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65-2.02A General

The cementitious material and aggregate for concrete pipe must comply with section 90-1.02, except (1) gradation requirements do not apply to the aggregate and (2) the use of SCM must comply with AASHTO M 170.

The concrete for reinforced concrete pipe must contain at least 470 pounds of cementitious material per cubic yard and have a water to cementitious material ratio that does not exceed 0.40 by weight. You may use SCM. Reinforcement must have a minimum cover of 1 inch, except pipes with a nominal diameter of 18 inches or less must have a minimum cover of 3/4 inch.

Special reinforced concrete pipe having concrete cover over the steel reinforcement greater than the cover under AASHTO M 170 must comply with section 65-2.02, except the crack width produced by the D-load test under AASHTO M 170 must be determined by the following formula:

b =

t - 3/8d

x 0.01 inch

t - 3/8d - C


b =

Width of crack to be produced instead of

0.01-inch crack under


t =

Wall thickness of pipe, inches

d =

Effective depth of section to be tested, feet

C =

Concrete cover over steel reinforcement in

excess of cover under AASHTO M 170

If concrete collars or tee connections are required to connect new concrete pipe to new or existing pipes, the concrete collars or tee connections must be constructed of minor concrete. Reinforcement for the concrete collars or tee connections must comply with section 52.

65-2.02B Delivery, Storage and Handling

Rubber gaskets must be stored at 70 degrees F or less. Do not expose rubber gaskets to direct sun rays for more than 72 hours.

Sufficiently protect jointing materials from the air and sun to prevent drying or deterioration.

Keep liquid types of sealing materials in molds or runners.

65-2.02C Circular Reinforced Concrete Pipe

65-2.02C(1) General

Circular reinforced concrete pipe described by class must comply with section 65-2.02C(2) for the class of pipe described.

If the class of pipe is not described and the nominal diameter is less than 24 inches, choose the class of pipe. The pipe chosen must comply with section 65-2.02C(2).

Pipes must be marked as specified in AASHTO M 170, except circular pipe sections with elliptical reinforcing must have the location of the minor axis of the reinforcing indicated by 3-inch-wide, waterproof, painted stripes on the inside and outside of each pipe at the top and bottom, at least 12 inches long at each pipe section end, or you may provide a lift hole or lift holes at the top of each pipe along the minor axis of the reinforcement.

If the class of pipe is not described and the nominal diameter is 24 inches or greater, choose either:

1. The class of pipe. The pipe chosen must comply with section 65-2.02C(2).

2. The wall thickness and reinforcement details under section 65-2.02C(3).

If 1 lift hole is provided, the lift hole must be located at the balance point; if 2 lift holes are provided, the lift holes must be spaced equidistant on each side of the balance point. The lift holes must not interfere with the reinforcement. After placing the pipe, fill the open lift holes with cement mortar or concrete plugs before backfilling.

65-2.02C(2) Circular Reinforced Concrete Pipe, Described or Chosen by Class

Circular reinforced concrete pipe described or chosen by class must comply with AASHTO M 170.

If the class of circular reinforced concrete pipe is not described, choose the class of pipe and corresponding method of backfill for the type of installation shown.

If the class of circular reinforced concrete pipe is described, choose the method of backfill for the type of installation shown.

The D-load to produce a 0.01-inch-wide crack must be not less than the specified D-load.

For pipe classes not specified under AASHTO M 170, but within the minimum and maximum size limits under AASHTO M 170, determine the wall thickness and steel area by interpolation from data given in the tables for pipes of the next smaller size and pipes of the next larger size.

For pipe classes, except Class I, that are less than the minimum size for a particular class under AASHTO M 170, the minimum wall thickness must be not less than 1-3/4 inches and the steel area must be not less than 0.06 sq in/lf of pipe barrel.

The Department will grant the authorization required under AASHTO M 170 to extrapolate minimum wall thicknesses and steel areas beyond the limits for wall A or B in table 4 and for wall B in table 5 under AASHTO M 170 if you submit your pipe designs in advance and the pipes comply with all of the specified tests and performance requirements.

For reinforced concrete pipe sizes 36 inches in nominal diameter and smaller, you may substitute nonreinforced concrete pipe if the nonreinforced concrete pipe complies with the following requirements:

1. Minimum 3-edge bearing strength must be the D-load to produce the ultimate load for the class of equivalent reinforced concrete pipe under AASHTO M 170.

2. Pipes must comply with AASHTO M 86M/M 86, Class 1, 2 or 3 as required to comply with the specified D-load requirements. You may request authorization for modified or special designs under AASHTO M 86M/M 86.

