Released by LimeSurvey on 12/4/15 Partners Healthcare to upgrade on 2/1/2016 LimeSurvey 06+ (Build 151205) Full Release Notes

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#Updated translation: Italian by lfanfoni, Zeos

#Updated translation: Italian (Informal) by lfanfoni

#Updated translation: Japanese by nomoto

#Updated translation: Norwegian (Bokmal) by peterhol, pmonstad

#Updated translation: Norwegian (Nynorsk) by pmonstad

#Updated translation: Polish by elisa

#Updated translation: Russian by severt, vipgroup

#Updated translation: Spanish (Chile) by jrojas

#Updated translation: Spanish (Spain) by aesteban, valdomir

#Updated translation: Swedish by maxzomborszki

#Updated translation: Thai by tomzt
Changes from 2.05+ (build 141126) to 2.05+ (build 141210) Dec 10, 2014

-Updated feature: Answers export to PDF (user and admin gui) (Aestu)

-New translation: Esperanto (Carsten Schmitz)

-Fixed issue #9187: Default value edit page - Set value for all languages is not working (kairavesloot)

-Fixed issue #9187: (kairavesloot)

-Fixed issue #9255: Cannot import .lss file on MSSQL when certain text contents size limits are approached (Carsten Schmitz)

-Fixed issue #9369: Mandatory type N fields are validated upon first submit (Denis Chenu)

-Fixed issue #9372: RemoteControl export_responses breaks with some XML-RPC clients (Carsten Schmitz)

-Fixed issue #9378: Auth plugin base : lowercase uppercase mix : Not loggued but no error (Denis Chenu)

-Fixed issue #9379: DB error during installation when unsufficient permissions to create tables (Carsten Schmitz)

-Fixed issue #9381: Bug when showing message of invalid token (Aestu)

-Fixed issue #9389: Non mandatory array question type show 'error' header if there are one mandatory error (Denis Chenu)

-Fixed issue #9395: All in one survey with mandatory array have errormandatory without submit (Denis Chenu)

-Fixed issue: Array question type can show scroll bar (Denis Chenu)

-Fixed issue: PDF logo was not found in all admin templates (Aestu)

-Fixed issue: Question help text are not updated if update lang by url param (Denis Chenu)

-Fixed issue: Wrong redirect URL after upload in template editor. (Yong Zhang)

#Updated translation: Afrikaans by alistair4004

#Updated translation: Albanian by Dorina1988, Helda

#Updated translation: Basque by losimo, artasom

#Updated translation: Chinese (Hong Kong) (Traditional) by achan, billych

#Updated translation: Croatian by rovinj, pstrbenac

#Updated translation: Dutch by Han

#Updated translation: Dutch (Informal) by Han, atvoogt

#Updated translation: Esperanto by Fabricio, sudastelaro

#Updated translation: French (France) by arnaud21

#Updated translation: Galician by c_schmitz

#Updated translation: Greek by kiolalis

#Updated translation: Indonesian by ysulistya

#Updated translation: Italian by Zeos

#Updated translation: Kurdish (Sorani) by c_schmitz, Muhammed

#Updated translation: Polish by elisa

#Updated translation: Russian by ddrmoscow

#Updated translation: Swedish by maxzomborszki

#Updated translation: Thai by naphatthakorn, vinate
Changes from 2.05+ (build 141123) to 2.05+ (build 141126) Nov 26, 2014

-Fixed issue #9140: VV-Import not working with MSSQL (Carsten Schmitz)

-Fixed issue #9283: More than 255 characters can be entered into a short text question on Postgres and MSSQL which leads to an error (Carsten Schmitz)

-Fixed issue #9344: AND rules with ATTRIBUTE disappear when modify and importing the survey (Denis Chenu)

-Fixed issue #9371: Invitations/reminders cannot be sent to selected tokens (Carsten Schmitz)

#Updated translation: Japanese by yamatt

Changes from 2.05+ (build 141113) to 2.05+ (build 141123) Nov 23, 2014

-Fixed issue #8589: PHP object injection in surveys (Carsten Schmitz)

