Rediscovered a speculation on the

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The African Colony

Sadly, there isn’t much that can be said of the Atlantean colony along the North and Northwestern African coastal regions. So this section will, of necessity, be brief.

Most of the regions colonized by the Atlanteans, were Berber, Moorish, and Bedouin. But they did extend so far south as to incorporate Nigeria, and parts of the Ivory Coast, so many pure Negroes became incorporated into the Atlantean Empire. However, it would be wrong to automatically assume that the original negroid “gods” or “sports-stars” (as exemplified by the Olmec monuments and stone heads found in the Jungles of Central America) were necessarily taken there by the Atlanteans. They might easily have found there way there from ancient Mu in the Pacific, before they ever reached Africa.

Conclusions on Donnelly’s Work.

Although that isn’t the final word in Donnelly’s great work on Atlantis, I believe that I have covered sufficient of the necessary bases of his theory, for the purposes of giving the reader at least a reasonable foretaste of it. There are still two further chapters dealing with the Noahic line of descent from Shem, and with the Aryan colonies, as well as his final reconstructive summation of Atlantis itself that I have not covered here, but I feel that these are not central to the basic issues I have already covered. Thus, I will leave them for interested readers to discover for themselves.

The burning question that now remains is this. How much of Donnelly’s story are we to accept, and what should we discard? This is indeed an extremely difficult thing for a mere scribe such as myself to answer with any great conviction. True, many of his assertions and assumptions may have perhaps fallen by the wayside, after all the vast increase in knowledge and discovery that has taken place since 1882.
Many new, and possibly more exciting, theories have since been promulgated. Things such as the submarine discoveries of ordered stonework and highways upon the Atlantic seabed off Bimini and the Bermudas, and, latest of all, the finding of a submerged pyramid (or pyramids) in the same general area! What these will eventually turn out to be is anyone’s guess at present, but we can only hope that they are the first of many really solid pieces of Atlantean evidence we have sought after for so long!
But it is still my own contention that many of the original finds – monuments and artifacts – which were discovered way back in previous centuries, and were drawn and written about in extremely minute detail, have long since been either destroyed or severely damaged, so we have no other means of learning about them except through the works of such august and seemingly tireless researchers as Donnelly and his fellow antiquarians. Thus, I do not feel it is up to me to pass any judgment upon his ideas – outlandish though some of them may appear in the modernistic view.
At least, in my own view, Donnelly had the good scholarliness to posit Atlantis where Plato claimed it to be, regardless of geological and tectonic difficulties, and not in some other extremely unlikely but more easily geologically explicable location, as appears to have become the fashion of late! (Frankly, I’m rather surprised that no one has yet gone so far as to situate Atlantis inside the Hollow Earth itself – although there are some who claim it to be a still-viable underwater city!)
Whilst I give some considerable respect and deference toward people with proven psychic abilities, I simply cannot accept everything I read of such allegedly spiritually “channelled” information. In my humble opinion, very little of the theosophical and channelled information regarding Atlantis, currently circulating on the Internet and in published books, cannot really be entertained in such a serious matter as the existence of Atlantis. It is hard enough for down-to-earth researchers to produce convincing proof without attempting to prop up logical arguments and slender proofs with such unearthly spiritual data. There are just too many materially-minded skeptics to be convinced to even consider putting forward such intangible “otherworldly” notions.
I might have included the many “Atlantis” readings of that famed psychic, Edgar Cayce, if I believed for a second that they would be accepted by the vast bulk of readers. Instead, I have striven to offer only the best supportive “grass-roots” evidence available, albeit somewhat hoary with age!”

Some Aspects of this Article that need Explanation

Upon reviewing what I’ve written thus far, I find that there are several points which call for some further elucidation. So, before I conclude this piece I will endeavour to clear them up.

For example, back in my little piece relating to Osiris, some people may wonder what on earth he has to do with Atlantis? Well, for a start, I doubt if many Atlantis fans will doubt that ancient Egypt was very closely associated with the whole story. Especially since the only people who appeared to be really knowledgable about Atlantis were the ancient Egyptian priest-scholars of Sais from whom Solon got the story to begin with! However, Alexander Braghine, in his 1940 classic:“The Shadow of Atlantis”, refers to the mysterious land of Amenti, the abode of the beautiful souls mentioned in the Egyptian “Book of the Dead” as lying in the far west, which was part of the Kingdom of Osiris.

