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Reason: This error occurs due to Modem Configuration problem. Solution

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Reason: This error occurs due to Modem Configuration problem.

Solution: The following solutions can possible-

    1. Restart the MODEM, it may solve the problem.

    2. Reconfigure the modem with correct value of VPI/ VCI.

  1. ERROR: 619- “The remote computer did not respond and port was closed”

Reason: The following are the reasons for this problem occurring: -

  1. It occurs when another application or process requires the same port as being used by the broadband / internet modem.

  2. Due to corrupted Modem USB driver (If using).

  3. Due to Registry Problem in PC.

  4. You may have installed a router and is causing you some issues with connectivity.

Solution: Following are the solutions of above problems: -

  1. Most of the time, when you restart your system it automatically resolved.

  2. Fix your System registry problem by using registry cleaning software.

  3. Uninstall and reinstall your Broadband modem USB driver.

  1. ERROR 651: “Your modem (or other connecting device) has reported an error…

Reason: -This error comes mainly on Windows 7 OS. This problem is due to problem in windows 7 files mainly with PPPoE driver file raspppoe.sys which is corrupted or not found or not supported.

Solution: The following solutions can possible for above problem-

  1. Replace the raspppoe.sys in Windows/System32/Drivers directory. (High Risk!): The RAS PPPoE driver file “raspppoe.sys” found under c:\windows \system32\drivers folder seems to be the root cause of the problem. You may download raspppoe.sys file (unzip) from

  2. Restore the Windows System in back date may solve the problems.

  3. Uninstall Microsoft Virtual PC 2007; the problem seems to be fixed.

  4. Disable TCP IPv6 for your connection source.

  5. Reinstall LAN/NIC drivers in system.

  6. Last but most easy solution is to change the modem configuration from Bridge to PPPoE.

These are the available solutions for above causes defining the error.

  1. Error 815: “Error connecting broadband connection WAN Miniport (PPPOE)”

Reason: This error comes especially on Windows Vista System and as per my practical experience it is due to LAN driver problem or IP related issues. One more reason may be registry Problem. Sometimes the LAN driver cannot detect the port or conflict came in IP settings of Local Area Network.


  1. Login with your admin account in PC and verify IP address given in the Local area connection’s properties.

  2. Uninstall and reinstall your LAN driver in PC.

  3. Fix your System registry problem with registry cleaning software. Much software available on internet free of cost like CCLEANER for cleaning the registry.

  1. Error 718: “Timed out waiting for a valid response from the remote PPP Peer


    1. A problem with the servers at the BSNL (This problem occurs if loading is high on the system and number of customers exceeds the traffic handling capacity of system or bandwidth is full).

    2. The wrong username and or password were entered when connecting.

    3. The modem may need initialization string to stabilize its operation.


    1. Reboot the modem or off and on the modem.

    2. Make sure that the username and or password entered is correct.

    3. If problem still not solve, contact to service provider and make a complaint to BSNL regarding this.

  1. Error 650: “The Remote access server is not responding…”

Reason: This error occur if the ISP server Modem/equipment is not setup properly or the DNS server IP wrong entered.


    1. After receiving this error, wait for 15 minutes and then restart your computer.

    2. If u receives same error, check with your service provider for Network Outage which required some hours so you may need to be patient.

    3. If there is no network outage, the problem may originate from computer. In this case recreate your connection and if this fails to resolve the problem, uninstall and reinstall broadband modem.

  1. Error 721: “Remote PPP peer is not responding…”

Reason: There is a problem with the remote PPP; the PPP server resides with the Internet. It is caused by a problem with the Internet service provider. This error may be caused by modem connections, ADSL cables and/or broadband filters. Wrong PC settings, update/ uninstall drivers also cause this.


  1. Checking the ISP’s service status before checking other possible causes.

  2. Check all connections. Shut down both modem and PC and to wait 5-10 minutes before restarting them.

  3. Reboot the PC and reinstall modem drivers into PC.

The Errors which described here are not covering all the errors but describe major errors which occur faced by consumers normally. The PC shows the errors when we use the router or MODEM in the bridge mode specified in the programming of router. The PPPoE mode gives always ON connection of broadband in which error no does not show and understand by the knowledge or awareness of use.

Broadband IP Addresses used for LAN Settings in PC>>>
Following IP addresses should be used if Modem is provided by BSNL: -

        • IP Address: - to 250 (may be given 2,3, 4,...... 249, 250)

        • Subnet Mask: -

        • Default gateway: - 

        • Default DNS Address: -,,

Broadband Utilities: - The following table (figure-12) shows various utilities which may be very helpful to those customers who are using the ADSL broadband of BSNL: -



The Web Registration for Broadband Usage Alerts of your BSNL Broadband connection is available at

Log in to Broadband, Go to


  • and


Click on Service Record. Details of the current month usage and previous month will be shown.

To change password

1. Click on Service Record. 2. Click on 'change password', give 'Old password', 'New password' and confirm. Password will be changed.

Table: - (6) Broadband Utilities,

Advantages of Broadband

The Broadband is a faster medium to get access to the Internet as compared to the dial-up. It is fast in terms of data transfer, upload, and download, and the connectivity is much better with files, images, and data being transmitted much faster. The main resources, services, and products included here, but are not limited to.

      1. Education, Culture, & Entertainment

Broadband can overcome geographical and financial barriers to provide access to a wide range of educational, cultural, and recreational opportunities and resources.

  1. Tele health & Telemedicine

Broadband can facilitate provision of medical care to no served and underserved populations through remote diagnosis, treatment, monitoring, and consultations with specialists.

