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Antal Dorati

[a] WAGNER Die Meistersinger : Prelude to Act I

[b] WAGNER Parsifal : Good Friday Music

[c] WAGNER Lohengrin : Prelude to Act I

[d] BARTÓK Music for Strings, Percussion and Celesta Sz106

[d] Coupled with the Sonata for Two Pianos and Percussion, recorded

with L.S.O. percussionists at Watford on 26-27 Jly 62.

LP: [abc] (Sep62) MG50287 = SR90287,

[a] (Jan63) MG50324 = SR90324,

[ab] (Jly63) MG50333 = SR90333,

[b] (Mar69) SR2 9132,

[d] (Mar69) SR90515; not released on LP in UK,

[abc] (Dec62) MMA11176 = AMS16126,

[ab] (Sep65) Philips GL5821 = 642227GL = SGL5821 = 837827GY,

[a] (Aug68) Fontana SFL14051 = 700174WGY; 6531 002.

CD: [abc] (Mar95) 434 342.2MM,

[d] (Dec95) 434 357.2MM,

[d] (Oct04) 475 6255MM5,

[d] (Apr13) 478 5092MB55,

[abc] (Mar15) 478 7896MB53.

>0465 MERCURY [U.S.A]

Pr: Harold Lawrence Eng: C.Robert Fine

[a] 6-7, [b] 8, [c] 9 & [d] 13 Jun 1960 Wembley Town Hall

[a] Charles Mackerras (bass drum); Antal Dorati

A change to the schedule made the LSO short of a percussion player while

Mackerras happened to be visiting to see Mercury’s mobile recording truck.

[a] LISZT Les Préludes S97

[b] MUSORGSKY Night on the Bare Mountain

[c] SMETANA Má Vlast : No.2 “Vltava”

[d] SIBELIUS Kuolema Op.44 : Valse Triste

LP: [a-d] (Sep61) MG50214 = SR90214,

[b] (Oct63) MG50342 = SR90342,

[a] (Aug68) SRW18084,

[d] (Aug68) SRW18087;

[a-d] (Feb62) MMA11159 = (Jun62) AMS16105,

[c] (Dec74) Philips 6599 700 in 2LP set 6747 126,

[b] (US: Jan75, UK: Apr83) SRI75025.

CD: [b] (Oct90) 432 004.2MM,

[acd] (Feb99) 462 953.2MM,

[b] (Feb12) 478 3566DB51,

[acd] (Mar15) 478 7896MB53.

>0466 MERCURY [U.S.A]

Pr: Harold Lawrence Eng: C.Robert Fine

[a] 7-8 & [b] 15-16 Jun 1960 Wembley Town Hall

[a] Byron Janis (piano); [b] Joseph Szigeti (violin); Herbert Menges

[a] TCHAIKOVSKY Piano Concerto No.1 in B flat minor Op.23

[b] PROKOFIEV Violin Concerto No.1 in D Op.19

[b] Coupled with Stravinsky’s Duo Concertant, recorded in New York on 17

Mar 59, in place of Bartók’s Two Rhapsodies, originally scheduled here.

LP: [a] (Dec60) MG50266 = SR90266,

[b] (Jun65) MG50419 = SR90419; not released in UK,

[a] (May66) MG50448 = SR90448;

[a] (Apr62) MMA11140 = AMS16086,

[a] (Feb65) Philips AL3496 = A04912L = SAL3496 = 838412AY,

[a] (US: Oct74, UK: Sep83) SRI75032,

[a] (Oct75) Philips 6582 009,

[a] (Dec86) Philips 420 038.1PB3.

CD: [a] (Jun91) 432 011.2MM,

[a] (Jly99) Philips 456 850.2PM2,

[a] (Aug10) Brilliant Classics 4CD set 9182,

[a] (Sep11) Brilliant Classics 60CD set 93980,

[a] (Feb12) 478 3566DB51.

>0467 MERCURY [U.S.A]

Pr: Harold Lawrence Eng: C.Robert Fine

[a] 7, [ab] 9, [acd] 12 & [e] 17-18 Jun 1960 Wembley Town Hall

Antal Dorati

[a] BEETHOVEN Leonore Overture No.3 Op.72a

[b] BEETHOVEN Wellingtons Sieg Op.91 “Battle Symphony”

[c] BEETHOVEN Die Geschöpfe des Prometheus Op.43 : Overture

[d] TCHAIKOVSKY Symphony No.4 in F minor Op.36

[e] TCHAIKOVSKY Symphony No.6 in B minor Op.74 “Pathétique”

[b] Sound effects were recorded at West Point, USA, on 20 Aug 60.

