Physics b. Sc (pass) part-i paper-i mechanics marks 100 vector operation

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Type of index numbers , Methods of construction of simple and weighted index number , choice of base year, type of average to be used , Laspeyer’s Pasche’s Fisher and Marshal Edgeworth index numbers, Consumer price index ( cost of living index) , Shifting of base , text of index numbers ,Uses of index number in daily life and official statistics.


  1. Presentation of data by diagrams ( simple, multiple, subdivided bars, rectangles, squares, cubes, circle, Pie diagram, box and whisker, stem & leaf plots).

  2. Graphical presentation of frequency data , frequency polygon, curves histograms, cumulative frequency curves.

  3. Preparation of frequency distribution (Discrete and continuous)

  4. Calculation measures of location, Quantilies of ungrouped as well as grouped data , Location of mode and quantiles by graphical method.

  5. Calculation of Q.D,M.D,S.D absolute qand relative measure of dispersion .

  6. First 4 moments, B1,B2 , skewness, kurtosis by empirical method.

  7. Construction of index numbers, simple weighted laspeyer’s, Pasches, Fisher, Marshal, Edgeworth, application and their test.

  8. Extraction of trend,seasonal variation from time series by all four methods , Graphical representation of time series data.

  9. Interpolation ,forward, backward , graphical and Mathematical applications of Newton’s formula,Lagranges formulae , central difference formulae, Gauss, Stirling , Bessel.

  10. Computer programs(BASIC)

  11. Problems on Financial Mathematics


  1. Croxton, F.E. & Cowden D.J (1964); Applied General Statics. Prentice- Hall Inc, New York.

  2. Freund, J.E and Williams F.J (1973); Modern Business Statics. Prentice- Hall Inc, New York.

  3. Walpole, R.E (1982); Introduction to Statics, Macmillan Publishing Co. Inc, New York.

  4. Bancroft G.O Sullivan, G. (1981); Mathematics and Statics for Accounts and Business Studies, McGraw Hill, New York.

  5. Dixon W.J and Massey F.J (1985); Introduction to Statistical Analysis, McGraw Hill, Book Co. London.

  6. Yle, G.U & Kenall, M.G (1991); An Introduction to the theory of Statics. Charles Griffin & Co. Ltd. London.

  7. Mason, R.D Lind, D.A and Marchal, W.G (2001); Statistical Technique in Business and Economics. McGraw Hill, New York.

  8. Burden, R.L and Fairs J.D (2005); 8th Edition; Numerical Analysis, prindle, Weber and Schmidt, Boston.


Five Questions to be attempted, at least two from each section

Definition of Probability. Simple laws of Probability. Combinatorial Problems, Conditional Probability, Rays Theorem with Proof and Applications. Statistical Independence, (Pair Wise and Mutual). Discrete Random Variable. Probability Mass Function. Mathematical Expectation of Random Variable and Simple Functions of Random Variables. Generating Functions (Recurring Series). Moment Generating Function. Cumulating Generating Function with their Properties. Discreet Probability Distributions; Binomial Poisson, Geometric and Hyper-Geometric Distributions, Derivations of Mean, Variance, Moments, (B1) (B2) of the Above Distributions.

Section –B

Official Statistics, Quality of Statistics, generation of official Statics, peculiarities and properties of official Statistics limitation of Official Statistics, errors in Official Statistics, Method of elimination of errors and mistakes. Sources of Official Statistics in Pakistan. Type of Statistics available, Setup of Major Statically Organizations in Pakistan, (Federal Bureau of Statistics, Provincial Bureau of Statistics, and State Bank of Pakistan) Agricultural, Population, Banking, Economics and General Statistics Series. National and International Classifications.

Sources of Demographics Data. Graphical and Numerical Studies of Demographic Data. Calculation of Vital Rates and Ratio (Mortality and Fertility). Crude and Specified Rates. Rates of Natural Increase (Simple and Geometric); Standardized Death Rates T.R.R, G.R.R, N.R.R, Simple Life Table. Basic Concept of Quality Control and International Quality Standards, X Bar and R, and X Bar and O, Charts.
Practical- II marks -50

  1. Generation of Discrete probability distribution. Coin tossing, and Dice throwing experiments through Random number table.

