Replies to initial written questions raised by Finance Committee Members in examining the Estimates of Expenditure 2012-13 Director of Bureau : Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development Session No. 12 File name : cedb(cit)- doc

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Examination of Estimates of Expenditure 2012-13

Reply Serial No.



Question Serial No.


Head :

152 Government Secretariat:

Commerce and Economic

Development Bureau (Commerce,

Industry and Tourism Branch)

Subhead (No. & title) :

Programme :

(6) Travel and Tourism

Controlling Officer :

Permanent Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development
(Commerce, Industry and Tourism)

Director of Bureau :

Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development

Question :
With regard to the development project of a piazza in Tsim Sha Tsui, will the Government advise this Committee of the following:
a) What was the progress of the project in 2011? What is the anticipated completion date?
b) What is the project's estimated expenditure for 2012-13? What is the number of staff employed and what are their ranks?
c) Since the project will affect the existing Star Ferry Pier and bus terminus, has the Administration earmarked resources to improve and enhance the ancillary facilities, such as providing additional street signs, so as to mitigate the inconvenience caused to tourists as well as bus and ferry passengers?
Asked by : Hon. IP Wai-ming
Reply :
The required information about the Tsim Sha Tsui piazza project is as follows:
(a) The Administration originally proposed to develop an open piazza at the harbourfront area adjacent to the Tsim Sha Tsui (TST) Star Ferry Pier, and to construct an adjacent turnaround which could accommodate a number of bus stops and a taxi stand. The relevant Government departments gazetted the works for the turnaround in 2009 and 2010. Taking into account the public views received, the Administration has revisited the way forward for the piazza project, and proposes to adopt a new design concept that will integrate the piazza with the revitalisation of the TST Star Ferry Pier, with an aim to developing the vicinity into a tourism node. Under the new design concept, we propose to expand the turnaround being planned to become a new public transport interchange. The relevant departments already gazetted the works for the expansion of the turnaround in September 2011. We are following up with the views collected during the period of gazettal in accordance with the statutory procedures, and are working on the design for the tourism node. When a more concrete design proposal is available, we will consult relevant organizations and stakeholders.
(b) The project is still at the planning stage, and hence no expenditure will be incurred in 2012-13. The staffing of the above project has been subsumed into the establishment of the Commerce, Industry and Tourism Branch of this Bureau for 2012-13, and it is difficult to quantify the amount separately.
(c) The planned public transport interchange under the new design concept will enable all bus routes currently using the TST Star Ferry Pier bus terminus to continue to call at the Star Ferry Pier in future. This will facilitate passengers in interchanging with the Star Ferry, and hence reduce possible impact on the public and visitors.


Name in block letters

Andrew HY WONG

Post Title

Permanent Secretary for Commerce and
Economic Development
(Commerce, Industry and Tourism)



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