[de] Other symphonies in this complete set were recorded in Jun 61 & Jly 65.

LP: [abc] (Feb61) LPS5000 = LPS9000,

[d] (Feb62) MG50279 = SR90279,

[e] (Apr63) MG50312 = SR90312,

[a] (Nov63) MGW14037 = SRW18037,

[b] (Oct64) MGD19 = SRD19,

[de] (Sep67) OL6 121 = MG50468-73 = SR6 9121 = SR90468-73;

[abc] (Nov61) MMA11143 = AMS16091,

[d] (Jly62) MMA11168 = AMS16118,

[b] (Apr64) Philips AL3461 = A04908L = SAL3461 = 838408AY,

[de] (Fr: May76) Philips 6599 935/37 in 6LP set 6747 195,

[e] (Oct74) SRI75031; (Jan77) Philips 6582 014,

[d] (Jan75) SRI75044; (May77) Philips 6582 022,

[c] (Mar79) SRI75122 (mistakenly credited to RPO),

[a] (Mar80) SRI75121,

[b] (Nov82) SRI75142,

[e] (Dec86) Philips 420 038.1PB3.

CD: [b] (Sep86) Philips 416 448.2PH,

[e] (Aug95) 434 353.2MM,

[b] (Dec95) 434 360.2MM,

[d] (Oct96) 434 373.2MM,

[c] (Jun97) 434 375.2MM,

[a] (Apr99) 462 958.2MM,

[de] (Oct04) 475 6261MM5,

[b] (Jun07) Decca 475 8508DOR,

[b] (Feb12) 478 3566DB51,

[acde] (Apr13) 478 5092MB55.

>0468i MERCURY [U.S.A]

Pr: Harold Lawrence Eng: C.Robert Fine

[a] 13, [abc] 14, [d] 15&17 Jun 1960 Wembley Town Hall

Antal Dorati

[a] LISZT Hungarian Rhapsodies S359/2 & 3

[b] ENESCU Roumanian Rhapsody No.1 in A Op.11/1

[c] ENESCU Roumanian Rhapsody No.2 in D Op.11/2

[d] KHACHATURIAN Gayane - ballet : suite

[d] Coupled with Tchaikovsky’s “Romeo and Juliet”, recorded in Jun 59.

LP: [d] (Nov61) MG50209 = SR90209,

[abc] (May61) MG50235 = SR90235;

[abc] (Apr62) MMA11153 = AMS16101,

[d] (May62) MMA11166 = AMS16116,

[d] (Sep68) Wing WL1210; (Jan69) SRW18095,

[abc] (US: Dec73, UK: Sep82) SRI75018,

[a] (Jan77) SRI75089; (Jun80) Philips 6570 140,

[b] (Dec79) Philips 6598 474 in 2LP set 6747 394,

[d] (Oct83) Philips 6527 187,

[a] (Feb85) Philips 6527 202.

CD: [ab] (Jly91) 432 015.2MM,

[d] (Dec92) 434 323.2MM,

[c] (Apr93) 434 326.2MM,

[a-d] (Feb12) 478 3566DB51.

SACD: [ab] (May05) 475 6185MSA.

>0468ii [Additional entry] B.B.C. recorded live at two concerts

[abc] 11 & [def] 12 Oct 1960 Brangwyn Hall, Swansea

[b] Steven Staryk (violin);

[e] Hugh Maguire (violin), Simon Streatfeild (viola); Antal Dorati

led by Hugh Maguire

[a] STRAUSS Don Juan Op.20

[b] SIBELIUS Violin Concerto in D minor Op.47

[c] BERLIOZ Symphonie fantastique Op.14

[d] WASSENAER Concerto armonico in G

[e] MOZART Sinfonia Concertante in E flat K364 (K320d)

[f] SCHUBERT Symphony No.9 in C D944 “Great”

CD: [df] (Feb11) Antal Dorati Centenary Society ADL201,

[ae] (Jun11) Antal Dorati Centenary Society ADL202,

[bc] (Mar13) Antal Dorati Centenary Society ADL203.

