Your Study Options - Level 3 (Advanced)
There are a range of courses to choose from at this level; some more academic, some more vocational. Please come to our Open Evenings, use our website and speak to your careers advisers at school to gather as much information as you can about the different types of courses and the different subjects available. We will discuss your course choices with you at your interview.
A Level (AS/A2)
An A Level is made up of an AS (taken in the first year) and an A2 (taken in the second year). The AS makes up 50% of the final A Level grade. An AS is however, a qualification in its own right. Once at College, progression from an AS to an A2 course is normal, although it is not automatic.
Some subjects are offered as an Applied A Level. These courses are in vocational areas, are more coursework-based and are suitable for students who want to combine a vocational subject with conventional A Levels.
Double A Level (AS/A2)
Some subjects are offered as a Double AS/A2.
These courses, equivalent to 2 AS/A2s, are often taken by students who have a related career in mind and want to focus their studies in these areas. You can combine this course with two additional AS’s in your first year and one A2 in your second year.
BTEC Certificate and Diplomas
These courses are vocational qualifications which are assessed entirely through assignments and may include work experience placements. You can progress from these courses either to Higher Education to study a degree or directly to employment. Students who choose these courses tend to be those who are interested in working in these fields later in life.
BTEC Certificate: generally considered to be the equivalent to one AS (known as BTEC Subsidiary Diploma when carried through to A2).
BTEC Diploma: generally considered to be the equivalent to two AS/A2 courses.
BTEC Extended Diploma: generally considered to be the equivalent to three AS/A2 courses.
Courses are offered in Sport and IT and grades awarded are Pass, Merit or Distinction.
Standard entry requirements: At least 5 A* - C grade GCSEs, including Maths and English
Type of Courses
A Typical Programme
Additional commitments for all students
A Levels (AS/A2)
A Levels (AS/A2) Applied
4 AS Subjects in total
• General Studies
• Activity
• Tutorial
• Subject Workshops
A Levels (AS/A2) Double
Health & Social Care Double AS + 2 AS
Business Applied Double AS + 2 AS
BTEC Certificate
IT + 3 AS
BTEC National Diploma
IT or Sport Diploma + 2 AS
BTEC Extended National Diploma
Sport Extended Diploma (Optional +1
For some subjects there are additional entry requirements. These are listed with the detailed subject information in this prospectus. We are aware that students have the option to study vocational courses alongside GCSE subjects at school.
We expect students to achieve a grade of Merit or Distinction if we are to include them as an equivalent qualification for entry to an A level programme of study. The College reserves the right to decide how many GCSE subjects we view a vocational qualification to be equivalent to.
Science Additional Entry Requirements
The entry criteria for Science A levels are listed here, due to their complexity. They reflect the varying types of GCSEs that are available in schools.
Science A Levels include:
Human Biology,
Environmental Studies,
Please note: a BTEC First/Level 2 Science qualifications does not qualify a student for a Science A Level course.
To study Chemistry and Physics, students must achieve the following GCSE grades:
5 A* - C grade GCSEs, including English, plus an A and a B grade in one of the following combinations:
Additional Science GCSE and Maths GCSE or
Chemistry or Physics GCSE and Maths GCSE or
Additional Science (Applied) GCSE and Maths GCSE
To study Biology, Human Biology or Geology, students must achieve the following GCSEgrades:
5 A* - C grade GCSEs, including English, plus two B grades in one of the following combinations:
Additional Science GCSE and Maths GCSE or
Biology or Chemistry or Physics GCSE and Maths GCSE or
Additional Science (Applied) GCSE and Maths GCSE or
Applied Science GCSE (Double Award) and Maths GCSE.
To study Environmental Studies or Psychology students must achieve the following GCSE grades:
5 A* - C grade GCSEs, including English, plus:
Grade B in either GCSE Biology/Chemistry/Physics or GCSE Science and Additional Science. If you do not achieve a B in these, then you need to have a Grade B in Maths.
Grades CC in GCSE Science and Additional Science (Applied) or GCSE applied Science (Double Award) plus a Grade B in Maths.
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