  2. Comparison of moments of empirically generated data with their corresponding theoretical moments.

  3. Fitting of Binomial poison, Geometric, Hyper geometric distribution to reserved data.

  4. Extraction of information and official publications.

  5. Coding and Editing of Schedules.

  6. Calculation of mortality rates

  7. Calculation of fertility rates

  8. Calculation of Replacement Indices.

  9. Graphical presentation of census and Registration data for Demographic studies. Population pyramids.

  10. Life table construction.

  11. Problem on control charts X bar & R and X bar and O charts.

Text Books:

  1. Zarkovich, S.S (1966); Quality of Statical Data; Food and Agriculture Organization, United Nation. Rome.

  2. Md, Fassihuddin (1968); Mathematical Statics, , Vol. I, Library promotion Bureau, Univ. of Karachi.

  3. Walpole, R.E (1982); Introduction to Statics, Macmillan Publishing Co. Inc. New York.

  4. Masoodul Haq (1984); Foundation of Probability & Statics. Tahir Sons Karachi.

  5. Federal Bureau of Statics, Various Annual and Quarterly Publication of Federal Bureau of Statics of Pakistan.

  6. Pollard, A.H., Pollard G.N., And F. Yousf (1990); Demographic Techniques, Pergamum Press.

  7. Montgomery, D.C (2009); 6th Edition; Introduction of Statistical Quality Control, McGraw Hill, New York.

  8. Ross, S. (2009); 6th Edition; A First Course in Probability, Maxwell Macnitan Inc. New York.



Course Title


Paper – I

Analytical Chemistry Theory


Analytical Chemistry Practical


Paper – II

Organic Chemistry Theory


Organic Chemistry Practical




PAPER-1 Analytical Chemistry Marks 100

Course Description

  • Introduction to Analytical Chemistry

  • Measuring Apparatus

  • Expression of Quantities and Concentrations

  • Basic Approach to Equilibrium

  • Errors in Chemical Analyses and Quality of Results

  • Chemicals and Reagents

  • Use and handling of standards

  • Sampling

  • Errors

  • Precision, Accuracy,

  • Statistical Evolution of Data

  • Quality Control and Quality Assurance

Analytical Chemistry Practical MARKS 50

PAPER- II Organic Chemistry Marks 100

Introduction to Organic Chemistry
Organic chemistry the chemistry of carbon compounds: the nature of organic chemistry-a historical perspective.

Chemical Bonding and Properties of Organic Molecules

Localized and delocalized chemical bonding; concept of hybridization leading to bond angles, bond lengths, bond energies and shape of organic molecules; dipole moment; inductive and field effects; resonance; aromaticity; tautomerism; hyperconjugation; hydrogen bonding; acids and bases; factors affecting the strengths of acids and bases

Classes and Nomenclature of Organic Compounds

Classification of organic compounds; development of systematic nomenclature of organic compounds; IUPAC nomenclature of hydrocarbons and heteroatom functional groups

Functional Group Chemistry

A brief introduction to the chemistry of hydrocarbons, Cyclohexane, alkyl halides, alcohols, phenols, ethers, aldehydes, ketones, amines, and carboxylic acids and their derivatives


General introduction to Electromagnetic radiations and modern spectroscopic techniques

Organic Chemistry Practical Marks 50

B.SC(Pass ) Part-I
Place of Zoology in Science

A One- World View: Genetic Unity, the Fundamental Unit of Life, Evolutionary Oneness and Diversity of Life, Environment and World Resources What is Zoology? The Classification of Animals; the Scientific: The Scientific Method.

The Chemical Basic of Animal Life

Atoms And Elements; Building Blocks Of All Matter; Compounds Molecules: Aggregates of Atoms; Acids, Bases, and Buffer; The Molecules Of Animals; Fractional Account of Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins, Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids Based on Their Structural Aspects.

Cell , Tissues, Organs, and Organ System of Animals

Structure and Function of Cell Membranes; Various Movements Across Membranes; Cytoplasm, Organelles and Cellular Components: Functional Account Of Ribosome, Endoplasmic Reticulum Golgi apparatus Lysosomes, Mitochondria Cytoskeleton Cilia and Flagella, Centrioles and Microtubules, and Vacuoles Based and on Their Structural Aspects: The Nucleus: Nuclear Envelope, Chromosomes and Nucleolus. Tissues Diversity in Epithelia Tissue, Connective Tissue, Muscle Tissue, and Nervous Tissue to Perform Various Functions. Structural Integrations for Functions in Organs and Organ Systems.