>0469 DECCA

Pr: Erik Smith (m) Eng: Alan Abel (m)

Pr: Ray Minshull (s) Eng: Kenneth Wilkinson (s)

15-16 Nov 1960 Walthamstow Assembly Hall

Pierino Gamba

[a] ROSSINI Il Barbiere di Siviglia : Overture

[b] La Gazza Ladra : Overture

[c] Guillaume Tell : Overture

[d] La Scala di Seta : Overture

[e] Semiramide : Overture

LP: [a-e] (Apr61) LXT5626 = SXL2266; (Dec61) CM9273 = CS6204,

[b] (Sep75) SPA367,

[b] (Jun75) SPA373,

[bc] (Aug76) SPA445,

[a-e] (Jly78) JB33; (Sep82) JL41027;

[a] (’81) Pickwick Contour Classics CC7531,

[a-e] (Aug87) 417 692.1DC.

CD: [a-e] (Sep88) 417 692.2DC,

[a-e] (Dec92) 433 606.2DSP,

[a-e] (Mar13) Australian Eloquence 2CD set 480 3899,

[a-e] (Oct13) 478 5437DX54.

>0470 DECCA

Pr: Christopher Raeburn (m) Eng: Alan Abel (m)

Pr: Ray Minshull (s) Eng: Kenneth Wilkinson (s)

5,6&11 Jan 1961 Kingsway Hall

Ruggiero Ricci (violin), Malcolm Sargent

[a] TCHAIKOVSKY Violin Concerto in D Op.35

[b] DVOŘÁK Violin Concerto in A minor Op.53 B108

LP: [ab] (Sep61) LXT5641 = SXL2279; (Jan62) CM9284 = CS6215,

[ab] (Nov65) ADD126 = SDD126; (Aug81) STS15544,

[a] (Nov74) DPA505-6,

[b] (Jly75) SPA398.

CD: [b] (Mar91) 421 168.2LC,

[b] (Mar98) 455 957.2DF2,

[b] (Feb10) Australian Eloquence 2CD set 480 2080,

[a] (Feb10) Australian Eloquence 2CD set 480 2083.


Pr: Ray Minshull Eng: Arthur Lilley

18-20 Jan 1961 West Hampstead Studio 1

Gervase de Peyer (clarinet), Colin Davis

[a] SPOHR Clarinet Concerto No.1 in C minor Op.26

[b] WEBER Clarinet Concerto No.2 in E flat Op.74 J118

LP: [ab] (Sep61) OL50204 = SOL60035,

[b] (Nov77) Decca ECS807.

CD: [ab] (Jan93) Decca 433 727.2DM,

[ab] (Jly05) Australian Eloquence 476 7404,

[a] (Apr15) Alto ALC1266,

[ab] (Jun15) Regis RRC1424.

>0471ii [Additional entry] B.B.C. TELEVISION

28? Jan 1961 Maida Vale Studio 2

The soundtrack was probably recorded on 28 Jan and Ballet Rambert’s

dancers filmed on 31 Jan & 2 Feb 61 for the broadcast on 2 Apr 61.

David Ellenberg

led by Norman Nelson

LØVENSKJOLD La Sylphide - ballet

DVD video: (Apr13) ICA Classics ICAD5099.


Pr: Michael Bremner Eng: Kenneth Wilkinson

[a] 17 Mar & [bcd] 18 May 1961 Kingsway Hall

[a] Jennifer Vyvyan (soprano), Helen Watts (contralto),

Peter Pears (tenor), Owen Brannigan (bass-baritone);

London Symphony Chorus” (John McCarthy), George Malcolm

[a] BRITTEN Cantata Academica Op.62

[b] Hymn to St.Cecilia Op.27

[c] A Hymn to the Virgin

[d] Gloriana Op.53 : Choral dances

[bcd] are unaccompanied choral works. The “London Symphony Chorus”,

here making its recorded debut, was John McCarthy’s professional

choir, which was usually billed as the Ambrosian Singers.

The orchestra’s own amateur chorus was not formed until 1966.

LP: [a-d] (Oct61) OL50206 = SOL60037,

[a] (Jun74) Decca SXL6640,

[b] (Oct77) Argo ZK19,

[ad] (May83) Argo ZRG947.

