Religious 15 Seder Steps, The

Beer Or Bagels For Breakfast

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Beer Or Bagels For Breakfast

by John Carson

Read by Frieda Bier (1 Cd)

The book is in the form of a diary, written by the twenty-three year old author, of his time with a host of international volunteers in search of freedom and a new way of life on an Israeli Kibbutz.

Despite security scares, hard work and some misadventures, he enjoys the open and friendly society that is on offer and particularly his frequent detours to the Kibbutz pub. It is a light-hearted romp comprising one year. CONTAINS SOME VERY STRONG LANGUAGE.

No. 1468

Before I Forget : A Family Memoir

by Brian Tesler

Read by Brian Tesler (1 Cd)

This is a very personal account of Brian Tesler's family. Of the East Ends vibrant Jewish community in the early decades of the twentieth century and the life of a youngster in London in peacetime and during World War ll . Although this memoir reflects his career throughout it is not a record of it. Immersed in the radio, theatre, movies and music-hall of the 1930's and 1940's, Brian Tesler went on to become a major figure of British television. His professional career encompassed TV's entire post- war evolution from a single BBC channel, to today's explosion of satellite and cable channels. Many listeners will be able to empathise with Brian Tesler's life and upbringing, and just by changing names and addresses this could easily be a personal account of our own early lives.

No. 1376

by Meir Shalev

Read by Frieda Bier
This book is about the beginings of occurences in the Bible: the first kiss, the first love, the first hate etc. It contrives penetrating wit, deep empathy and impressive knowledge and uncovers surprising nuances and implications, capturing the ambiguity and pathos of the relationship between humans to each other and to God.

No. 1765

Beria - My Father

by Sergo Beria

Read by Jenifer Bower (1 Cd)

This unusual biography of Beria, written by his admiring and devoted son attempts to explain the reasoning behind his political thinking and how some of his policies came to fruition and others not. It is a particularly revealing insight into the life of the elite when under Stalin's rule. As well as what it was like to be a part of Stalin's intimate family of close advisors, where what should have been a great honour meant being on instant alert every minute of your life, wondering and dreading what might happen to you next.

No. 1506

Best Of Blue

by Lionel Blue

Read by Anita Boston (1 Cd)

In 1972 Lionel Blue was a little known Rabbi when he published his first book. A variety of books followed, cookery books, compilation of Jewish jokes and books with a religious theme. Now in his later life Lionel Blue has decided to present some of the very best of his writings for a wider public. This book sparkles with his characterisations and idiosyncratic humour. It is through this that his profound wisdom has touched the hearts and minds of millions of appreciative listeners.

No. 1584

Beyond These Walls

by Janina Bauman

Read by Derina Dinkin (1 Cd)

The true story of Janina Bauman and her family, who lived a comfortable life in Warsaw, surrounded by uncles, aunts, cousins and grandparents. With the outbreak of war and the siege and surrender of Warsaw this life was destroyed. However there is no trace of hate or bitterness as Bauman tells her story of her struggle to maintain some sense of normality under the most appalling circumstances. Written as a series of childlike memories this compelling acount of a jouney to womanhood while In hiding is compulsive reading.

No. 1598

Blood Ties

by Daniel Peltz

Read by Simon Cohen

David Paradim meets two people whilst staying in Paris. One becomes his wife the other his business partner in the city of London. The two get involved in fund management and a large corporate take-over, which leads to intrigue both in England and America. Through business dealings and betrayal this book gives you an insight into corporate manipulation and manoeuvring lined together with love and divorce. Lives are wrecked in the world of international business, ending in a fascinating climax that will keep you in suspense.

No. 1523

Book That Wrote Itself, The

by Irene White

Read by Gill Bennun (1 Cd)

An engaging and touching story about two couples who come together late in life. They are like people you know experiencing real life setbacks and dramas and overcoming the odds and reaching for dreams. Other characters touch their lives, some of them deceitful and conniving others kind and helpful.

No. 1385

Boy Who Fell Out Of The Sky, The

by Ken Dornstein

Read by Anita Boston (1 Cd)

This is a memoir of life and death. Ken Dornstein always looked up to his older brother David, the brother who was handsome, popular and successful with women. The brother who at just 25 years old died over Scotland in the Lockerbie bombing of 1998. This memoir begins as the story of Ken's investigation into David's death, but as his obsessive enquiries go on, it becomes the story of David's life, what he meant to Ken and who he really was. As it moves towards its devastating finale, Ken's account becomes a page-turning thriller, and raises the question: how well do we know he people we love?

No. 1614

Breaking Ranks

by Ben Black

Read by Anthony Tibber (1 Cd)

This is the gripping story of a young man from England who emigrates to Israel, becomes a citizen, requests to go into the army and is 'exiled' to Australia. There are interesting views on Israeli life and on a young man's struggle with his conscience. A very good read.

No. 1333

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