The Turin Papyrus, which is the largest and most detailed version of this famous scroll and is referred to as “Ani’s version”. Here, this mysterious land is called Aaru, or Sekhet-Hetep - “The Field of Peace” and it is described as being a great fertile paradise across which a mighty river flowed and irrigated it all. Aaru was said to be the land where the dead socialized with the gods, and were able to occupy themselves just as in their earthly life. They worked the land, hunted animals and played games. To the ancient Egyptians it must have sounded much like America did to the wretched “huddled masses” of poor Europeans who migrated there during the late19th century. Strangely enough, the Babylonians also held a similar concept of a sacred paradise – Arulla – which they said was located in the far west, in the middle of the ocean! They also claimed it to be the dwelling-place of the their “Noah” – Utnapishtim, and his wife!

Harking back to Osiris. Braghine mentions that the Atlanteans are believed to have been the original great cultivators of wheat as a staple cereal, and that there is also a legend in The book of the Dead which tells how Osiris taught the first Egyptians to cultivate wheat. Braghine also points out that because of the testimony of several authors of antiquity, many altlantologists have come to believe that the Egyptians borrowed their god Osiris from the Atlanteans, as well as the notion of the continued existence of the soul after death!
In another Atlantean book by Robert B. Stacy-Judd, Atlantis – Mother of Empireswe learn that Osiris was worshipped as a god by the Atlanteans. Elsewhere, we have found that the Atlanteans were essentially monotheistic sun-worshippers, so how could they have had any other gods? The only logical answer I can suggest is that Osiris must have been a king of some part of Atlantis (as one of ten), who subsequently was made a god by the people of his own kingdom – the Osirians. Hence the custom was establishing that was to be subsequently adopted by the Egyptians, the Greeks and the Romans, who all accorded godly stature to their kings after death.

I don’t necessarily subscribe to the belief that so many scholars seem to accept, that Osiris was ever actually an Egyptian king. I believe that I’ve already illustrated this clearly enough in my little fable earlier in this article about Osiris and his family being hounded out of Atlantis, where he had ruled with his nine “sibling” royals. Nor do I necessarily believe that the sets of ten rulers were always the twin descendants of the original five pairs of male twins alleged to have been born to Poseidon and his wife, Cleito.

To me this sounds completely unlikely, even allowing for any genetic tendency for twins to run in the royal bloodline, which is at least feasible to some degree. No. I feel that if this had become a royal Atlantean tradition, such “royal twins”could hardly have been expected to have been born to order by royal decree - no matter how much of a godly being Poseidon might have been thought to be. In my view, he was doubtlessly as human as you or I, and even granted a twin-begetting gene (which, incidentally, might just as easily have stemmed from Cleito’s bloodline as from his his own), there could be no guarantee that they would necessarily be all twins, much less all boy-twins!
Therefore, the only solution to this puzzle is that similar-looking male infants were secretly adopted by those kings who didn’t have the requisite twinning-gene, and raised, like Moses was with Pharaoh’s natural grandson, as royal “twin” princes - though only one out of of each pair could actually succeed to their father’s throne. This trickery may have only needed to be perpetrated for the first two or three generations. After that, the eldest son of each of the ten kings would have automatically assumed the throne as a plain matter of natural royal descent.
I cannot imagine that this “Twin-Sons” business could have persisted for long, if in fact it ever did at all. Even the roughest of ignorant peasants could never have been hoodwinked as easily as that. And from the descriptions of Atlantis we read today, there would have been very few peasants among the native-born Atlanteans!
Thus, to get back to Osiris being deposed by his brethren, they were quite probably not his true blue-blooded kinsmen at all, but an ill-assorted group of unrelated and possibly adopted changelings. However, I do feel quite certain in my own mind that Osiris himself was of the Atlantean royal bloodline. The noble image and history that has survived him in Egyptian legend seems to testify to that belief, and the same is probably true of Seth, his jealous brother (and let us not forget, his murderer), and Isis and Nephthys, his two sisters. (Nephthys also being the wife of Seth).

The Question of ancient Royal Intermarriage

This point of close relationship, brings me to another matter that appears to trouble many people who worry about the incestuous inferences of all this. The Hebrews were forbidden from the time of the handing down of the Sinai Commandments of their god, Yahweh, to marry their own siblings, or to have any sexual relations with their immediate family members. Yet we see the Egyptians, Babylonians, Greeks and Romans blithely marrying their own sisters and brothers, and even having sex with their own mothers and fathers, so why were the Hebrews prevented from doing so? Obviously, prior to the time of the mosaic Laws being handed down, the Hebrews did exactly the same. However, their God, Yahweh, knew something that they didn’t. A simple “Rule of Nature” that any modern animal or bird breeder today knows only too well!