-Fixed issue #9282: Deactivating survey with tokens fails with postgres - patch provided by random1 (Carsten Schmitz)

-Fixed issue #9317: Participants CSV import ignores delimiter setting (Carsten Schmitz)

-Fixed issue #9322: E-mail template content lost when you trying to save after session timeout (Carsten Schmitz)

-Fixed issue #9332: Date question + debug > 1 : broken Reorder survey (gabrieljenik)

-Fixed issue #9338: Database name text is forced to lowercase (Carsten Schmitz)

-Fixed issue #9358: Strange characters in email notifications when using Chrome browser (Carsten Schmitz)

-Fixed issue #9361: HTML in group name breaks question reordering (Carsten Schmitz)

-Fixed issue #9362: Loss of attribute descriptions on update (Carsten Schmitz)

-Fixed issue #9365: The method list_question doesn't return subquestions (Carsten Schmitz)

-Fixed issue: Ugly default font for PDF output (Carsten Schmitz)

#Updated translation: Dutch by Han

#Updated translation: Dutch (Informal) by Han, atvoogt

#Updated translation: French (France) by MVT, DenisChenu

#Updated translation: German by actxcellence, jlpd, pseitz

#Updated translation: German (Informal) by actxcellence

#Updated translation: Greek by kiolalis

#Updated translation: Polish by elisa

#Updated translation: Portuguese (Portugal) by algarvio

#Updated translation: Spanish (Spain) by aesteban, artasom
Changes from 2.05+ (build 141110) to 2.05+ (build 141113) Nov 13, 2014

-Fixed issue #8806: Questionindex to 2 allows invalid survey submitted (Denis Chenu)

-Fixed issue #9198: Complete group's navigation can stop before clicked group (Denis Chenu)

-Fixed issue #9285: Index complete + mandatory question: Undefined notice (Denis Chenu)

-Fixed issue #9328: Language changer causes warning for mandatory questions (Denis Chenu)

-Fixed issue #9342: Attribute descriptions are not deleted in database when field is deleted (Carsten Schmitz)

-Fixed issue #9351: Database error during update when using a database other than MySQL (Carsten Schmitz)

-Fixed issue #9355: Group rights cannot be set (Carsten Schmitz)

-Fixed issue: Black background with PDF charts when using Linux (Carsten Schmitz)

-Updated translation: Finnish by morbid

-Updated translation: Polish by elisa
Changes from 2.05+ (build 141109) to 2.05+ (build 141110) Nov 10, 2014

Fixed issue #9351: Error on update for non-MySQL installations

Changes from 2.05+ (build 141020) to 2.05+ (build 141109) Nov 09, 2014

-Fixed issue #9026: If empty survey, export 1 empty record to avoid blank results. (gabrieljenik)

-Fixed issue #9307: Calling a survey with a non-existing token leads to PHP Warning (debug=1) (Denis Chenu)

-Fixed issue #9320: Unable to edit local the bounce parameters in token management (Denis Chenu)

-Fixed issue #9339: Duplicate questions IDs used when new survey that has different based language than previous surveys (Carsten Schmitz)

-Fixed issue #9343: Unable to see Question group survey_logic_file after import (Denis Chenu)

-Fixed issue: Files cannot be downloaded if magic_quotes is activated on the server (Carsten Schmitz)

-Fixed issue: Placing several quota members on the same question leads to unrecoverable error in admin and survey runtime (Carsten Schmitz)

#Updated translation: Catalan by valdomir

#Updated translation: Croatian by netcom

#Updated translation: Czech by slansky

#Updated translation: Czech (Informal) by slansky

#Updated translation: Finnish by morbid

#Updated translation: Greek by kiolalis

#Updated translation: Hungarian by lukacs

#Updated translation: Italian by lfanfoni

#Updated translation: Italian (Informal) by lfanfoni

#Updated translation: Japanese by yamatt, nomoto, ngyuki

#Updated translation: Lithuanian by simasj

#Updated translation: Polish by elisa

#Updated translation: Portuguese (Brazil) by mauriciofurtado, holch

#Updated translation: Serbian by MilaVeljovic

#Updated translation: Spanish (Chile) by jcarcamo

#Updated translation: Spanish (Spain) by valdomir

#Updated translation: Turkish by kayazeren
Changes from 2.05+ (build 141003) to 2.05+ (build 141020) Oct 20, 2014

