Replies to initial written questions raised by Finance Committee Members in examining the Estimates of Expenditure 2012-13 Director of Bureau : Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development Session No. 12 File name : cedb(cit)- doc

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Examination of Estimates of Expenditure 2012-13

Reply Serial No.



Question Serial No.


Head :

152 Government Secretariat:

Commerce and Economic

Development Bureau (Commerce,

Industry and Tourism Branch)

Subhead (No. & title) :

Programme :

(6) Travel and Tourism

Controlling Officer :

Permanent Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development
(Commerce, Industry and Tourism)

Director of Bureau :

Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development

Question :
On diversifying the green tourism products on offer in Hong Kong, will the Administration inform this Committee of the following:
(a) How many green tourism products were promoted in 2011? What items were included? What were the expenditures and manpower involved?
(b) How many green tourism products will undergo major improvement measures in 2012-13? What are the specific implementation measures? What are the expenditures and manpower involved?
(c) What are the detailed plan and publicity strategies for promoting the Hong Kong National Geopark? What are the expected economic benefits?
(d) Has provision been earmarked for the daily conservation of the Geopark?
Asked by : Hon. IP Wai-ming
Reply :
(a)-(c) The Hong Kong Tourism Board (HKTB) has adopted a targeted approach and utilised “Great Outdoors Hong Kong!” as the marketing platform to promote three major types of green tourism products to nature lovers (such as senior citizens in Japan and South Korea, as well as hikers in the southern part of Mainland China, Taiwan and other markets), including –

  • the Sai Kung Volcanic Rock Region and the Northeast New Territories Sedimentary Rock Region of the Hong Kong Global Geopark of China (the Geopark);

  • hiking trails such as the MacLehose Trail, outlying islands (Lamma Island, Cheung Chau, Peng Chau), walking trails (the Peak Circle Walk, the Dragon’s Back); and

  • the Hong Kong Wetland Park and the Mai Po Wetland.

In 2012-13, the HKTB will implement the following initiatives to promote green tourism products (including the Geopark):

Promotions targeting visitors

  • To promote green tourism products, including those featuring the Geopark, which are operated by local travel agents to inbound visitors through various channels such as HKTB’s website, visitor centres and guide books.

  • To organise complimentary guided tours in November under the “Great Outdoors Hong Kong!” programme by taking visitors to see the landforms at the Geopark.

  • To encourage individual visitors to explore the Geopark via the “Great Outdoors Hong Kong!” thematic website and complimentary guidebook.

  • To arrange different media organisations from target source markets to visit and feature the Geopark in their TV programmes or publish articles which showcase the Geopark.

Promotions targeting overseas trade

  • To introduce the Geopark by display boards at travel fairs and road shows in target source markets; and to distribute recommended itineraries and information on the Geopark to the overseas trade for reference for developing new tourism products.

  • To invite overseas trade partners specialising in green tourism to visit the Geopark for themselves, and encourage them to include the Geopark itineraries in their products and promote them to nature lovers.

Meanwhile, the Tourism Commission (TC) is exploring with the HKTB, the travel trade and relevant departments on how to facilitate tourists to visit the Geopark, including launching a pilot scheme to allow coaches to transport inbound visitors to and from the East Dam of the High Island Reservoir on a limited scale, with a view to promoting nature-based tourists’ activities.

The TC and HKTB will carry out the above promotion work with existing resources. No additional expenses and manpower will be incurred.
Promotion of the Geopark and other natural attractions will entice nature lovers to visit Hong Kong. Their spending in Hong Kong will bring us economic benefits, which are nevertheless difficult to quantify.
(d) In 2012-13, the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department has earmarked $29.2 million under Head 22 Programme (2) Nature Conservation and Country Parks for the management and operation of the Geopark.


Name in block letters

Andrew HY WONG

Post Title

Permanent Secretary for Commerce and
Economic Development
(Commerce, Industry and Tourism)



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