After a certain number of generations of inbreeding have passed, the genetic strain of their forebears begins to weaken. DNA links begin to break down and faults start to show up in their offspring. These can manifest in many ways, but perhaps the most immediate weaknesses seem to affect the brain and the motor neuron sytem. It is seen clearly in Rome’s rulers after Tiberius, particularly in Caligula, a vicious, mentally and physically twisted cripple, and Nero, a paranoid pyromaniac who lusted after his own mother. The sheer mad depravity and cruelty of both of these was legendary.
It was probably this tendency towards mental weakness, lunacy, and other hereditary diseases and afflictions among its ruling classes thath led to the rapid decline and fall of the Roman Empire. The same is probably just as true of the later Pharaonic Dynasties of Egypt, although the familial Royal descent, there, at least, was frequently punctuated by sudden changes in their ruling families. The only saving grace in both groups was that there wasn’t always a sister for the Pharaoh or Emperor to marry!

The Greek “gods”, being themselves only glorified human beings, were so utterly inbred that it was impossible to tell who was whose child, sister, or father most of the time. However, they were allegedly “gods”, and we really know little about the moral proclivities of their actual mortal kings and queens. This was also true of the Babylonians and the Sumerians before them who revered quite a sex-crazed pantheon of inbred “gods”.

Even the Biblical Abraham and his wife Sarah, who originated from Ur, in the Chaldean region of Mesopotamia, hailed from a land where brothers and sisters frequently married. They themselves were probably unique in being genetically unrelated. Fortunately for people at that point in time, they were still living well within the original period of genetic grace and cleanliness of bloodline that had begun with Adam.

We have absolutely no reason to believe that the Atlanteans were any different in this regard, particularly if the relationship of Osiris and Isis, and that of their co-siblings, Seth and Nephthys is true – as I believe it had to be, for the legends regarding them are altogether too powerful and rich for their relationships to have been otherwise.

A Geological Conundrum Possibly Solved?

There remains but one gigantic problem to clear up before I conclude this article on Atlantis. This concerns the largest stumbling-block to all the theories about an Atlantic location of the “Lost Continent”. It is essentially a question which has been often raised by geologists, and it generally goes something like this:

“If there really was once a large continent-sized landmass in between America and The Straits of Gibraltar – why is there no trace of it upon the seabed? How could such a massive landmass have simply submerged and vanished completely, without leaving some kind of large seamount, and traces of man-made cities or other artifacts upon the ocean floor?”
Well, since the development of new bathymetric equipment, which can scan the ocean deeps, without the necessity for laborious, and often highly erroneous “line and plumb bob” soundings to be made, several startling features have been revealed upon the seafloor which are indicative of the one-time existence of just such a raised landmass! According to recent bathymetric charts and graphics of the central Atlantic Ocean floor that I have seen, there is till a large uplifted area of the central oceanic ridge which has been displaced laterally at least 200 miles to the westward of its central fault-line course.

Needless to add, it lies directly between the Straits of Gibraltar and the Bahamas and Cuba in the Carribean. This area also bears several seamounts as well as the Azores Plateau, which is bounded upon its western side by the tectonically-active Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is actually a rift between two tectonic plates which, because of their constant friction, oozes a continuous outflow of molten magma, which in turn is solidified as it emerges at the edges of the rift, by the freezing water of the depths. This has provided the mechanism - the engine - that has been very slowly but steadily driving the American plate and the Euro-African plates apart for the past 65 million years.

This same oozing forth and setting solid of molten magma occurs beween all tectonic plates, and it is this multiplied continual separation of plates - probably in increments as small as around 3 inches a year - that has caused the Earth to expand to more than twice its original diameter! Let’s be adventurous and see what sixty-five million times three inches works out at in miles, and you will obtain a result close to the present mean width of the Atlantic! Somewhere around 3,000 miles! As the canny Scots would say “mony a mickle makes a muckle”!
(I apologize for this digression, but I’m sure readers will take my point regarding the profound effects of tiny annual amounts over a lengthy period of geological time.)

But, in terms of years, we are looking here at a relatively short geological span with regard to what happened to Atlantis. Perhaps eleven or twelve thousand years at most since the final catastrophe. However, given my earlier suggestion of the collapse of giant gas chambers deep under the ocean floor, and assuming that the area concerned might have collapsed by some three thousand feet, this could have more than adequately submerged most of the island continent. (Note: If this were to happen to Australia, for instance, nothing would be left projecting above the ocean’s surface!) However, in the case of Atlantis, which is said to have possessed a number of very large mountains, the peaks of these would have still protruded, forming groups of islands, whilst the less elevated portions would have created an irregular submerged plateau.