-Fixed issue #9218: When adding conditions fields referring to the same token field (Carsten Schmitz)

-Fixed issue #9261: Emailstatus not filled by default when using remotecontrol invite_participants (Denis Chenu)

-Fixed issue #9266: Chinese and Japanese characters not suppoerted when using MS SQL Server (Carsten Schmitz)

-Fixed issue #9267: Error message when importing an survey archive having survey URL parameters (Carsten Schmitz)

-Fixed issue #9274: Uppercase database name leads to errors (Carsten Schmitz)

-Fixed issue #9278: Simple quote are replaced by HTML entities with HTML editor (Denis Chenu)

-Fixed issue #9281: Unable to use Expression Manager for mail notification (Denis Chenu)

-Fixed issue #9287: Missing asterisk in mandatory fields (Denis Chenu)

-Fixed issue #9293: Quotation marks in email subjects are stripped when saved to the database including all following text (Denis Chenu)

-Fixed issue #9298: Sort for a numeric token_attribute field in any participant table fails completely (Carsten Schmitz)

-Fixed issue #9300: XSS protection or variable substitution breaks links with variable substitutions (Denis Chenu)

-Fixed issue #9314: Error on PDF export w/ chinese content (mfaber)

#Updated translation: Croatian by rovinj, daniflo

#Updated translation: Dutch by Han

#Updated translation: Dutch (Informal) by Han

#Updated translation: French (France) by arnaud21

#Updated translation: German by actxcellence

#Updated translation: German (Informal) by actxcellence

#Updated translation: Greek by kiolalis

#Updated translation: Hungarian by lukacs

#Updated translation: Norwegian (Bokmal) by pmonstad

#Updated translation: Norwegian (Nynorsk) by pmonstad

#Updated translation: Polish by elisa

#Updated translation: Portuguese (Portugal) by samarta

#Updated translation: Russian by vipgroup

#Updated translation: Slovenian by dusan

#Updated translation: Spanish (Spain) by caybar

#Updated translation: Swedish by maxzomborszki
Changes from 2.05+ (build 140915) to 2.05+ (build 141003) Oct 3, 2014

-Fixed issue #9181: When dumping database sometimes lines are left out (Carsten Schmitz)

-Fixed issue #9182: Data check integrity function uses too much memory if you have many surveys (Carsten Schmitz)

-Fixed issue #9225: Infite redirection loop with WebServer authentication (Denis Chenu)

-Fixed issue #9232: Error when calling list_participants and passing aAttributes array (Carsten Schmitz)

-Fixed issue #9233: list_participants delivers invalid token data (Carsten Schmitz)

-Fixed issue #9234: White page after save global settings if done just after auto-update (Carsten Schmitz)

-Fixed issue #9239: Wrong language used for Expresson Manager in printable version (Denis Chenu)

-Fixed issue #9240: Leading zeros removed during display for text (Denis Chenu)

-Fixed issue #9258: Quick translation broken ith valid KEY (Denis Chenu)

-Fixed issue #9259: slider min/max can be set as non-numeric, which then breaks survey (Denis Chenu)

-Fixed issue #9269: Unable to delete label set with urlFormat get (Denis Chenu)

-Fixed issue #9270: getallsets/ajaxsets issue when saving labelset (Denis Chenu)

-Fixed issue #9271: Array dual scale causes errors (Denis Chenu)

-Fixed issue: High memory usage on database backup procedure (Carsten Schmitz)

-Fixed issue: High memory usage on db upgrade from older versions (Carsten Schmitz)

-Fixed issue: PDF statistics cannot be shown (Carsten Schmitz)

-New feature: can use Expression Manager in slider min/max/step and default (Denis Chenu)

