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30-4.04 PAYMENT

If an increase or decrease in the specified cement content is ordered, payment for the increase or decrease in cement is the cost of cement per ton, FOB from the cement mill, including sales tax plus the freight cost per ton for delivery from the mill to the job site. If any cash or trade discount is offered or available, regardless of whether it is taken, that discount is deducted.

Maintain records that allow a clear determination of the cement costs associated with an ordered increase or decrease. Submit evidence of the cost of cement used for the increase or decrease.

If your records show an excessive cost for the increase or decrease of cement or you furnish inadequate evidence for the cost, the Engineer determines the cost to be the lowest wholesale price the cement was available for in the quantities delivered to the point of production, less any available discounts.

The quantity of cement subject to an increase or decrease in payment is the difference between the specified theoretical quantity of cement and the quantity of cement ordered.

30-5–30-9 RESERVED


30-10.01 GENERAL

30-10.01A Summary

Section 30-10 includes specifications for constructing a base by cracking, seating, and preparing the surface of existing concrete pavement.

Section 30-1 does not apply to crack and seat.

30-10.01B Definitions


30-10.01C Submittals

Submit each core in a plastic bag or tube for authorization at the time of sampling. Mark each core with a location description.

30-10.01D Quality Assurance

30-10.01D(1) General

If cracking is noncompliant:

1. Stop crack and seat work

2. Modify your equipment and procedures and crack the noncompliant pavement again

3. Construct another test section

4. Take additional core samples to verify compliance

5. Construct an inspection strip if the concrete pavement has HMA on the surface

30-10.01D(2) Test Section

The Engineer determines and marks a test section up to 1000 sq ft within the crack and seat area shown. Construct the test section and obtain the Engineer's verbal authorization before starting crack and seat work.

Immediately before cracking the test section, apply water to the pavement surface so that cracking can be readily evaluated. Crack the test section and vary impact energy and striking patterns to verify your procedure.

30-10.01D(3) Quality Control

Drill cores at least 6 inches in diameter under ASTM C42 to verify cracking in the Engineer’s presence. Take at least 2 cores per test section and 1 core per lane mile for each pavement cracking machine used. The Engineer determines the core locations.

30-10.01D(4) Department Acceptance


30-10.02 MATERIALS

30-10.02A General

Use fast-setting or polyester concrete to fill core holes.


30-10.03A General


30-10.03B Cracking

Crack existing concrete pavement using the procedures and equipment from the authorized test section.

Do not allow flying debris during cracking operations.

Crack existing concrete pavement into segments that nominally measure 6 feet transversely by 4 feet longitudinally. If the existing pavement is already cracked into segments, crack it into equal-sized square or rectangular pieces that nominally measure not more than 6 feet transversely and from 3 to 5 feet longitudinally. Do not impact the pavement within 1 foot of another break line, pavement joint, or edge of pavement.

Cracks must be vertical, continuous, and penetrate the full depth of pavement. Cracks must be within 6 inches of vertical along the full depth of pavement. Do not cause surface spalling over 0.10-foot deep or excessive shattering of the pavement or base.

Cracking equipment must impact the pavement with a variable force in a controlled location. Do not use unguided free-falling weights such as "headache balls."

If the concrete pavement has no more than 0.10 foot of asphalt concrete on the surface, you may crack the pavement without removing the asphalt concrete. After cracking, construct an inspection strip by removing at least 500 square feet of asphalt concrete at a location determined by the Engineer. Construct additional inspection strips to demonstrate compliance where ordered by the Engineer.

After cracking, allow public traffic on the cracked or initial pavement layer for no more than 15 days.

30-10.03C Seating

Seat cracked concrete by making at least 5 passes over the cracked concrete with either:

1. Oscillating type pneumatic-tired roller at least 4 feet wide. Pneumatic tires must be of equal size, diameter, type, and ply. The tires must be inflated to 60 psi minimum and maintained so that the air pressure does not vary more than 5 psi. The roller's gross static weight must be at least 15 tons.

2. Vibratory pad-foot roller exerting a dynamic centrifugal force of at least 10 tons.
A pass is 1 movement of a roller in either direction at 5 mph or less.

After all segments have been seated, clean loose debris from joints and cracks using compressed air free of moisture and oil.

Reseat any segment of cracked pavement that has not been overlaid within 24 hours of seating.

30-10.03D Surface Preparation

Before opening cracked and seated pavement to traffic or overlaying:

1. Fill joints, cracks, and spalls wider than 3/4 inch and deeper than 1 inch by applying tack coat and placing minor HMA under section 39, except use the no. 4 gradation instead of 3/8-inch.

2. Remove all loose debris and sweep the pavement.

30-10.03E Reserved

30-10.04 PAYMENT

The payment quantity for crack and seat is the area measured with no deductions for existing cracked segments.





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