CD: [ab] (Aug89) London 425 153.2LM,

[ab] (Jly93) London 436 396.2LM,

[a] (May01) Decca 2CD set 468 811.2,

[ab] (Sep05) Decca 475 6040DC10,

[a] (May12) Heritage HTGCD236,

[c] (Jun12) Australian Eloquence 480 2336,

[bcd] (Dec12) Heritage HTGCD243,

[ab] (Jun13) Decca 478 5519 = 478 5364DX66,

[b] (Jun13) Decca 478 5723DX4,

[ab] (Nov13) Decca 478 5450DX16.

“Mysterious Island” film soundtrack

4-6 Apr 1961 Denham Film Studios

This and earlier soundtrack recordings are detailed in an appendix at >AC.

Subsequent soundtrack recordings are included in the main discography.

>0473 DECCA

Pr: Michael Bremner (m) Eng: Alan Abel (m)

Pr: Ray Minshull (s) Eng: Kenneth Wilkinson (s)

21&24 Apr 1961 Kingsway Hall

Barry Tuckwell (horn), Peter Maag

[a] MOZART Horn Concerto No.2 in E flat K417

[b] Horn Concerto No.4 in E flat K495

[c] Horn Concerto in E K.Anh98a (K494a)

LP: [ab] (Nov61) ten inch BR3102 = SWL8011,

[abc] (Jun64) LXT6108 = SXL6108; (Oct64) CM9403 = CS6403,

[abc] (Apr73) SDD364,

[b] (Jly75) SPA393,

[ab] (Feb76) DPA521-22,

[abc] (Sep79) JB70; (Apr82) JL41015.

CD: [ab] (Oct88) 417 767.2DM,

[ab] (Mar00) 466 247.2DF2,

[ab] (Nov00) Eloquence 467 426.2,

[b] (Feb06) 475 7463DF2,

[ab] (Jun06) Australian Eloquence 476 9700,

[abc] (Jan11) 478 2659DOR,

[c] (Oct11) Australian Eloquence 480 3608.

>0474 DECCA

Pr: James Walker Eng: Kenneth Wilkinson

15,16 May, 10,11&25 Aug 1961 Kingsway Hall

Joan Sutherland (soprano), Grace Bumbry (contralto),

Kenneth McKellar (tenor), David Ward (bass),

London Symphony Chorus” (John McCarthy),

Ralph Downes (organ), George Malcolm (harpsichord), Adrian Boult

[a] HANDEL Messiah HWV56

[b] Messiah HWV56 : Thy rebuke [tenor version]

[b] Unpublished on LP: the soprano version was preferred,

whilst this was evidently forgotten before the original CD issue.

LP: [a] (Nov61) MET218-20 = SET218-20; (Dec61) A4357 = OSA1329,

[a] (Oct78) D104D3.

CD: [a] (Sep91) 433 003.2DM3,

[a] (Nov10) Newton Classics 3CD set 8802032,

[ab] (Apr11) Australian Eloquence 4CD set 480 4924,

[(a)b] (Sep11) Australian Eloquence 480 4915,

[a] (Apr12) Major Classics M3CD301.

>0475 R.C.A. / DECCA

Pr: Erik Smith Eng: Ken Cress (m), Alan Reeve (s)

23-27 May 1961 Kingsway Hall

Pierre Monteux

[a] BEETHOVEN Symphony No.5 in C minor Op.67

[b] Symphony No.7 in A Op.92

[c] Egmont Op.84 : Overture

LP: [b] (Apr64) VIC1061 = VICS1061; (Feb64) mono only in UK,

[ac] (Nov81) Decca SPA585; (Jun83) London STS15519,

[b] (Mar82) Decca SPA586; (Aug81) London STS15520,

[ac] (’86) Pickwick Contour Classics CC7621.

CD: [a] (Mar91) London 430 408.2LC,

[b] (Feb93) Decca 433 403.2DM,

[abc] (Nov94) Decca 443 479.2DF2,

[abc] (Sep15) Australian Eloquence 6CD set 480 8895,

[abc] (May16) Decca 482 5410DX20.