Energy and Enzymes: Life’s Driving and Controlling Force

Energy and The Laws of Energy Transformation; Activation Energy; Enzymes: Structure, Function and Factors Affecting Their Activity; Cofactors and Coenzymes; ATP: How Cells Convert Energy? An Overview.

How Animals Harvest Energy Stored In Nutrients

Glycolysis: The First Phase of Nutrient Metabolism; Fermentation “Life With Out Oxygen” Aerobic Respiration: The Major Source of ATP; Metabolism of Fast And Proteins Control of Metabolism; The Metabolic Pool.

Cell Division

Mitosis Cytokines, and the Cell Cycle: An Overview: Control of the Cell Cycle Meiosis: The Basis of Sexual Reproduction, Gamete Formation.

Inheritance Patterns

The Birth of Modern Genetic; Medline Inheritance Patterns; Other Inheritance Patterns; Environmental Effects And Gene Expression.

Chromosomes and Gene Linkage

Eukaryotic Chromosomes Linkage Relationship Changes in Chromosomes Number and Structure

Molecular Genetic Ultimate Cellular Control

DNA the Genetic Material; DNA Replication in Eukaryotes; Genetic in Action; Controls Gene Expression in Eukaryotes; Motions; Applications of Genetic Technologies. Recombinant DNA

Ecology 1: Individuals and Populations

Animals and Their A biotic Environment Populations; Interspecific Interaction.

Ecology II: Communities and Ecosystems

Community Structure and Diversity; Ecosystems: Ecosystems of Earth; (Terrestrial and A quite) Ecological Problems; Human Population, Recourse Depletion and Biodiversity.

Animal Behavior

Four Approaches to Animals Behavior; Proximate and Ultimate Causes; Anthropomorphism; Development of Behavior; Learning; Control of Behaviors; Communication; Behavioral Ecology; Social Behavior.

Evolution: A Historical Perspective

Pre-Darwinian Theories of Change; Lamarck: An Early Proponent of Evolution; Early Development of Darwin’s Ideas of Evolution and Evidences; The Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection; Evolutionary Thought After Darwin; Biogeography.

Evolution and Gene Frequencies

The Modern Synthesis: A Closer Look; The Hardy-Weinberg Theorem; Evolutionary Mechanisms: Population Size, Genetic Drift, natural Selection, Gene Flow, Mutation, and Balanced Polymorphism; Species and Speciation; Rates of Evolution; Molecular Evolution, Mosaic Evolution.

Practical’s (50 Marks)

  1. Tests for Different Carbohydrates, Proteins and Lipids.

(Emphasis on the Concept That Tests Materials Has Been Ultimately Obtained From Living


  1. Study of the Prepared Slides of Squamous, Cuboidal, Columnar Epithelial Tissues, Adipose. Connective, Cartilage Bone, Blood, Nervous, Skeletal Muscle, Smooth Muscle and Cardiac Muscle Tissues.(Prepared Microscopic and/or Projection Slides and/or C D Rom Computer Projections Be Used)

  2. Plasmolysis and Deplasmolysis In Blood.

  3. Protien Digestion by Pepsin.

  4. Study of Mitosis in Onion Root Tip.

  5. Study Of Meiosis Grasshopper Testis (Students Should Prepare The Slide )

  6. Problem Based Study of Mendilian Ratio in Animals.

  7. Multiple Alles Study in Blood Groups.

  8. Survey and Study of a Genetic Favors in Population and Its Frequency.

  9. Study of Karyotypes of drosophila /Mosquito.

  10. Study of Cytochemecal Demonstration of DNA and RNA in Protozoa and Avian Blood Cell.

  11. Study of Early Stages in the Development of an Echinoderm.

  12. Study of Early Stages in the Development of a Frog, Chick and a Mammal.

  13. Demonstration Of Social Behaviors (Documentary Film Be Shown).

  14. Ecological Notes on Animals of Few Model Habitats.

  15. Field Observation And Report Writing On Animals In Their Ecosystem (A Terrestrial And An Aquatic Ecosystem Study).


  1. Introduction

Classification of organisms; Evolutionary Relationship and Tree Diagrams; Patterns of Organization

  1. Animal-Like Protests: The Protozoa

Evolutionary Perspective; Life within a Single Plasma Membrane; Symbiotic Life-styles Protozoan Taxonomy: (up to phyla, subphyla and super classes, wherever applicable) pseudopodia and Amoeboid Loco, nation; Cilia and Other Pellicular Structure; Nutrition Genetic Control and Reproduction; Symbiotic Ciliates; Further Phylogenetic Considerations

