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21-2.04 PAYMENT

The payment quantity for bid items paid for by area is the area measured parallel to the ground surface except overlaps.

The payment quantity for bid items paid for by length is the length measured parallel to the ground surface except overlaps.

A move-in followed by a move-out counts as 1 measurement unit. The Department does not adjust the unit price for an increase or decrease in the move-in/move-out quantity.

Local topsoil is paid for as roadway excavation.

The payment quantity for imported topsoil paid for by volume is the volume measured in the vehicle at the point of delivery.


22-1.01 GENERAL

Section 22 includes specifications for finishing the roadway.

Perform finishing activities after completing all other construction activities.


Not Used


Trim and shape graded areas without surfacing to smooth and uniform cross sections and slopes:

1. Between edge of shoulder and hinge point of slopes

2. At medians
For a graded roadbed without surfacing or pavement, trim and shape the entire roadbed to uniform cross sections and slopes.

Trim slopes of gutters without lining or surfacing to the required grade and cross section.

Do not stockpile material on finished pavement or allow material to drift across pavement. Clean finished pavement of dirt and foreign material.

Clear debris and obstructions from ditches and channels constructed under the Contract.

Clean out sewers, culverts, and other drainage facilities and appurtenant structures constructed under the Contract.

Remove debris and excess material adjacent to culverts, headwalls and endwalls, bridge ends, poles, posts, trees, or other objects and leave in a neat and orderly condition.

Remove from slopes any exposed material that might become loose such as rocks and roots.

Remove loose rock larger than 2-1/2 inches in maximum dimension from:

1. Between the edge of shoulder and hinge point of slopes

2. Medians

3. Finished roadbed
Dispose of material resulting from finishing activities. If authorized, soil and rock resulting from finishing activities may be used along the roadway.

22-1.04 PAYMENT

Not Used



23-1.01 GENERAL

Section 23 includes general specifications for constructing subbases and bases.


Not Used


Not Used

23-1.04 PAYMENT

Not Used

23-2–23-7 RESERVED


24-1.01 GENERAL

24-1.01A Summary

Section 24-1 includes general specifications for stabilizing soils.

24-1.01B Definitions

stabilizing agent: Material added to improve strength and durability of the basement material.

24-1.01C Submittals

24-1.01C(1) General

At least 15 days before starting soil stabilization activities submit the name of the laboratory you will use for QC tests. The laboratory must be qualified under the Department's Independent Assurance Program.

Before performing QC sampling and testing, submit the time and location the sampling and testing will occur. Submit QC testing results within 24 hours of receiving the results.

Submit a certificate of compliance with the stabilizing agent samples that includes a statement certifying the stabilizing agent furnished is the same as on the Authorized Material Source List for the stabilizing agent specified.

Submit a weighmaster certificate for stabilizing agent remaining on hand after completion of the work.

24-1.01C(2) Samples

From 30 to 180 days before use, submit one 10 lb sample of each stabilizing agent proposed and from each source.

Submit stabilizing agents in airtight containers. Mark the sample date on the container. Include the SDS.

24-1.01D Quality Assurance

24-1.01D(1) General

If requested, perform QC testing in the presence of the Engineer.

If required, construct test strips with materials, tools, equipment, and methods you will use in the work.

24-1.01D(2) Quality Control

24-1.01D(2)(a) General

24-1.01D(2)(b) Preparing Basement Material

After preparing an area for soil stabilization, verify the surface grades.
24-1.01D(2)(c) Mixing

Except for clods larger than 1 inch, randomly test the adequacy of the mixing with a phenolphthalein pH indicator solution.
24-1.01D(2)(d) Compaction

Construct test pads for compaction tests by scraping away material to the depth ordered. If a compaction test fails, corrective action must include the layers of material already placed above the test pad elevation.

24-1.01D(3) Department Acceptance

Stabilized soil acceptance is based on:

1. Visual inspection

2. Compliance with the requirements shown in the following table:

Stabilized Soil Requirements for Acceptance

Quality characteristic

Test method


Relative compaction, (min, %)

California Test 231 and 216

See section for the specified stabilization agenta

Stabilization agent application rate

Calibrated tray or equal

Final application rate ordered by the Engineer ± 5%

a For lime stabilized soil, see section 24-2.03E.

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