: 0044-3336

Issues/Year: 12

Journal Country/Territory:



Publisher Address:

Subject Categories:

Impact Factor

Kooij, D.M. (1893), Über die Zersetzung des gasförmigen phosphorwasserstoffs. Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie (Leipzig), 12, 155-161.

? Vriens, J. (1899), Adsorption. Zeitschrift fur Physikalische Chemie (Leipzig), 31, 230-234.

Abstract: The adsorption taking place when a centinormal solution of nitric acid is passed through a number of filter papers is measured by determining the molecular conductivity of the liquid before and after filtration. The author concludes that the diminution of concentration is proportional to the number of filters employed.

Keywords: Adsorption

Notes: hghly cited, IIsotherm

Freundlich, H.M.F. (1906), Über die adsorption in lösungen. Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie (Leipzig), 57A, 385-470.

Full Text: -1959\Zei Phy Che57A, 385.pdf

Notes: highly cited

Freundlich, H.M.F. (1906), Concerning adsorption in solutions. Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie-Stochiometrie und Verwandtschaftslehre, 57 (4), 385-470.

Freundlich, H.M.F. (1906), Over the adsorption in solutions. Journal for Physical Chemistry, 57A, 385-470. (English)

Title: Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie-Leipzig

Full Journal Title: Zeitschrift fur Physikalische Chemie, Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie

ISO Abbreviated Title:

JCR Abbreviated Title:

ISSN: 0942-9352


Journal Country/Territory:



Publisher Address:

Subject Categories:

: Impact Factor

? Kocirik, M. and Zikanova, A. (1972), Kinetics of adsorption in case of rectangular adsorption isotherm. Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie-Leipzig, 250 (3-4), 250-??.

? Blank, H. and Bulow, M. (1975), Combined isoster-isotherm measurement of adsorption equilibria. Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie-Leipzig, 256 (1), 199-204.

? Karger, J., Bulow, M. and Schirmer, W. (1975), Adsorption-kinetics of binary n-paraffin-benzol mixtures on synthetic zeolithes. 1. Experimental phenomenon and its significance. Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie-Leipzig, 256 (1), 144-152.

? Bulow, M., Karger, J., Vanphat, N. and Schirmer, W. (1976), Kinetics of gas-phase adsorption of hexane on NaX zeolite. 1. Discussion of sorption curves. Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie-Leipzig, 257 (6), 1205-1216.

? Goral, M. and Janaszewski, B. (1977), Problem of vapor non-ideality in barkers method of vapor-pressure isotherm data-processing. Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie-Leipzig, 258 (3), 417-425.

? Karger, J., Bulow, M. and Vanphat, N. (1976), Kinetics of gas-phase adsorption of hexane on NaX zeolite. 2. Comparison of sorption and NMR self-diffusion measurements on zeolites with different crystallite radii. Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie-Leipzig, 257 (6), 1217-1231.

? Goral, M. (1977), Error analysis in barkers method of vapor-pressure isotherm data-processing. Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie-Leipzig, 258 (6), 1040-1044.

? Gelbin, D., Roethe, K.P., Schon, G. and Struve, P. (1978), Pore diffusion and barrier resistance in adsorption-kinetics. Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie-Leipzig, 259 (3), 581-584.

? Radeke, K.H., Struve, P. and Ehrhardt, K. (1978), Evaluation of adsorption-kinetics studies at constant volume and variable pressure. Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie-Leipzig, 259 (3), 568-574.

? Miller, R. and Lunkenheimer, K. (1978), Adsorption-kinetics on fluid phase boundaries - numerical- solution for diffusion controlled adsorption process. Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie-Leipzig, 259 (5), 863-868.

? Kolasinska, G. and Oracz, P. (1979), Generalization of error analysis and problem of vapor non-ideality in barkers method of vapor-pressure isotherm data-processing. Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie-Leipzig, 260 (1), 169-173.

? Jaroniec, M., Patrykiejew, A. and Borowko, M. (1979), Some remarks on the Langmuir adsorption-isotherm. Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie-Leipzig, 260 (2), 221-224.

? Dabrowski, A. and Jaroniec, M. (1980), Application of isotherm equations to the adsorption from binary-liquid mixtures on heterogeneous surfaces for determining the surface phase capacity. Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie-Leipzig, 261 (2), 359-366.

? Patrykiejew, A., Jaroniec, M. and Marczewski, A.W. (1984), Application of the partially mobile adsorption model in studies of the temperature-dependence of adsorption-isotherms. Zeitschrift für Physikalische Chemie-Leipzig, 265 (1), 195-198.

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