Reading passages

 –It‘s stated in the passage that untreated crude rubber is not used in industry, because --

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Reading (1), Reading Challenge Test Bank is designed for courses using, [@IELTS Speaking 9] 179 IELTS Speaking Part 2 Samples. (1)
29 –It‘s stated in the passage that untreated crude rubber is not used in industry, because --
- .
A) its content of sulphur carries a nasty odour
B) its milky colour is undesirable
C) it lacks any kind of elasticity
D) it's neither hard nor strong enough
E) it contains far too many impurities
30 -In the process of vulcanisation, the principle is, that ---- .
A) the heat applied to the mixture should be high enough for rapid evaporation
B) the sulphur contained in the rubber should be extracted as much as possible
C) how hard or flexible the rubber becomes depends, on its sulphur content
D) the more sulphur is used, the harder and the more elastic the rubber becomes
E) the rubber can be separated from water by being heated at high temperatures
The origins of a written literature can be found in most of the civilisations of the ancient world; in
India. China and among the Jewish people, whose great work of literature is the Old Testament of
the Bible. However, it is the Greeks whose literature is taken to represent the start of Western
literature. Their greatest single contribution was drama, a form of literature that has continued
undiminished to the present day. Other literary forms that developed from the time of the ancient
Greeks and Romans onward have been poetry in its many different styles and forms, the essay,
biography and autobiography, and the novel. Other types of written work from these periods,
dealing with such matters as history, philosophy, politics, religion, science and criticism may also
be classified as literature from the point of view of style.
31-We understand from the passage that --- .
A) the Greeks were not alone as writers of early literature
B) The Romans greatly influenced the Greek playwrights
C) Jews wrote the Bible in places like India and China
D) the Jews are responsible for the start of religious writing
E) all ancient civilisations had their own characteristic literature

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