>0476 B.B.C. Studio Recording (broadcast on 15 Jun 61) mono

Pr: Alexander Goehr

11 Jun 1961 Maida Vale Studio 1

Peter Pears (tenor), Benjamin Britten

led by Hugh Maguire

BRITTEN Our Hunting Fathers Op.8

LP: (Jan82) B.B.C. Artium REGL417.

CD: (Oct99) B.B.C. Music BBCB8014.2,

(Jun00) B.B.C. Legends 6CD set BBCS4404.2,

(Jun13) Decca 478 5747 = 478 5364DX66.

>0477 MERCURY [U.S.A]

Some of Mercury’s 1961-63 sessions were recorded on 35mm. magnetic film.

Pr: Harold Lawrence Eng: C.Robert Fine

[ab] 15-16, [c] 16-18, [d] 17-20 & [b] 24 Jun 1961 Watford Town Hall

[c] Byron Janis (piano); [d] Joseph Szigeti (violin); Antal Dorati

[a] COPLAND Appalachian Spring - ballet : suite

[b] COPLAND Billy the Kid - ballet

[c] RACHMANINOV Piano Concerto No.3 in D minor Op.30

[d] BEETHOVEN Violin Concerto in D Op.61

LP: [ab] (May62) MG50246 = SR90246,

[c] (Nov61) MG50283 = SR90283,

[d] (Jun64) MG50358 = SR90358; not released in UK.

[c] (Aug62) MMA11162 = AMS16109,

[ab] (Oct62) MMA11172 = AMS16122,

[c] (Mar72) Philips 6582 006,

[c] (c73) Philips 6599 243 in 2LP set 6780 251,

[c] (US: Dec75, UK: Apr84) SRI75068.

CD: [c] (Jan92) 432 759.2MM,

[ab] (Jan92) 434 301.2MM,

[d] (Jap: Nov06) Philips UCCP3409 = 470 787.2,

[c] (Aug10) Brilliant Classics 4CD set 9182,

[abc] (Feb12) 478 3566DB51,

[ab] (Jun13) Alto ALC1229,

[c] (Mar14) Alto ALC1239.

SACD: [c] (Sep04) 470 639.2MSA7,

[a] (Apr14) Praga Digitals DSD350086.

Download: [bc] Beulah.

>0478 MERCURY [U.S.A]

Pr: Harold Lawrence Eng: C.Robert Fine

[ab] 19,22 [b] 20,24, [c] 22 & [de] 23 Jun 1961 Watford Town Hall

[ab] Helga Pilarczyk (soprano); Antal Dorati

[a] BERG Wozzeck Op.7 : Three Fragments

[b] BERG Lulu-Suite

[c] HAYDN Symphony No.45 in F sharp minor “Farewell”

[d] MOZART Symphony No.40 in G minor K550

[e] TCHAIKOVSKY Symphony No.5 in E minor Op.64

LP: [e] (Jly62) MG50255 = SR90255,

[ab] (Nov61) MG50278 = SR90278,

[cd] (Dec62) MG50280 = SR90280,

[e] (Sep67) OL6 121 = MG50468-73 = SR6 9121 = SR90468-73,

[d] (Jun69) SR90511;

[ab] (Sep62) MMA11167 = (Oct62) AMS16117,

[e] (Nov62) MMA11175 = AMS16125,

[cd] (Jly65) Philips GL5819 = 642229GL,

(Sep65) Philips SGL5819 = 837829GY,

[e] (Apr75) SRI75056; (Sep76) Philips 6582 013,

[ab] (US: Oct76, UK: Sep83) SRI75065,

[e] (Fr: May76) Philips 6599 936 in 6LP set 6747 195,

[d] (Dec76) Fontana 6531 006.

CD: [b] (Oct90) 432 006.2MM,

[e] (May92) 434 305.2MM,

[a] (Dec92) 434 325.2MM,

[ab] (Aug02) Philips 470 531.2PM2,

[cd] (Sep04) Haydn House HH1064 private issue,

[a] (Oct04) 475 6255MM5,

[e] (Oct04) 475 6261MM5,

[a] (Nov09) Brilliant Classics 9092,

[c] (’11) Antal Dorati Centenary Society ADE010,

[d] (Dec11) Antal Dorati Centenary Society ADE013,

[a] (Feb12) 478 3566DB51,

[b] (Apr13) 478 5092MB55,

[e] (Mar15) 478 7896MB53,

[c] (Oct15) Forgotten Records FR1125.

