Congress notes with concern
That student accommodation prices have risen by over 10% nationally in 2014 and that there is a deficit in purpose built student accommodation in Ireland.
Congress notes
That USI highlighted this issue in 2014/2015 and that a number of projects are underway by USI officers on this area.
Congress also notes
That many other jurisdictions have Student Housing Associations whereby accommodation is provided for students by students.
Congress believes
That USI should explore setting up a student housing association in Ireland.
The USI President to research best practice in relation to student housing associations and to consult with key stakeholders on the possibility of USI running an independent student housing association.
Congress also mandates
The USI President to research vacant properties that may be available to create student accommodation and research funding avenues that USI may pursue in order to be in a financial position to create a student housing association.
15 WE 9 Sexual Health Awareness and Guidance Week
Congress notes
That five percent of Irish 18-year-olds will leave secondary school without any formal sexual health education, according to the Durex Sexual Wellbeing Global Survey, 2012.
The need to educate students on all aspects of sexual health when they first enter third level.
Congress mandates
The Vice President Welfare to endeavour to hold Sexual Health Awareness week in the first semester.
15 WE 10 Update USI Physical Health Strategy
Congress notes
The USI Physical Health strategy is due to expire in 2015.
Congress further notes
The importance on USI having a Physical Health Strategy and need to update strategies that are due to expire.
Congress mandates
The Vice President Welfare to work with various bodies like Student Sport Ireland to create a new Physical Health strategy.
Congress notes with concern:
Reports of students having extreme difficulty in recovering their full deposits in a timely and fair manner.
Congress further notes with concern:
That in some cases, landlords are using students’ deposits as profit.
Congress calls on:
The government to honour its commitment from its’ own programme that set out to fully implement a deposit protection scheme.
Congress believes:
That the best way in which to do this would be to extend the arm and resources of the Private Residential Tenancies Board to act as a holding body/third party for deposits.
Congress mandates:
The VP Welfare, VP Campaigns and Officer Board to campaign and lobby to this end before the conclusion of the current government’s term but to update National Council in advance of the start of the Academic Year 2015/16.
15 WE 12 Motion to provide training and contacts to deal with issues regarding BTEA
Congress notes
The number of mature students who rely on the back to education allowance.
Congress further notes
That SU officers may be ill-equipped to deal with the problems arising in applying for and receiving BTEA.
Congress Mandates
The VP Welfare to organise training for SU Officers on dealing with casework relating to BTEA.
Congress Further Mandates
The VP Welfare to set up a contact within the Department of Social Protection that can be used by SU officers’ when resolving issue with BTEA
15 WE 13 Mental Health Awareness Congress acknowledges
The success of mental health awareness through the ‘Chats for Change’ and ‘See Change’ campaigns which have a significant focus on talking to someone about mental health and an individual’s well-being.
Congress notes
That although talking is a crucial message to the campaigns, some individuals require the use of Anti-depressants or Anti-Anxiety medication etc.
Congress Further notes
That the lack of information around the use of medication can lead to stigmatisation of individuals who use medication for mental health issues and can cause a great deal of distress for individuals who have the use of medication suggested to them upon presenting to a GP on a mental health issue.
Congress therefore mandates
The Vice-President for Welfare to include information on the use of medication in relation to mental health issues as part of their on-going mental health campaigns.
15 WE 14 Barrier Free Access to Support Services Congress notes:
The importance of supports services for students of our institutions which provide support in the areas of physical and mental health.
Congress further notes:
That these support services are of vital importance to students in the context of the prevalence of mental health and emotional difficulties among our members.
Congress therefore mandates:
That the VP Welfare would lobby for the provision of, as far as is possible, barrier free access to support services (e.g. health centres, counselling, etc.) on campus and would invest appropriately therein.
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