  1. Reptiles: The First Amniotes

Evolutionary Perspective: Cladistic Interpretation of the Amniotic Lineage; Survey of order Testudines or Chelan’s Rhynchocephalia, Squamata, and Crocodilian; Evolutionary Pressures: Adaptations in External Structure and Locomotion, Nutrition and the Digestive System, Circulation, Gas Exchange, and Temperature Regulation, Nervous and /Sensory Function, Excretion and Osmorregulation, Reproduction and Development; Further Phylogenic Considerations

  1. Birds: Feathers, Fight, and Endothermy

Evolutionary Perspective: Phylogenetic Relationship; Ancient Birds and the Evolution of Flight; Diversity of Modern Birds, Evolutionary Pressures: Adaptation External Structure and Locomotion, Nutrition and the Digestive System, Circulation, Gas Exchange and Temperature Regulation, Nervous and Sensory Systems, Excretion and Osmoreguatyion, Reproduction and Development, Migration and Navigation.

  1. Mammals: Specialized Teeth, Endothermy, Hair, and Viviparity

Evolutionary Perspective: Phylogenetic Relationship; Ancient Birds and the Evolution of Flight; Diversity of Modern Birds; Evolutionary Pressures: Adaptation in External Structure and Locomotion, Nutrition and the Digestive System, Circulation, Gas Exchange, and Temperature Regulation, Nervous and Sensory Function, Excretion and Osmoregultion, Behavior, Reproduction and Development


Phylogeny and Organization

  1. Study of Euglena, Amoeba, Entamoeba, Plasmodium, Trypanosoms, Paramecium as Reprasasantive of Animal like protects (prepared slides)

  2. Study of sponges and their various body forms.

  3. Principal of representatives of classes of phylum Cnidaria (Coelenterate)

  4. Principal of representatives of classes of phylum Platyhelminthes.

  5. Representatives of phylum Rotifera, phylum Nematoda.

  6. Principal of representatives of classes of phylum Mollusca

  7. Principal of representatives of classes of phylum Amelida

  8. Principal of representatives of classes of phylum Arthropoda

  9. Representatives of hemichordate and invertebrate chordate (Echinodermata)



  1. Protection, Support, and Movement

Protection: The Integumentary System of Invertebrates and Vertebrates; Movement and Support The Skeletal System of Invertebrates and Vertebrater; Movement Non-muscular Movement; An Introduction to Animal Muscles; The Muscular System of Invertebrates and Vertebrates.

  1. Communication I: Nerves

Neurons: Structure and Function; Neuron Communication: Introductory accounts of Resting Membrane potential, Action Potential (Nerve Impulse) and Transmission of the Action Potential Cells; Invertebrate and Vertebrate Nervous Systems: The Spinal Cord, Spinal Nerves, The Brain, Cranial Nerves and The Autonomic Nervous System

  1. Communication II: Senses

Sensory Reception: Bar receptors, Chemoreceptor’s, Georeceptors, Hygroreceptors, Photoreceptors, Photoreceptor, Proprioceptors, Tactile Receptors, and Themoreceptor’s of invertebrates; Lateral-Line System and Electrical Sensing, Lateral-Line System and Mechanoreception, Hearing and Equilibrium in Air, Hearing and Equilibrium in Water, Skin Sensors of Damaging Stimuli, Skin Sensors of Heat and Cold, Skin Sensors of Mechanical Stimuli, Sonar, Smell, Taste and Vision in Vertebrates

  1. Communication III: The Endocrine System and Chemical Messengers

Chemical Messengers: Hormones Chemistry; and Their Feedback Systems; Mechanisms of Hormone Action; Some Horrmones of Porifera, Cnidarians, Plartyhelminths, Nemerteans, Nematodes, Molliscs, Annelids, Arthropods, and Echinoderms invertebrates; An Overview of the Vertebrae Endocrine Systems of Birds and Mammals

  1. Circulation, Immunity, and Exchange

Internal Transporter and Circulatory Systems in Invertebrates: Characteristics of Invertebrate Coolomic Fluid, Hemolymh, and Blood Cells; Transport Systems in Vertebrates; Characteristics of Vertebrate Blood, Blood Cells and Vessels; The Heart and Circulatory Systems of Bony Fishes, Amphibians, and Reptiles, Birds and Mammals; The Human Heart: Blood Pressure and the Lymphatic System; Immunity; Nonspecific Defenses, The Immune Response; Gas Exchange; Respiratory Surfaces; Invertebrate and Vertebrate Respiratory Systems Cetaceous Exchange, Gills, Lungs, and Lung Ventilation; Human Respiratory System: Gas Transport

