Initial Survey and Study. A study shall be carried out by collecting all data, maps and other information relevant to building and depot design.
Visit each site, collect then review the available data including social impact, sensitive receptors, archaeological sites, water sources and groundwater, meteorological/environmental and seismological data, and other information as required. The Consultant shall also identify and assess the condition of buildings and other facilities that exist on some sites.
Closely liaise and consult with the Designer and Client so that environmental and social consideration should start early on. Layout plan of the sites and buildings should be guided by environmental and climatic factors, and alternative layouts will be compared on environmental and climatic grounds. The design of sites and buildings should incorporate environmental and social concepts such as avoiding/ minimizing adverse environmental and social impacts, recycling or reusing and proper handling of wastes, making optimal use of natural systems (such as solar energy and natural lights), health & safety as well as accident/ emergency management measures, contributing to positive environmental aspects etc. The proposed layout and designs should be screened for any environmental and social risks. The Consultant shall carry out an environmental assessment to predict damages of construction to the environment and attempt first to avoid and then to minimise the risks or damage through appropriate layout and design features. The unavoidable risks should be mitigated through appropriate mitigation measures (technology, type of structures, management etc.). The Consultant will suggest appropriate measures in the design for protection of surrounding environment. The World Bank’s safeguards policies should be followed together with Azerbaijan’s environmental policies and legal framework.
Task II: Preparation of Environmental and Social Assessment and Management Plan
Prepare the Environmental and Social Assessment and Management Plan (ESA&MP) for each RMU specified above to address the environmental and social impacts and environmental management issues associated with the rehabilitation of establishment of the three RMUs. The document will also address the needs of applicable laws and regulation of the Republic of Azerbaijan as well as the following World Bank requirements:
Operational Policy on Environmental Assessment (OP 4.01, 1999, revised 2011)
Operational Policy on Physical Cultural Resources (OP 4.11, 2006)
Operational Policy on Natural Habitats (OP 4.04, 2001)