  1. Economic Development/E-Commerce

Broadband can promote economic development and revitalization through electronic commerce (e-commerce) by:

  • Creating new jobs and attracting new industries.

  • Providing access to regional, national, and worldwide markets.

  1. Electronic Government (E-Government)

Electronic government can help streamline people’s interaction with government agencies, and provide information about government policies, procedures, benefits, and programs.

  1. Public Safety and Homeland Security

Broadband can help protect the public by facilitating and promoting public safety information and procedures, including, but not limited to:

    • Early warning/public alert systems and disaster preparation programs.

    • Remote security monitoring and real time security background checks.

    • Backup systems for public safety communications networks.

  1. Broadband Communications Services

Broadband provides access to new telecommunications technologies such as Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) allowing voice communication using the Internet. Video calling may also possible by broadband. Many software give facility of video calling i.e. Hangout etc.

  1. Communications Services for People with Disabilities

Broadband permits users of Telecommunications Relay Services (TRS) to use Video Relay Services (VRS) to communicate more easily, quickly, and expressively with voice telephone users.

All the Government services are moving online in present days. This is because to deliver the best and fast service to the public with the cost effectiveness and this can possible through internet or Broadband. The private companies also using the Broadband and it is the main part of their working culture which is used to increase revenue with making growth in knowledge of employees.

Final results

This Project report describes the basic idea about the DSL Broadband Technologies, in which the ADSL technology mainly described. This project report also gives information about the use of this technology, advantages in our life etc. We also knew about the architecture of Broadband in India and how the internet works to give data, information, communication and all other aspects to us.

The above study is describing mainly about the problems and errors which occur when we use the Broadband or Internet on the PC. In present scenario all are aware about the Broadband and using it in many of their use. Therefore this study will surely help them to understand the problem easily and get the proper solution. I am not telling that the given solutions are perfect but it is possible to get a right solution with help of them. The problems and errors stated in this study are not completely covering the problems because every day a new problem will generate and face by us.

This study gives us the knowledge about the Broadband technology with architecture in India and problems and errors investigated. The major problems and errors are stated as lower speed of data, phone line busy, does not reach to DNS server, username or password is wrong, destination host unreachable etc. All of them can be solved by consumer easily if he knew about basic of the technology and using culture of that. In this way he can save much of time which can be wasted in complaining to service provider and the work may also complete fast and efficiently.

In this project report we find out the main problems which were occurred in ADSL broadband technology at the customer end. Take analysis each of the problem by using many methods i.e. practical knowledge, brain storming and consulting with the technical staff and experts. Get the suggestions, implement them, analyze them and find out the various effective solutions.

The study will surely help to understand the ADSL broadband technology in present aspects and will surely guide the consumers by making awareness. The service providers also guided by this study and giving Reliable and quality services to the consumers. If the service is very good and complaint solving is very fast, it attracts the consumers which are the main cause of revenue increments. This study will surely help to consumers to get effective use of their broadband connection and plan and this make satisfaction in both customer and service providers.


This article looks at the telecom scenario, the new technologies, the Indian architecture based on these technologies. The provision of wide spread Internet service with low access tariff is an important aspect of the new approach. Applied to the issue of broadband accessibility, a fair architecture does not discriminate between access to urban and remote areas.

Advantages of ADSL Broadband are Always on (Not on shared media), Fast (speed ranging from 256 kbps), No disconnection, No additional access charge, Telephone and Data simultaneously available to consumers. With the advent of new technologies in the field of communication which has brought the world closer and closer, the consumer will be in a better position to choose and reap the benefits. The broadband technology offers viz. High Speed Internet, Video Conferencing, Telemedicine, Video on Demand, Internet Radio, Instant messaging, etc. Broadband Internet access comes with both advantages and disadvantages. However, despite the disadvantages it has become the most common way to connect to the Internet. Broadband is the future of telecommunications, and the broadband connection industry is growing just as customer demand is growing. Simultaneously, research is also ongoing to provide a better product.

Although I have mentioned several problems with solving methods to understand and solve the problem easily and quickly, but we all know that the perfection is not possible in this world and always need the expert’s advice, thoughts to solve major or critical issues. There are several fields or areas where we will focus in same manner.

.Scope of future study

It can be rightly said that the broadband Internet connection is a very important invention in the world of technology and one that is likely to remain so for the foreseeable future. Even though we have undergone the all required aspects of broadband technologies, their problem and solutions. But as far as electronics is concern the problems cannot be ended fully. As we all know that “Necessity is the mother of invention”. Here some more technical issues, their problems and solutions are still to be identified.

In this study of DSL broadband technologies, we learned about various parts of this viz. ADSL, SDSL, HDSL etc. In the future of this study many technologies came in front of us. And also much improvements will came in the present technologies which will creates new causes of problems. The future scope of this study is to know or learn about other coming problems in ADSL, with improving self-knowledge to solve the present problems.

In the future the voice service will lose its dominant position and broadband become a basic service. The technical threshold of SIP-based VoIP will continue to decrease, and most SPs will provide a VoIP “button”. Also streaming media will play an even more pivotal role in data services.

In the field of internet or broadband, every day we know about new improvement in technology, therefore all the solutions and the suggestions are always less than our thought. We are always some less than the scopes of solution for problems exist, but there will always be some solution. Taking this in mind we can learn and solve the issues in future.


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1 Digital Subscriber line customer premises equipment.

2 Subscriber Service Selection System

3 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol

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