>0479 B.B.C. recorded live at the Aldeburgh Festival

6 Jly 1961 Orford Church, Suffolk

[b] Mstislav Rostropovich (cello); [c] Joan Carlyle (soprano);

Benjamin Britten

led by Hugh Maguire

[a] HOLST Egdon Heath Op.47 H172

[b] SCHUMANN Cello Concerto in A minor Op.129

[c] MAHLER Symphony No.4 in G

LP: [b] (Dec82) Discocorp RR500, unauthorized release.

CD: [c] (Mar99) B.B.C. Music BBCB8004.2,

[a] (Jun99) B.B.C. Music BBCB8007.2,

[c] (Jun00) B.B.C. Legends 6CD set BBCS4404.2,

[b] (Dec02) B.B.C. Legends BBCL4110.2.

>0480 B.B.C. recorded live at two concerts

[ab] 16 & [c-f] 18 Jly 1961 Royal Albert Hall

[a-e] Sviatoslav Richter (piano); Kirill Kondrashin

led by Hugh Maguire

[a] DVOŘÁK Piano Concerto in G minor Op.33 B63

[b] CHOPIN Andante spianato & Grande Polonaise in E flat Op.22

[c] LISZT Piano Concerto No.1 in E flat S124

[d] LISZT Piano Concerto No.2 in A S125

[e] LISZT Hungarian Fantasia S123

[f] LISZT Festklange S101

LP: [be] (Nov75) Rococo RR2092, unauthorized release,

[a] (Nov75) Rococo RR2118, unauthorized release,

[cde] (Nov81) Discocorp RR489, unauthorized release,

[a-f] (’82) Fonit-Cetra 3LP set DOC27, unauthorized release.

CD: [cde] (Jun87) Fonit-Cetra CDE1011, unauthorized release,

[b] (Sep87) Foyer CDS6009, unauthorized release,

[acd] (May88) Hunt CD559, unauthorized release,

[bc] (Apr89) Virtuoso 269709.2, unauthorized release,

[b] (c91) AS Disc AS341, unauthorized release,

[c] (’91) AS Disc AS345, unauthorized release,

[b] (Jan92) Intaglio INCD707 1, unauthorized release,

[a] (Jun93) Intaglio INCD751 1, unauthorized release,

[cde] (Jan95) Fonit-Cetra CDE3012, unauthorized release,

[b-e] (Feb00) B.B.C. Legends BBCL4031.2,

[cde] (Mar12) Urania WS121 139, unauthorized release.


Pr: Harold Lawrence Eng: C.Robert Fine

19-21 Jly 1961 Walthamstow Assembly Hall

Sviatoslav Richter (piano), Kirill Kondrashin

[a] LISZT Piano Concerto No.1 in E flat S124

[b] Piano Concerto No.2 in A S125

LP: [ab] (Apr62) ABL3401= A00576L = SABL207 = 835474AY;

[ab] (May62) PHM500000 = PHS900000,

[ab] (Feb75) 6580 071,

[ab] (Oct84) 412 006.1PS.

CD: [ab] (Oct84) 412 006.2PH,

[ab] (May92) 434 163.2PM,

[ab] (Sep95) 446 200.2PM,

[ab] (May01) 464 710.2PM,

[a] (Nov04) Decca 475 6243DC6,

[ab] (Oct12) Decca 478 4614DX55,

[ab] (Jan15) Decca 478 6778DC51,

[ab] (Mar15) Mercury 478 7896MB53.
Mackerras was on hand with a repertoire of short pieces so that the orchestra’s time would not be wasted if Richter refused to conform to the booked timetable. In the event he demanded a replacement piano and [a] was recorded while it was being delivered; [b-o] were made after he had completed his recordings.

