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Title: Zeitschrift fur Deutsches Altertum und Deutsche Literatur

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Title: Zeitschrift fur Deutsches Altertum und Deutsche Literatur

Full Journal Title: Zeitschrift fur Deutsches Altertum und Deutsche Literatur

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Subject Categories:

: Impact Factor

? Lienert, E. (1989), Mirror-robbing and red boots - Self-citations in the songs of neidhardt. Zeitschrift fur Deutsches Altertum und Deutsche Literatur, 118 (1), 1-16.

Title: Zeitschrift fur Elektrochemie

Full Journal Title: Zeitschrift fur Elektrochemie

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JCR Abbreviated Title:

ISSN: 0372-8323


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Publisher Address:

Subject Categories:

: Impact Factor

? van’t Hoff, H.J. (1902), Purification of drinking water using ozone. Zeitschrift fur Elektrochemie, 8, 504-507.

Title: Zeitschrift für Elektrochemie und Angewandte Physikalische Chemie

Full Journal Title: Zeitschrift für Elektrochemie und Angewandte Physikalische Chemie

ISO Abbreviated Title:

JCR Abbreviated Title:

ISSN: 0372-8323


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Publisher Address:

Subject Categories:

: Impact Factor

Notes: highly cited

? Einstein, A. (1908), Elementary theory of the Brownian motion. Zeitschrift fur Elektrochemie und Angewandte Physikalische Chemie, 14, 235-239.

Keywords: Brownian Motion, Theory

? Marc-Jena, R. (1914), Kinetics and adsorption. Zeitschrift für Elektrochemie und Angewandte Physikalische Chemie, 20 (16/17), 515-524.

? Polanyi, M. (1920), News on the adsorption and adsorption forces principle. Zeitschrift für Elektrochemie und Angewandte Physikalische Chemie, 26, 370-374.

? Polanyi, M. (1921), Adsorption catalysis. Zeitschrift für Elektrochemie und Angewandte Physikalische Chemie, 27, 142-150.

? Freundlich, H.M.F. and Burgess, L.L. (1929), A case of adsorption regression. Zeitschrift für Elektrochemie und Angewandte Physikalische Chemie, 35, 362-366.

? Polanyi, M. (1929), Basics of the potential theory of adsorption. Zeitschrift für Elektrochemie und Angewandte Physikalische Chemie, 35, 431-432.

Title: Zeitschrift für Ernahrungswissenschaft

Full Journal Title: Zeitschrift für Ernahrungswissenschaft

ISO Abbreviated Title:

JCR Abbreviated Title:



Journal Country/Territory:



Publisher Address:

Subject Categories:

: Impact Factor

? Elshobaki, F.A., Saleh, Z.A. and Saleh, N. (1990), The effect of some beverage extracts on intestinal iron-absorption. Zeitschrift für Ernahrungswissenschaft, 29 (4), 264-269.

Abstract: The effect of some beverage extracts namely anise, mint, caraway, cumin, tilia, liquorice, karkade and tea, on the absorption of iron was tested in tied-off intestinal segments of rats. The rate of intestinal iron absorption was calculated in terms of an absorption index. The tannin, phytic acid and ascorbic acid contents of these beverages were analysed.

The results show that anise, mint, caraway, cumin, tilia, liquorice, arranged in decreasing order of their effect, promoted the absorption of iron. Karkade did not exert an appreciable effect while tea inhibited absorption. The results are discussed in relation to the content of these beverages of tannins, phytic or ascorbic acids. It is recommended to offer these beverages to children and also to adults as a preventive agent to iron deficiency anemia. Also can be used for the preparation of bioavailable medicinal iron.

Keywords: Iron, Absorption, Beverages, Anemia, Anise, Mint, Caraway, Cumin, Tilia, Licorice, Karkade, Tea

Title: Zeitschrift fur Gastroenterologie

Full Journal Title: Zeitschrift fur Gastroenterologie

ISO Abbreviated Title:

JCR Abbreviated Title:



Journal Country/Territory:



Publisher Address:

Subject Categories:

: Impact Factor

? Bohlen, A.B., Vitzthum, K., Mache, S., Quarcoo, D., Scutaru, C. and Groneberg, D.A. (2010), Scientometric analysis of the BMI. Zeitschrift fur Gastroenterologie, 48 (11), 1285-1292.

Full Text: 2010\Zei Gas48, 1285.pdf

Abstract: Background: The connection between overweight and health risks has been known since the beginning of the 19th century. In order to define overweight, the “body mass index” (BMI) in kg/m(2) was introduced. Methods: The present study evaluates the quantity and quality of the published literature available, and its changes over the years. Basic bibliographic methods and recent visualizing techniques were used in order to analyse and categorise research in the field of the BMI. The data were extracted from “ISI Web of Science” by Thomson Reuters beginning from 1900 to 2008 by defined search terms. Results: There are 63,845 articles on the subject available. It shows, that the number of annual publications is increasing continuously, starting in 1972. The bibliometric methods and the application of density equalising maps reveal global research productivity and citation activity with emphasis on the USA. Conclusion: The present study supplies a first bibliometric approach to visualise research activity in the field of BMI. Furthermore, it provides data that can be used for the identification of research clusters and to locate regions where more research needs to be done. Despite the controversial discussion, the analysed data suggest that the BMI is still an important, simple, and inexpensive measure for the assessment of the nutritional status that comes to a worldwide use.

Keywords: 19th Century, Activity, Bibliometric, Bibliometric Methods, Body-Mass Index, Cancer-Mortality, Cardiorespiratory Fitness, Cardiovascular-Disease, Citation, Colorectal Cancer, Density, Disease Risk-Factors, Fat Distribution, Field, Follow-up, Heart-Disease, Intestine, Literature, Obesity, Publications, Research, Stomach, USA, Waist Circumference

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