3. Cementitious material and aggregate for nonreinforced concrete pipe must comply with specifications for cementitious material and aggregate under section 65-2.02.

65-2.02C(3) Circular Reinforced Concrete Pipe, Direct Design Method

Circular reinforced concrete pipe, direct design method must comply with AASHTO M 170.

The wall thickness and reinforcement you choose must comply with the details shown. Use the backfill method shown for the particular pipe design chosen.

The wall thickness of Wall X circular reinforced concrete pipe must not vary by more than 1/4 inch from the wall thickness shown.

Determine the mix proportions for the concrete to be used in direct design method pipes.

Concrete must comply with the specifications for concrete designated by compressive strength.

The circumferential reinforcement for circular reinforced concrete pipe must be smooth or deformed with a minimum yield strength of 65,000 psi. Longitudinal reinforcement must be welded to circumferential reinforcement at not more than 8-inch spacing if the reinforcement is smooth or at not more than 16-inch spacing if the reinforcement is deformed.

Splices of circumferential reinforcement must develop a strength at least equal to Awr x Fy.


Awr = required area of reinforcement shown, sq in

Fy = specified yield strength of reinforcement, psi
Spacers or stirrups may be welded to the longitudinal reinforcement. The welding of spacers or stirrups will be allowed on not more than 10 percent of the circumferential reinforcement at not less than 24-inch spacing along the pipe length. The strength of the circumferential reinforcement across the completed welds must be at least equal to 1.1 x Awr x Fy where spacers or stirrups are welded to the circumferential reinforcement in excess of the above requirements or where longitudinals are welded to the circumferential reinforcement.

If you determine that handling and installation stresses require additional reinforcement, furnish and place additional reinforcement. The Department does not pay for additional reinforcement required for handling and installation stresses.

Markings for circular reinforced concrete pipe, direct design method must comply with AASHTO M 170, except the pipe class marking is not required. The markings under AASHTO M 170 must be supplemented with the Contract number, maximum cover height, and method of backfill.

65-2.02D Oval Shaped Reinforced Concrete Pipe

Oval shaped reinforced concrete pipe must comply with AASHTO M 207M/M 207.

The Department will grant the authorization required under AASHTO M 207/M 207 to extrapolate the minimum wall thicknesses and steel areas beyond the limits in table 1 and table 2 under AASHTO M 207M/M 207 if you submit your pipe designs in advance and the pipes comply with the specified tests and performance requirements.

Special oval shaped reinforced concrete pipe having concrete cover over the steel reinforcement greater than the cover specified under AASHTO M 207M/M 207 must comply with section 65-2.02C, except the crack width produced by the D-load test under AASHTO M 207M/M 207 must be determined by the following formula:

b =

t - 3/8d

x 0.01 inch

t - 3/8d - C


b =

Width of crack to be produced instead of

0.01-inch crack under


t =

Wall thickness of pipe, inches

d =

Effective depth of section to be tested, feet

C =

Concrete cover over steel reinforcement in

excess of cover under AASHTO M 207M/M 207

65-2.02E Reserved

65-2.02F Joints

Joints for culvert and drainage pipes must be standard joints unless the classification is described.

At your choosing, concrete pipe joints must comply with the details shown or section 61-2.01D(2)(b).

Unless described otherwise, sealing materials must be one or more of the following:

1. Cement mortar composed of 1 part portland cement and 2 parts sand by volume and the following:

1.1. Well graded sand passing a no. 8 sieve.

1.2. Mix materials to a consistency suitable for the purpose intended. Use the mortar within 30 minutes after you add the mixing water.

1.3. You may use admixtures of hydrated lime, fire clay, diatomaceous earth, or other authorized inert material in the mortar to facilitate workability. Obtain authorization for the quantity of admixture.

2. Rubber gasketed joints complying with ASTM C443. Rubber gasketed joints must be:

2.1. Flexible and able to withstand expansion, contraction, and settlement.

2.2. The type of rubber gaskets requiring lubrication. Lubricate the rubber gaskets with lubricant recommended and supplied by the pipe manufacturer.

3. Resilient joint materials consisting of polyvinyl chloride, fiberglass impregnated with epoxy resin, or other suitable resilient materials.
You may use other joint sealant materials that prevent leakage and infiltration if authorized.

Joints for siphons and pressure pipes and joints for pipes shown as watertight must be watertight under pressure and all conditions of expansion, contraction, and settlement, and must comply with section 61-2.01D(2)(a) for watertightness.

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