Pr: Harold Lawrence Eng: C.Robert Fine

[a] 19, [bcd] 21, [ef] 22 & [g-o] 23 Jly 1961 Walthamstow Assembly Hall

Charles Mackerras

[a] NICOLAI Die lustigen Weiber von Windsor : Overture

[b] WEBER-BERLIOZ L’Invitation à la valse

[c] MEYERBEER Le Prophète : Marche du couronnement

[d] J.STRAUSS I Radetzky-Marsch Op.228

[e] TCHAIKOVSKY Mazeppa : Gopak

[f] GLINKA Spanish Overture No.1 “La Jota Aragonesa”

[g] THOMAS Mignon : Overture

[h] SMETANA The Bartered Bride : Dance of the Comedians

[i] BRAHMS Hungarian Dance No.1

[j] BRAHMS Hungarian Dance No.20

[k] BRAHMS Hungarian Dance No.21

[l] OFFENBACH Orphée aux enfers : Overture

[m] OFFENBACH Orphée aux enfers : Can-can

[n] WEBER Abu Hassan J106 : Overture

[o] SUPPÉ Banditenstreiche : Overture

LP: [aehijkln] (Nov62) PHM500022 = PHS900022;

(Dec64) GL5698 = G03174L,

[acdeghimno] (Apr66) PHM500105 = PHS900105;

[al] (Sep67) 2LP set SDAL502 = D88124-25Y,

[e] (Jun73) 6599 370 in 2LP set 6747 056,

[di] (Apr74) 6599 428 in 2LP set 6747 071,

[c] (Dec75) 6598 027 in 2LP set 6747 204,

[b] (Fr:’77) 6539 043,

[bn] (Aug81) 6527 071.

Cass: [bf] (Jan72) 7506 006 ([f] not released on LP).

CD: [a-il-o] (Aug95) Mercury 434 352.2MM,

[bn] (Apr99) 462 868.2PM2,

[a-il-o] (Mar15) Mercury 478 7896MB53.

>0483 Miller International

Dave Miller was one of the pioneers of bargain-priced LPs, who sometimes disguised his artists with pseudonyms, but who does not seem to have made false claims regarding his engagement of regular orchestras. He worked frequently with the LPO from 1958-85 but only advertised one recording with the LSO. If it was genuine, this appears to be the most likely date and venue.

4 Aug 1961 Walthamstow Assembly Hall

Gaetano Cavalli” (probably a pseudonym)

MOZART Symphony No.41 in C K551 “Jupiter”

Coupled with Brahms’ “Haydn Variations”, recorded with the

LPO conducted by Hugo Rignold at Walthamstow in Dec 61.

LP: (Dec65) Pye Marble Arch MAL572; not released in US.

>484i [Additional entry] B.B.C. recorded live at the Edinburgh Festival

20 Aug 1961 Usher Hall, Edinburgh

Edinburgh Royal Choral Union (Herrick Bunney), Leopold Stokowski

led by Hugh Maguire

SCHÖNBERG Gurrelieder

James McCracken (tenor) Waldemar

Gré Brouwenstijn (soprano) Tove

Nell Rankin (mezzo-soprano) Waldtaube

Forbes Robinson (bass) Bauer

John Lanigan (tenor) Klaus-Narr

Alvar Liddell Speaker

CD: (Mar12) Guild GHCD2388-89.

>0484ii B.B.C. recorded live at the Edinburgh Festival

22 Aug 1961 Usher Hall, Edinburgh

Leopold Stokowski

led by Hugh Maguire

[a] GABRIELI Sonata pian e forte

[b] TIPPETT Concerto for Double String Orchestra

[c] LISZT Mephisto Waltz No.1 S110/2

[d] SHOSTAKOVICH Symphony No.5 in D minor Op.47

CD: [abc] (Feb01) B.B.C. Legends BBCL4059.2,

[d] (Apr16) Guild GHCD2426.

>0485 DECCA

Pr: John Culshaw Eng: Kenneth Wilkinson

27-29 Aug 1961 Watford Town Hall

George Szell

HANDEL-Harty Water Music : suite

HANDEL-Harty Royal Fireworks Music

HANDEL-Beecham Il Pastor fido HWV8c : Minuet

HANDEL-Reinhard Serse HWV40 : Largo

LP: (Feb62) LXT5666 = SXL2302; (Jly62) CM9305 = CS6236,

(Feb68) ADD169 = SDD169,

(Jun71) SPA120,

(Sep76) DPA551-52; (Oct84) 411 854.1LJ.

CD: (Nov88) 417 694.2DC,

(Sep93) Belart 450 001.2,

(Jly05) 475 6780DC5.

>0486 R.C.A. / DECCA

Pr: Erik Smith Eng: Kenneth Wilkinson

9-16,18&20-23 Sep 1961 Walthamstow Assembly Hall

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