Race to the Top Guidelines and Procedures Manual fy2015

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Trip Cancellations

If the trip is cancelled by the traveler for personal reasons after the airline ticket, or hotel or registration fees have been purchased, the traveler must contact Shaquita Barnes (404-802-2442) and the Race to the Top Project Facilitator immediately. The traveler may have to reimburse the cost of non-refundable service(s) to APS. If the trip is cancelled, the traveler must complete the following:

  • Complete the Travel and Expense Report for all expenses

  • Attach a copy of the approved Travel Authorization Activation form

  • Submit the actual check/money order for all non-refundable expenses made payable to Atlanta Public Schools to your assigned Federal Grants Specialist

  • Submit the Travel Expense Report with attachments to the Office of Federal Grants and Program Compliance.

*Trip cancellations will be handled on a case by case basis

Travel Forms

  • To access updated travel forms, follow the steps below:

  • Go the Lawson website at http://www.e-aps.apsk12.

  • Enter your user ID (Lawson ID number).

  • Enter your password (password is the same as your network ID password).

  • Go to “Employee Resources” on the homepage and scroll down to “Travel News”.

  • All forms and procedures are listed under “Travel News”.

Property Inventory

Race to the Top

LEA Equipment Procedures
The purpose of Race to the Top (RT3) funds is to enable schools to provide opportunities for children served to acquire the knowledge and skills contained in the challenging state content standards and to meet the challenging state performance standards developed for all children. The law provides many flexibilities and opportunities for local educational agencies (LEAs) and schools to meet the purpose of RT3. In schoolwide programs, an LEA many use Title I, Part A funds for any activities that are part of the schoolwide program plan. In targeted assistance schools including Private Schools, however, Title I, Part A funds may only be used to meet the needs of participating children. Any equipment purchased with Title I, Part A funds must be reasonable and necessary to implement a properly designed program for Title I, Part A participants.
Property Valued Under $5,000

When RT3 equipment is procured with federal funds, adequate records must be maintained to confirm proper use. Documentation of use by the targeted population should be reviewed by the Principal and/or RT3 Project Facilitator. Each principal must have a plan for the protection of school property from fire, vandalism, theft and misuse. There must be a check-out process for the use of equipment. Title I equipment is used to supplement and not to supplant. Items such as, VCRs, TVs, camcorders, laptops, digital cameras, and printers that cost under $5,000 are traceable equipment and must be tagged with an orange bar code label or permanent marker, that says, “Property of RT3”. In a Targeted Assistance (TA) Program, only those students served in the TA program and only the TA teacher or teacher(s) who teach the TA students are entitled to the use of the equipment.

The Office of Federal Grants and Program Compliance requests semi-annual inventories of RT3 equipment. The principal and RT3 Project Facilitator must conduct an inventory of the equipment which has to be verified by the respective signatures. Copies of the inventories are kept at the local school and at the central office. The following information must be included on the RT3 Equipment Inventory form.

  • Description of the item

  • Acquisition Cost

  • Date of purchase

  • Vendor

  • Serial number

  • Location of the property

  • Funding source

Disposition of Equipment

When equipment is not needed in the program for the reason for which it was purchased, not needed elsewhere in the program, or if property is no longer functional, the principal should contact the Office of Federal Grants and Program Compliance for removal. The Office of Federal Grants and Program Compliance follows the procedures for removal of the equipment as outlined in the Atlanta Public Schools Internal Fixed Assets Control Guide.

Property Value Equal to or Greater than $5,000

When RT3 equipment is procured with federal funds, adequate records must be maintained to confirm proper use. Documentation of use by the targeted population should be reviewed by the Principal and/or Title I contact. Title I equipment is used to supplement and not to supplant. For equipment that cost $5,000 or more, please use the orange bar code labels to tag these items. In a Targeted Assistance (TA) Program, only those students served in the TA program and only the TA teacher or teacher(s) who work with the TA students are entitled to the use of the equipment.

The Office of Federal Grants and Program Compliance requests semi-annual inventories of Race to the Top (RT3) equipment. The principal and RT3 Project Facilitator must conduct an inventory of the equipment which has to be verified by the respective signatures. Copies of the inventories are kept at the local school and at the central office. The following information must be included on the RT3 Equipment Inventory form:

  • Description of the item

  • Acquisition Cost

  • Date of purchase

  • Vendor

  • Serial number

  • Location of the property

  • Funding source

Inventory of Equipment for School Closure

When a RT3 school is designated for closure, the principal or designee of the school must inventory all equipment. The equipment must be verified using the Title I Equipment Inventory form for mobile (items such as, VCRs, TVs, camcorders, laptops, digital cameras, and printers) and mounted equipment (Promethean boards, LCD projectors, desktops and TVs, etc.). If Title I equipment inventoried is not on the Title I Inventory form, then the equipment must be added. If equipment on the inventory form is missing, there must be a record of a police report or disposition (follow procedures outlined in the Atlanta Public Schools Internal Fixed Assets Control Guide).

In addition, any equipment assigned to a staff member must be collected and recorded on the Equipment Purchased with Federal Funds-Return Form. Upon completion of the form, return to the Federal Grants Specialist in the Office of Federal Grants and Program Compliance (OFGPC). Equipment collected must be stored and secured. OFGPC will make arrangements for pick up and redistribution.
Disposition of Equipment

When equipment is not needed in the program for the reason it was purchased, not needed elsewhere in the program, or if property is no longer functional, the principal then contacts the Office of Federal Grants and Program Compliance for removal. In the event RT3 equipment has been lost or stolen, schools must complete the Fixed Assets Department Certification Loss Form and submit to their Federal Grants Specialist. A Police report must be submitted to the Office of Federal Grants and Program Compliance for all stolen equipment.

Atlanta Public Schools Title I Inventory Procedures Update

Any equipment purchased with RT3 funds must be used to implement instructional programs for Title I eligible students. Title I equipment/laptops cannot be purchased for nor utilized by employees. Any equipment purchased with Title I funds must be used in the classroom for instructional purposes only.

All RT3 principals must collect IPads/laptops or other computer equipment assigned to employees purchased with federal funds. All federally purchased equipment must be collected and recorded on the Equipment Purchased with Federal Funds-Return Form. Upon completion of the form, return to the
RT3 in the Office of Federal Grants and Program Compliance (OFGPC). Equipment collected must be stored and secured. OFGPC will make arrangements for redistribution.

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