D) one must keep the ends in mind when determining the means of education
E) the community feels it hasn't been adequately consulted
in educational matters
159- According to the passage, there has, in recent years, there has been ................ .
A) a noticeable return of traditional educational techniques
B) a steady decrease in the theoretical approach to education
C) a growing discrepancy between
educational, policy and the requirements of the community
D) an unprecedented increase in the number of young people in need of education
among the young, a more active interest in educational matters
The great wave of international terrorist that first reached a climax in 1972 showed no signs of
abating in 1975. Strictly speaking, the phenomenon was not new; what was new was its rapid growth
in the 1970s, made possible by increasingly sophisticated technology. Some of this new technology
of specialised equipment, such as miniaturised or remote-control detonating devices, hand-
held rocket launchers, and the like, which make terrorism more lethal, more effective, and less risky
for the terrorist. But even improvements in generally available technology are important. For
example, self-dialling international telephone communications and jet travel
facilitate conspiracies
across national boundaries and the perpetration of political crimes by nationals of country in another.
The growth of television has contributed to the easy dissemination of terrorist techniques, such as
hijacking of aircraft and the kidnapping of diplomats or businessmen for ransom.
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