Reading passages

 -From what the author says about

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Reading (1), Reading Challenge Test Bank is designed for courses using, [@IELTS Speaking 9] 179 IELTS Speaking Part 2 Samples. (1)
138 -From what the author says about taglierini and al pesto, we can understand that---- .
A) they are cooked in different ways
B) the people in Genoa eat much less pasta
C) the Genoans generally use more herbs in cooking
D) they are the same pasta with different names
E) the people from Emilia like a thicker sauce
Trinity College, or Dublin University, in the Republic of Ireland, dates from the sixteenth century.
However, during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, many Irish students went abroad, to Italy,
Spain and France, to be educated, as Catholics, forming the majority of the population were
forbidden to have schools. During that time in Ireland, many teachers operated outside the law.
Known as Hedge Shoolmasters, they taught their pupils by the hedgerows in summer and in hillside
huts in winter due to a lack of buildings of their own. They managed to teach Latin and Greek well,
Without texts, masters and pupils had to rely on memory. Not until the nineteenth century did these
banned 'hedge' schools disappear, when a system of public education was finally approved by the
British Government.
139-The passage tells us that Ireland ---- .
A) became a republic in the 16th century
B) did not value education until the 19th century
C) was an independent state in the 18th century
D) was a predominantly Catholic state
E) didn't have any schools until the 19th century
140-Hedge Schoolmasters ---- .
A) had to teach secretly, as what they were doing was illegal
B) provided the only legal education for Catholics at that time
C) worked for one of the departments of Trinity College
D) taught in order to raise money for school buildings
E) began their work in Ireland in the 16th century
141 -One difficulty that Hedge Schoolmasters and their pupil were faced with was that ---- .
A) the school masters weren‘t properly trained
B) the students had to study Latin and Greek
C) they didn't have any school books
D) the masters and pupils spoke different languages
E) there were not enough teachers for all the students
An average child of 5 years old uses only 1,500 of the 150,000 "dictionary" words that a modern
language contains. But this small treasury is used very intensively, by him during the years of
learning, at the rate of about 1,000 words an hour, or from 7,000 to 15,000 words each day for an
active child. School quickly increases his vocabulary, but leaves him with less opportunity for using
it. At 10 years old, his treasury amounts to 7,000 words, of which about 30% are used actively -the
remainder is seldom or never used and in an hour he will use about 700 words. By the time he enters
university, his word inventory will have grown to 20.000, and on graduation to
60.000, but of these only 10% -20%will be in active use.

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