The lower plains would have sunk down into the ocean floor, and swiftly been covered over with mud and silt by the strong Atlantic currents. Which is exactly what we find in bathymetric scans of the ocean-bed! Close to the edge of the rift we find two volcanic islands, Flores and Corvo, and to the east of them are two other groups, one of five islands, Graciosa, Sao Jorge, Faial, Pico and Terceira, the other is comprised of two islands, Sao Miguel and Santa Maria with its Formigas islets. All are volcanic and they are estimated to rise from a mean ocean-floor depth of some two miles or more.
The original mountains may not have been anywhere near such heights, but we have to allow for the effects of eleven thousand years or more of heavy erosion upon their lower reaches by the powerful and deep ocean currents found out there, in the midst of the Gulf Stream! However, the bases of these one-time powerful volcanoes are still surrounded by, and buried in, the last eroding remains of the Azores plateau - once the highlands of Altlantis - which still cover a curved area something like 800 to 1000 miles across.

It is also possible that a portion of the original continent may have followed along the edge of the mid-Atlantic ridge down perhaps as far south as the latitude of the Venzuela or even the Amazon Basin, but this would be purely surmise, so I will be satisfied if the Azores region and its adjacent southerly seamounts, together with the Azores ridge, which runs east of the Azores directly toward the Straits of Gibraltar, can be made to prove out as what I imagine them to be, in due course.

Historically, according to Plato, the northern side of the island-continent was especially mountainous, and this would fit in well as the present location of the Azores plateau. Beyond this, given our present limits of knowledge, we cannot venture without getting ito a lot of rather heavy speculation.

On A Final Note

I must confess that I was originally tempted to set before my readers several different and conflicting theories upon the site, form, nature and demise of Atlantis, as well as the activities of its inhabitants. But, upon mature eflection, I felt that this would only succeed in further confusing what is already a highly confused and much-argued topic. So, out of all the many many concepts and theories on this elusive continent, I elected to choose that of Ignatius Donnelly, one of the boldest, yet most straightforward antiquarians on the subject, even though he has been dead for the past century;.

I feel that I made the right choice, as he was a man with an alert mental eye for the minutest detail in rendering his account of Atlantean history. Not that others haven’t presented equally excellent and convincing cases, and alternative scenarios. They have, and I have enjoyed most of them, and concurred with many of their views. Nevertheless, I feel convinced that Ignatius Donnelly (even though I sense him to possibly be in some error on a few points) has, warts and all, to my mind at least, presented the best and most complete overall convincing case for an Atlantic Atlantis!
I can only hope that those who have read - albeit through my eyes - this rather potted glance through his intensely detailed and lengthy opus, will find his work of such interest as to download or purchase his great book, “Atlantis, The Antediluvian World” and read it in its entirety for themselves. It will certainly give them furiously to think!
And so, having manfully fought back the urge to conclude this piece by quoting the final pages of Donnelly’s excellent book, I shall, instead, mercifully leave my readers to enjoy that pleasure for themselves - without any further irritating promptings or interjections from me!
Thus, I shall now rest my case (and my keyboard-weary fingers) here, totally in favor of the concept of there once having existed an island-continent (or an aggregation of perhaps two or three large islands) called Atlantis in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean.

The End

All the above text, excepting quoted sections,

is the Copyright of Gerry Forster, 2001
“Atlantis, The Antediluvian World” Ignatius Donnelly. 1882. Harper. New York 1882.
“Atlantis Mother of Emires” Robert B. Stacy-Judd. 1939. Adventures Unlimited Press. 1999.
“The Shadow Of Atlantis” Alexander Braghine. 1940. Adventures Unlimited Press. 1997.
“Lost Cities of Atlantis, Ancient Europe & the Mediterranean” David Hatcher Childress. 1996*.
“Lost Cities and Ancient Mysteries of South America” David Hatcher Childress. 1986*.
“Lost Cities of North and Central America” David Hatcher Childress. 1992*
“Dake’s Annotated Reference Bible” Finnis J. Dake. Dake Bible Sales Inc. !979.
“History of Ancient Egypt” Nathaniel Harris. Chancellor Press. 1997.
“Egypt” Vivian Davies & Renee Friedman. British Museum Press. 1998.
“Timaeus” and “Critias”(unfinished) Plato. Circa 340 BC. Internet sources.
plus various Internet Historical References
(* published by Adventures Unlimited Press)

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