Which of the following would be the best title for this passage?
a. Dublin’s Famous Monuments
b. The Irish Take
Pride in Their Capital Cityc. The Widest Street in Europe
d. Sights and History on Dublin’s O’Connell Street
What is the best definition for the underlined word
trump as it is used in the first paragraph of the passage?
a. to
trumpet loudly, to blare or drown out
b. to trample
c. to get the better of by using a key or hidden resource
d. to
devise a fraud, to employ trickery
With which of the following statements about the people of Dublin would the author of the passage most likely agree?
a. They are proud of their history but lack industry.
b. They are playful and tricky.
c. They are rebellious and do not like tourists.
d. They are witty and relaxed 0 8 501
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1 0 The subject of the
next two passages is the same, but the way they are written is different. Read them carefully and answer the questions.
Excerpt from Chamber of Commerce brochureDilly’s Deli provides a dining experience like no other A rustic atmosphere,
along with delicious food, provide an opportunity to soak up the local flavor. Recently relocated to the old market area,
Dilly’s is especially popular for lunch. At the counter, you can place your order for one of Dilly’s three daily lunch specials
or one of several sandwiches, all at reasonable prices. Once you get your food, choose a seat atone of the four charming communal tables. By the time you are ready to carry your paper plate to the trash bin, you have experienced some of the best food and one of the most charming companies our city has to offer.
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