Set local variable 'FLOATING' equal to FALSE as default value.
It means there is one of the following object of the rigid platform: 'BCN...', 'BRIDGE', 'BUISGL','DAYMAR', 'LNDMRK', 'MORFAC without CATMOR=7', 'OFSPLF', 'PILPNT', 'SLCONS', 'CRANES', 'FLODOC', 'FORSTC', 'FSHFAC', 'HULKES', 'PONTON', 'OBSTRN', 'PYLONS', 'SILTNK' and 'WRECKS'.
Loop for each co-located point object
Loop for each point object which is located at the same position as the object which is calling this procedure. the value of local variable 'FLOATING' is returned.
Setup - Collect all point objects, co-located with the calling object;
Test –While FLOATING == FALSE OR there is an unprocessed point of the co-located object;
Body - Set FLOATING = TRUE if there is an object of the floating platform