  1. Nutrition and Digestion

Evolution of Nutrition: The Metabolic Fates of Nutrients in Heterotrophy; Digestion; Animal Strategies for Getting and Using Food Diversity in Digestive Structure of Invertebrates and Vertebrates; the Mammalian Digestive System; Gastrointestinal Motility and its Control, Oral Cavity, Pharynx and Esophagus, Stomach, Small Intestine: Main Site of Digestion; Large Intestine; Role of the Pancreas Inn Digestion; and Role of the Liver and Gall bladder in Digestion

  1. Temperature and Body Fluid Regulation

Homeostasis and Temperature Regulation; The Impact of Temperature on Animal Life; heat Gains and Losses; Some solutions to Temperature Fluctuations; Temperature Regulation in Invertebrates Fishes Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds and Mammals; heat Production in birds and Mammals; Control of Water and Solutes (Osmoregulation and Excretion) Invertebrate and Vertebrate Excretory Systems; How Vertebrates Achieve Osmoregulation; Vertebrate Kidney Variation; mechanism in Metanephric Kidney Functions

  1. Reproduction and Development

Asexual Reproduction in Invertebrates; Advantages and Disadvantage of Asexual Reproduction; Sexual Reproduction in Invertebrates; Advantage and Disadvantages of Sexual Reproduction; Sexual Reproduction in Vertebrates; Reproductive Strategies; Examples of Reproduction among Various Vertebrate Classes; The Human Male Reproductive System; Sperm transport and Hormonal Control, Reproductive Function; The Human Female Reproductive System; Folliculogenesis, transport and Hormonal Control, Reproductive Function; Hormonal Regulation in gestation; Prenatal Development and Birth Events of prenatal Development: The Placenta; Milk Production and Lactation

  1. Descriptive Embrylogy

Fertilization; Embryonic Development: Cleavage and Egg Types; The Primary Germ Layers and their Echinoderm Embryology; Vertebrate Embryology: The Chordate Body Plan, Amphibian Embryology, Development in Terrestrial Environments, Avian Embryology, The fate of Mesoderm


A Comparative Perspective

  1. Study of insect cuticle, fishscales, amphibian skin, reptilian scales, feathers and mammalian skin.

  2. Study and notes on skeleton of labeo, Rana Tigrina Snake, Fowl and Rabbit, e.g. student are required to examine the snake skeleton, identify the parts, and write notes on its adaptive features.

  3. Earthworm or leech; cockroach, freshwater mussel, Channa Catla or Lebeo or any othr local fish, Frog Pigeon and rat or mouse or rabbits are representative animals for study in dissection.


  1. Study of insect cuticle, fish scales, amphibian skin, reptilian scales, feathers and mammalian skin

  2. Study and notes on skeleton of labeo, Rana Tigrina, Snake, Fowl and Rabbit, e.g. Students are required to examine the snake skeleton, identify the parts, and write notes on its adaptative features

  3. Earthworm or leech; cockroach, freshwater mussel, Channa or Catla Catla or Labeo or any other local fish, frog, pigeon and rat o mouse or rabbits are representative animals for study in dissections.

  4. Study of models or preserved brings of representative animals and notes on adaptations

  5. Study of nervous system of earthworm and a fish ( Dissection is required )

  6. Study of endocrine system in an insect and a mammal ( Through models )

  7. Study of different types of blood cells in blood smear ( Modeis / slides )

  8. Study of heart, principal arteries and principal veins in a representative vertebrate ( Dissection of representative fish / mammals )

  9. Study of respiratory system in cockroach or locust and a vertebrate representative (Model)

  10. Study of excretory system in an invertebrate and a vertebrate representative (Model)

  11. Study of nutritive canal in an invertebrate and a vertebrate representative (Dissection)

  12. Study of male reproductive system in an invertebrate and a vertebrate representative (Dissection)

  13. Study of Female reproductive system in an invertebrate and a vertebrate representative (Dissection)

  14. Study of hormonal influence of a reproductive function (model)

  15. Study of preserved advanced stages of avian and mammalian development for amniotic membranes and placentas (Model)

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