#Updated translation: Czech by slansky

#Updated translation: Czech (Informal) by slansky

#Updated translation: Dutch by Han

#Updated translation: Dutch (Informal) by Han

#Updated translation: French (France) by arnaud21, DenisChenu

#Updated translation: Georgian by Davitus

#Updated translation: German by c_schmitz, actxcellence

#Updated translation: German (Informal) by c_schmitz, actxcellence

#Updated translation: Greek by kiolalis

#Updated translation: Italian by lfanfoni

#Updated translation: Italian (Informal) by lfanfoni

#Updated translation: Japanese by nomoto, yamatt

#Updated translation: Lithuanian by simasj

#Updated translation: Norwegian (Bokmal) by pmonstad

#Updated translation: Norwegian (Nynorsk) by pmonstad

#Updated translation: Polish by elisa

#Updated translation: Russian by vipgroup, ddrmoscow

#Updated translation: Spanish (Spain) by kadejo

#Updated translation: Swedish by maxzomborszki

#Updated translation: Turkish by kayazeren

Changes from 2.05+ (build 140911) to 2.05+ (build 140915) Sept 15, 2014

-New feature #8596: Allow empty dates for RemoteControl add_response call (Nate Baker)

-Fixed issue #8221: Update TCPDF to ver. 6.xx (Alain Bearez)

-Fixed issue #9031: get_summary does not return correct completed_responses (patch by ravindrakhokharia) (Carsten Schmitz)

-Fixed issue #9149: Enable token-based response persistence? lack of explanation (Denis Chenu)

-Fixed issue #9173: Only one record of same name/email can be added from CPDB to a token table (Carsten Schmitz)

-Fixed issue #9195: SPSS Export - Text answers are cut on export - wrong data types assigned (Carsten Schmitz)

-Fixed issue #9209: RemoteControl export_responses_by_token does not return all responses (Carsten Schmitz)

-Fixed issue #9220: Slider cannot be changed if decimal separator is comma and Slider accuracy is less than 1 (Denis Chenu)

-Fixed issue #9224: Confirmation emails not being sent if several email addresses are used in the token (Carsten Schmitz)

-Fixed issue #9229: Language switch in token form with urlFormat to get broken (Denis Chenu)

-Fixed issue #9231: Error when exporting survey archive (Carsten Schmitz)

#Updated translation: Czech by slansky, kubaj

#Updated translation: Czech (Informal) by slansky

#Updated translation: Finnish by morbid, hannikkala

#Updated translation: French (France) by arnaud21

#Updated translation: Indonesian by ysulistya

#Updated translation: Italian by lfanfoni

#Updated translation: Italian (Informal) by lfanfoni

#Updated translation: Norwegian (Bokmal) by pmonstad

#Updated translation: Norwegian (Nynorsk) by pmonstad

#Updated translation: Polish by elisa

#Updated translation: Turkish by kayazeren
Changes from 2.05+ (build 140902) to 2.05+ (build 140911) Sept 11, 2014

-Fixed issue #9024: Unable to access attribute management (tpartner)

-Fixed issue #9047: Replacement field properties don't show up/bad layout (tpartner)

-Fixed issue #9132: Remote API won't work when using MSSQL dblib driver on Linux (Carsten Schmitz)

-Fixed issue #9140: Auto ID is not set properly when using Postgres and deactivating and reactivating the survey (Carsten Schmitz)

-Fixed issue #9140: Auto ID is not set properly when using Postgres and insert new id with VV import (Denis Chenu)

-Fixed issue #9140: No error message if data is not inserted on first page (Carsten Schmitz)

-Fixed issue #9152: CSV export of CPDB with additional attributes doesn't export attribute values properly (Carsten Schmitz)

-Fixed issue #9162: Pagination in CPDB panel not working (Carsten Schmitz)

-Fixed issue #9172: Sent invitations are not being marked as sent when a semi-colon exist in the email address field (Carsten Schmitz)

-Fixed issue #9174: OPTOUTURL from invitation email not working si EmailStatuts is not exactly on "OK" (Denis Chenu)

-Fixed issue #9181: When dumping database sometimes lines are left out (Carsten Schmitz)

-Fixed issue #9183: Template upload: "zip" is added to the templatename (Carsten Schmitz)

-Fixed issue #9185: End page doesn't display correctly if it contains only an image and no text (Carsten Schmitz)

-Fixed issue #9188: Array (Numbers) with Checkbox layout maximum/minimum answer validation not working if item was check and unchecked (Carsten Schmitz)

-Fixed issue #9196: Can't update a token response if the last group was hidden (Carsten Schmitz)

-Fixed issue #9199: JS error "showhelp is not defined" (Carsten Schmitz)

-Fixed issue #9200: Delete selected participants from CPDB does not allow to select a deletion mode (Carsten Schmitz)

-Fixed issue #9201: Possibility to perform XSS across email (Denis Chenu)

-Fixed issue #9208: RemoteControl function export_responses_by_token ignores completion status when several responses for the same token exist (Carsten Schmitz)

-Fixed issue #9210: ComfortUpdate not working if debug mode is activated (Carsten Schmitz)

-Fixed issue #9213: Resume on Multiple numerical input displays 10 trailing zeros after the decimal place (Denis Chenu)

-Fixed issue #9216: CPDB paging doesn't seem to be working properly (tpartner)

#Updated translation: Dutch by Han

#Updated translation: Dutch (Informal) by Han

#Updated translation: French (France) by arnaud21

#Updated translation: German by actxcellence, c_schmitz, DLange

#Updated translation: German (Informal) by actxcellence

#Updated translation: Greek by kiolalis

#Updated translation: Indonesian by ysulistya

#Updated translation: Japanese by nomoto, yamatt

#Updated translation: Norwegian (Bokmal) by pmonstad

#Updated translation: Norwegian (Nynorsk) by pmonstad

#Updated translation: Polish by elisa

#Updated translation: Russian by vipgroup

#Updated translation: Spanish (Spain) by jigal

#Updated translation: Swedish by maxzomborszki

#Updated translation: Turkish by kayazeren

Changes from 2.05+ (build 140821) to 2.05+ (build 140902) Sept 2, 2014

-Fixed issue #9190 : reduce memory footprint for "Ranking" (R) type (Denis Chenu)

-Fixed issue: CSS being broken when loading email template for detailed admin notification (Carsten Schmitz)

-Fixed issue: Misuse of 'xml' as file extension for tab-separated-values format (vundicind)

-Fixed issue: Notification emails not being sent if spaces are preceding the email address (Carsten Schmitz)

-New feature: Add title on question list when exporting result (Denis Chenu)

-New feature: Default value for yes/no question type (kairavesloot)

-New translation: Kazakh

#Updated translation: Arabic by sessid, safi00972

#Updated translation: Bulgarian by simid

#Updated translation: Chinese (Simplified) by yanglaw

#Updated translation: Dutch by L191

#Updated translation: Dutch (Informal) by Han

#Updated translation: French (France) by arnaud21

#Updated translation: Greek by MikeConom, kiolalis

#Updated translation: Kazakh by c_schmitz

#Updated translation: Norwegian (Bokma) by pmonstad

#Updated translation: Norwegian (Nynorsk) by pmonstad

#Updated translation: Polish by elisa

#Updated translation: Russian by ddrmoscow, vipgroup

#Updated translation: Spanish (Mexican) by c_schmitz

#Updated translation: Spanish (Spain) by aesteban

#Updated translation: Swedish by maxzomborszki

#Updated translation: Tamil by apmuthu
Directory: sites -> default -> files -> content -> docs
content -> Review of human rights and social inclusion issues
content -> Announcements
content -> Manchester community college supplemental job description flsa: Exempt eeo-6 code: 2-20 (Faculty) SOC code: 25-1000 classification
content -> Society of Women Engineering Bi-weekly Newsletter
content -> Information on Deanship with technology of quick response symbol (QR)
content -> Government Standard on Information & Communication Technology odg/ 14 Security
content -> Byod connection Guide
content -> Guide to australia’s counter-terrorism laws
content -> White mountains community college supplemental job description
docs -> Released by redcap on 10/14/2016 Partners Healthcare to upgrade on 11/15/2016 redcap V. 15. 11 Full Release Notes Version 15. 11 (released 10/14/2016) bug fixes & other changes

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